Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I am afraid the list of questions is just a little intimidating......

So I'll just start with a little bit about me. I am 30 with 5 years of experience...and I will be 30 again this year. I just add years of experience see. That way I get to be 30 for always. I happen to like this age because I am not as young and ignorant as I was 10 years ago. I am comfortable with who I am now and I have a wonderful life, so I think I'll just stay here.

I am married. We have been married for 17 years with 4 years of dating prior, so it all adds up to about 150 years. Hey, it's only as long as it feels right?

I have 4 wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful) teenagers..... They are 17, 16,16 and 15 years old. Yep that was a double step there, I had twins right in the middle. That was the year both of my grandfathers died so the twins middle names are after them. I told everyone that I know both my gramps were up in heaven playing a really mean joke on me so I was getting revenge by naming the babies after them. I love my kids. I always wanted to grow up to be a mom and have 10 kids. I just happen to be 6 kids short at the moment. Anyone got any to spare? I think having them so close was awesome. It was like having a playgroup with me everywhere I went. They were so cute as babies....

I told my husband that he is the only, only child I am ever going to have...only children are a pain in the you know what! Spoiled!

In all reality, I absolutely love kids. Well I love babies. 5 year olds get a little annoying, 10-13 are pretty fun, then they get annoying again around 14 or 15....Anyhow, I would love to have more kids, any and all of them....We have discussed fostering, but neither of us can fathom giving kids back to a less than ideal home (even though we know we are not perfect parents). When we look around, we do find that we are much more family focused than most of the people around us.

I am located in Central California where the seasons are summer , summer, summer, fog.

I have just a little patch of weeds for a farm, because I grow weeds the best....everything else takes a lot of work and likes to die in the 112 degree heat we get out here. That is if the gophers don't eat them first. But they are organic weeds so that's OK. All my animals can eat them that way.

I used to be a small animal veterinary technician about 10 years ago. Then I got to stay home with my kids. My favorite field of study was feline nutrition. I ended up using some of the knowledge and what not to apply to my kids when I saw the need and that led into an interest for human nutrition. I still enjoy nutrition so I tend to get pretty involved in what I feed my animals and why.

I am a cat person. Ragdolls in particular. I had one that I bought to show, but she hated the show hall. Loved the hotels and time alone with me but got all angry about the noise and smells when we showed. She didn't win anything, but one of the ragdoll breeders told me to take her back east and she would be giving her boys a run for their money. I guess the judges out here tend to prefer the bicolors or cats with white because they are more flashy and catch your eye more. Halo was a blue colorpoint. I didn't have the money to do that so she just retired and I tried breeding her a few times for a show baby, but I didn't get what I was looking for. So they all retired and now I just have really froufrou house pets whose only job is to purr and look pretty and put up with me. And they tuck us in at night, keeping the covers down so no cold air gets in. Rainey sleeps on my hubby's head to keep him warm. Tantara sleeps on top of me but she is a micro cat so at 4 lbs that is nothing. Bianca is in your face if she even thinks you are going to open an eye to give her some attention....and if you weren't she'll wake you up. Because you were supposed to give her attention. That is your job. Harley kisses is a mutt cat that I rescued as a 9 or 10 day old baby....but that is another story for another day...She sleeps by our legs or feet. When you walk into the room, Harley expects you to stand near the edge of the bed so she can reach up to give you a "kiss" on the nose.

So that is just a little bit about me and a few of the cats that share my life.

I have to admit that even for a lifelong cat lover...goats are quickly becoming a favorite animal around here......

I love watching my sebastapol geese, I just got my first egg of the season by the way. I have 2 white, 2 lavender, one spash (I think), and 2 rescue geese. Crabby Abby is 17 and was given to us about 4 years ago. She has a lame foot. Lucy Goosey was given to us as a rescue also, because she had spraddle leg as a baby and had her legs tapped together to help. She walks kind of funny and is less steady on her feet than everyone else.

My blue fawn calls should start laying soon. The parents are from Holderreads and the other 4 are babies I hatched from them and kept.

The Muscovy babies are old enough to sell. Ferdy hatched 9 babies and then proceeded to beat up her mate every time she saw him...Some might think she was upset about something....I tried to tell her that having 9 kids is not the reason lady parts go south in ducks....since they lay eggs and all.... but she didn't care, she kept beating him up. Alas, we had to eat him. I can't let the muscovy boys loose in the yard because they try and get fresh with my geese...they like big butts and they cannot lie.....!!!! But really, I can't stand them harassing my geese. They taste good though, so I just invite them to dinner.

It is time to decide which chickens to breed and hatch this year. Oh I just got my first egg of the year from my lavender colored Americana. Her eggs are a really dark pastel aqua (if that makes any sense).

I think I am done for the night, but I'll be back to talk about goats and chickens and all that. I hope anyone that stops in enjoys sharing a little bit of my life with me....welcome!


Loving the herd life
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
Welcome to Journaling! I can't wait to read your future posts.

I love ragdolls, I had one years ago and she was sooo sweet. I would love to have another.

I'd love to see pictures of your animals!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina

loved that first part! 30 with the added years of experience! and married for 150 years! :lol:
I agree... having kids close together is the best way to go! I use to say something similar... like everyday is a party!
For 9-12 is the hard years, just hard to explain why... love the teens though!
So glad you started a journal! :)


Ridin' The Range
Jan 8, 2013
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Hart Co., KY
Yea, Iliked that part to. There is an auction we go to on Sat. night for entertianment, they have a sign that says "50, 18 years old, 32 years of experience".


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the encouragement. I am glad you enjoy it.

I don't usually enjoy writing and I am not very good at the whole grammar/punctuation thing, so forgive me in advance.

I do tend to be a little serious, always have been, so sometimes my humor is a little dry or something. But I think between being married to a boy so long and and having teen boys, both those things tend to warp you good...yeah I said warp...some days I think I am so twisted I shouldn't talk to myself...I would just embarrass me so I keep my mouth shut. Hey I just realized, maybe it is just boys in general that warp your sense of humor....My daughter can hold her own with any of them, but she chooses to not be so gross....I guess I should wish her luck or something...I may not be much actual help since I am clearly not able to with stand the overwhelming amount of manfumes or whatever makes your manners disappear and the weird thoughts to show up around boys.

I am up early even though I went to bed late because of this durn punctured eardrum on top of an ear infection. My ear started popping really loud so I got up to change the pressure. I'll take my Rx in a few hours. Dr said these things can take a month for the fluid to clear and to take it easy because there is nothing they can do for the actual hole. I have to say, this was truly one of the most painful things I have ever experienced...Even having to listen to some of the dinner conversations with the hubby and teen boys....well sometimes I threaten to stop cooking again if the conversation doesn't stay clean enough , then I go and blow it myself by giggling, having to confess that I am thinking about icicles on goat willies! Thanks alot BYH! I thought we were friends and here you go getting me in trouble with the family! Sheesh!

Actually I can't really hear much right now, I feel like my head is in the fishbowl, under water so everything has been really peaceful for the last 2 days...dogs aren't as loud, even the roosters have toned it down since I'm sick...Isn't that thoughtful of them? Incidentally, I have been thinking about the fish a lot more the last 2 days, probably cause I feel like I'm underwater with them. Anyway, y'all might get a little kick out of Nemo. I found her floating upside down and was devastated! "Nemo! Oh NO! Hey guys, I think Nemo's dead...oh no she's just upside down..." so every day for about 5 days or so I checked on her totally expecting her to be dead...one day she is up and just as normal as a retarded little fish can be..." I think she farted. She's fine." was my official declaration over her that day....since then she has done it several times. I'm starting to suspect that she just wants extra attention! Leave it to me to end up with a retarded fish! Really! Now if the power flickers in the living room I blame it on her "Nemo farted".

Most of my fish I've had for years, so I imagine she will be around for awhile, even though apparently I do everything wrong in my tank. I have 3 koi, one long tailed fantail (I think that is what he is called), one comet and Nemo, my short tailed fancy goldfish. Sampson is my white fantail, I've had him about 7 years I think and the koi and comet I've had for about 5. Nemo has only been around for about 3 years so she is the baby. I was at Petsmart and asked a buddy of mine that worked there if i should do anything different. Once I told him what I had together he just kinda said "hmmm..." I laughed and asked if I was doing everything wrong. Well yeah but my fish are alive and well, not to mention living for years, so I guess I got something right!

Hey... maybe that is Nemo's problem! Maybe the other fish flip her over, you know like cow tipping, and then she can't get back up!!!!I am so gonna have a talk with them! But I am still gonna blame Nemo for farting....who else has a farting fish? Haha that's just funny!

Ok I gotta go check on Nemo and wake them up, I call them all Fishy Fish when talking to all of them....like "Morning Fishy Fish or goodnight Fishy Fish" I stole it from Mucha Lucha the cartoon my kids used to watch. That fish lived in the toilet I think...I thought it was hilarious...


Overrun with beasties
Aug 11, 2011
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I'm with you on the 30 + x# of years of experience. I like this age as well...although I still think I'm in my late 20's most of the time! When people ask how long we've been married, my husband responds with "going on 10 years...and it's been the BEST 3 months of my life!"

I'm a cat person myself. LOVE them. All of ours are mutts (except our Mau...who was GIVEN to us)...but Ragdolls would be SOOOO awesome! I LOVE BIG and FLUFFY cats! (Only have one of those...and he is tortured!) Big and fluffy anything actually.

Goats are fun. I love all my critters...but goats do have the most "personality" if I can call it that. They're like the PITA kid that you love BECAUSE s/he's a PITA!

And if anyone wants MY EVIL ONE...she's coming on 9 years old next month...you can have her until she's like 17-18 maybe? Like Symphony said...we'll all just move around Southern and Bon...


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I thought I would share a few pics.
Since I was talking about the geese a little...
Most of the sebastapol crew...Crabby Abby is the white embden to the far Right, Lucy is the toulouse behind her

I totally forgot about my little Canadian children.. :barnie ...They were a gift from a friend

Gorgeous Dahling! I am just Gorgeous!

OK so technically not a goose...This is a dragon that thinks she is a call duck...Elliot....(Pete's Dragon movie)

I think this was Leah...or Willow..they look a lot alike


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Northeast Mississippi
Hope your ear gets better soon...ouchie!!!! :hugs

Too funny about fish farting :lol:

Love the photos...thanks for sharing them :)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Here is last years baby, Funkasaurus...I am pretty sure she is a girl since I saw Not-So-Gandhi (our not-so peaceful male) trying to put the moves on her the other day

And this is Willow and Leah in the back, Not-So-Gandhi on the left and Funkasaurus on the right.

Sorry about the ground, they were all hanging out in the mud.....They have the whole yard to roam, but of course since they are white and light colored, they insist on hanging out in the dirty part of the yard... :sick ...but they are still pretty...

Bon, thanks for the hugs... I needed a few today!