Just got back from getting those ducks. Couple of them are bigger than the rest. Think those two are drakes. Going to keep them a while and then see f I can sell them.
Just got back from getting those ducks. Couple of them are bigger than the rest. Think those two are drakes. Going to keep them a while and then see f I can sell them.
Yep. Score! Im thinking $20 per duck? Or $45 for a breeding pair? Someone also had a calf for free diwn there but I didnt call on that one because they stated it was two days old and couldnt walk. Dont have time for that.
If they are anything like the purebreds, they are actually a " Swedish Blue" duck. No crests, and have a patch of white where the throat meets the body, and 2-3 pure white feathers in each wing, the outside flight feathers, which make it look like a little white tucked at the end of the wings when held against the body. The bluish feathers are actually edged with a little darker blue lacing. The are quite pretty when fully feathered. Medium sized in the duck world, bigger than a Khaki, smaller than a pekin.
Thats what the lady told me they were. Got them out in the barn righ now. I put them in the brooder for the chicks
.im thinking of putting them in the stall so they have more room. They seem to have all thier feathers so Im wondering if they still need a heatlamp.
If they are fully feathered, they don't need a heat lamp. But if you put them in the brooder, and have some heat on them, I would turn it down but not move them until this cold weather snap passes now. You could cause them to get sick by changing the temps. If you put them in there with no heat, then, yes, you can move them somewhere they are out of the cold wind but no heat lamp.