Rocky is a pretty good sized kid. I think Andy still has a few pounds on him, but Andy is 4. I have less time spent with Rocky since we just threw together cattle panel separators to make emergency private quarters for the big boys. They don't actually have gates so when I need to do something with them, we open the panels or DS1 hops over the fence and "squeezes" the big boys against the panels so I can reach to give injections or check skin, etc. They can be fed and scratched easily enough through or over the panels, so they don't mind. I need to bring him out to get some better pics.
Rockys horns make him look quite a bit more impressive than Andy. I think I will try and leave the horns on the little white buck and see how that goes. I will take them off the girls though (so if I want to keep them) I hopefully won't have to deal with the horns. They do make life more difficult.
"Nom Nom Nom... Who said goats don't eat plastic? I think they are wrong! This is tasty!"
Bries udder pic...pretty nice goat boobies even if they aren't full! One of these days I will get a good full pic.... one of these days I won't be so tired that I forget all my milking stuff in the kitchen every morning... one of these days....
I shaved up a couple of the boys for pics. I didn't do the all out super detailed trims as they aren't showing and that is a lot of work. They were also pretty irked and really impatient about us trying to get pics so these are the best we could get.
This guy has style and elegance!
For a little guy, this one was hiding some power under his long coat!
I was having a rough morning. Woke up with a headache (they have spraying the orchards around us all night). Ran home for lunch, but had to answer a CL email. I advertised Beefaroni for sale and/or barter, the barter part being to haul to the dump and pay the fees on several large items I need gone. I was anxious to move everything to a tidier pile so CL person could see it even if I was at work, explaining that my family won't show animals I have advertised so that would have to be figured out otherwise. I was moving some of the smaller items when I heard a kid in distress. I went to check things out and from the distance everything looked fine. On closer inspection, I found my little female nigerian baby wedged in the low fork of a tree trunk. I think her front feet still touched the ground, but her belly as wedged in the fork. Mama was laying on the ground next to her and brother was there too. I imagine she had been stuck for awhile, she was a little sore once I set her down. I am sure thankful for her guardian angels watching over her today! And thankful I was so anxious to move the stuff or I may never have heard her cry.
We ran to get hay and feed this morning. Had a nice lunch out with DS1 and then came home to unload hay. Got a deadline because I am leaving for the night. I am attending a CE session a few hours away with my boss and a coworker. Gotta be done by 4 PM. We put Leaky and Beaux in the house while we unload and have Wiley out with us. We finish the hay, go out front and find only Beaux looking worried at the gate. I panicked and wanted to know where Leaky was. He killed one of our rabbits a week ago and had a stray cat several months ago. DS1 heard a cat scream and found Pirate wedged in between the fence and the house. DS got her out and got bit while doing so. We found the dog hiding in his crate. Pirate got up to follow me when I opened a can of cat food for her and ate some, so I think she will be OK. Gave her some pain meds. Her back leg feels a little swollen, no blood. I am mostly worried about her internal organs, but there isn't a whole lot we can do about that. Hopefully she just needs some quiet to recuperate.
Thanks Ferguson K. I think she is OK. Just got back from CE and DS1 said she tried to bite him over her pain meds... Normal behavior for her so that is good. She is getting around like normal and DS is ok too! Yeah for everyone doing good!
CE was good. Focused on canine and feline dentistry and dental radiographs. We have a new dental xray machine so it was good to get some advice on positioning and interpreting. Glad to be home though! Love my home, kids and of course the animals!