Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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We have kids!!!!:weee

Twin girls!!!!:love

12 lbs red, heavily spotted, 8 lbs solid red. :celebrate

She had them on the ground when I went out to check around 5:30-6 pm. The little red one was soaking wet so likely just hit the ground minutes before. The spotted one was in Andys pen. Mama is a gentle giant! She is huge, but is so careful where she steps. We have them currently tucked into the old shed in the same pen. I am afraid to try and block the door, Ravi might break something trying to get in and cause more trouble than it is worth. So open door it is. Temp is fine outside, but mama had them tucked under the shelf anyways so they should stay plenty cozy. We milked out about a cup of colostrum and her udder is already full again. Last year, she fed Pearl when Little was at the fair, and gave me milk for supplementing Ravis triplets, so I am sure Bailey will be able to feed both girls just fine...and we could probably sneak a little for our coffee too without her even noticing. Her udder is...ugly, to put it plainly, but her teats are soft as butter and the babies had no trouble eating so I have no complaints here. Milking her is a smidge difficult since she has 2 teats fused nearly the whole way, milk leaks/squirts out the second orifice when you milk the main one, but whatever. So far it looks like both baby girls are 1x1 :fl Oh and they both have thick, luscious coats! I am so grateful she waited until we were home and had them in the evening. Very considerate of her.


I didn't get a good pic of the red one, she was moving in all 3 pics, but you can see how dark she is behind her sister.

Farm Day is put on by the Farm Bureau. All the third graders in the county come on a field trip to learn about agriculture and where their food comes from. Even for such an agricultural area, surprisingly many of the kids have never seen many of the animals we bring and many are new to the idea that eggs, milk and meat came from somewhere other than the grocery store. I think this is our 5th year doing the dairy goat presentation, 4th doing this combo goat and poultry presentation in the big arena. My poultry kids were originally doing the little 4h free time presentations but I was struggling to help them and run between the poultry kids and DS3s dairy goat one, so I asked if we could move the poultry kids closer to my dairy goat kid and they ended up giving us a big area and set groups to present to. We always try and squeeze in groups even if they weren't supposed to come to ours cause touching the eggs and animals is what I would have loved about a field trip like this so I want to share with any group that wants to join us. I got a kick out of watching several of the kids pet the goose eggs today! :D =D The eggs are hard boiled so they can handle them, but they seem to want to pet the larger eggs instead for some reason. We brought blue, green, brown and pink eggs just to share the rainbow of colors.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Congrats! You've got more SPOTS! What a beauty! and twin does too! Life is GOOD! Although if I recall, I think you wanted bucklings to sell... :eek: Anyway, they both look great and mom seems to be doing all the things a good momma should be doing. thanks for the pics!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Thanks Latestarter!

Actually... what I really wanted was girls to keep :hide, but selling (what I SHOULD do) would be easier with boys since I already have 2 spotted bucks. I am a full blown addict and it is sooooo easy to just keep them. :idunno


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
Ahhh!!! Makes me miss my spotted goats. Sorry about the double teat, don't know that I ever checked her to be quite honest. She was the first spotted kid born at my place so I was so thrilled to see spots and a doeling that I doubt I checked much else. At the time I was going to sell spotted Boers but little did I know how hard it was to get the spots to show up. I really wanted black spotted ones and that was the reason I bought a solid black doe and a black headed doe but could never make them appear. Oh well, just glad she had them ok, and those are BIG kids. It's funny that you got a solid red; with a spotted dam and sire you would think spots all the way. Just goes to show how illusive those spots can be.

Bellini and her sister had a solid red dam (I think...Tequilla??) If so they were line bred to their sire trying to get those spots to appear and I guess it worked...that time.

Wait...last year? Was she still in milk when I gave her to you? Have you ever tasted her milk? Boers are supposed to have really rich milk. I have a Boer/Alpine due this week and she is as wild as they come so it should be a challenge to milk her but we will see.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Yes, When you gave her to me, her kids had just been removed and she came to me in milk. By the next day she looked so engorged, that I had to milk her out. She wasn't to sure about the milking thing or the milkstand, but offered extra snacks, her inner eating machine came alive and then of course, she was almost a dream on the stand. Honestly better then several of my milking girls their whole first milking seasons. Her milk is rich and creamy! :drool Just like the non sugared variety of nigerian milk. In fact I forgot that nigerian milk tasted extra sweet until I did a taste test with Baileys milk. Now I remember that when I first started drinking my goats milk, I was thrown by the sweetness.

As for her teats... it doesn't matter. (Not supposed to look a gift 'horse' in the mouth/teats....and besides, she is my favorite so it wouldn't matter anyway.) She can feed her kids and I (mostly) learned how to milk her anyway. I know in boers it is hart to find 1x1 and honestly, I would think that 2x2 fully functioning on a high producer would actually be best if you have 3-4 kids. I hate having 3-4 nigerian kids with only 2 teats. I don't want anyone to have to 'fight' for their meals. I always try to at least offer supplemental bottles to trips or quads. Some will take to the extra so they don't have to fight, some prefer mom to me. :idunno


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Glad you like her; she was always pretty easy going. She has a solid red sister that I sold, wish I had given her to you too.

I think that many of the spotted does do better with milk production as a lot of them have Nubian blood in the line as that is how many producers started breeding for spots.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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So apparently Bailey prefers spots too. I picked up her red kid and the baby cried. She ran in to check on her spotted kid that was sleeping under the shelf. She gets down on her knees and touches her, checks her out, stares at her for 2-3 minutes just making sure she really is fine! :loveThe funny thing is... she does it every time. Checks her spotted kid for every cry, when it isn't even her crying! :barnie


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I milked out another cup and a half of colostrum and froze it. It seems like the kids might not eat as much from one side. The other side was empty so that is good.

The spotted kid is a square little chunk! Solid body, wide chest and a fat neck! Can't wait to see how she grows out! :)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Babs, I have a feeling the red kid is going to be sweeter....she was soaking wet when I got there yesterday and she seems more snuggly when I pick her up.... I am in trouble....:th

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