Just got a call about the ducks. Offered me $60 for all of them but complained about the hour drive to get them from where hes coming from. Then offered me $50 because of how far it was. Told him no that if I had to drive to meet him I wanted $75.00. He hung up. Oh, well. His loss.
Took Mom and Dad down to Skyline for his test this morning. They told Mom to show up at the medical center area to check in when they come down. Its closed on the weekends.
Talked to this nurse about where to go for the MRI and got directed to the emergency room for check in. Ok.
Asked to use a wheelchair to take Dad to the car, but was told Mom had to present her license to check it out and to make sure she brought it back. Like what? We are gonna steal it? Nevermind.
So get over to the area we are supposed to be at and they finally get him back there for the MRI. Nurse brings him back not long after because she says she cant get his head in the right position. I cant remember what word she kept using, but it started with an H.
So its now 9:30am. We have been there nearly 2 1/2 hours for nothing.
Oh, yeah. Another fun thing is we got searched before we could enter the emergency room waiting area. B looked thru our purses and we got wanded, too. WTH?
So Dad never got the test. Everybody down there was very rude. Holy moly.
So we left and Mom needed to go to Wally World and then Krogers to get Dads meds. Helped unload the groceries and came home and finished setting up my CL find greenhouse outside.
Put the duckies out in the dog kennel last night. Already had thier fresh water muddy from this morning. Idiots. Rooster still aint crowing. Acts fine otherwise.
Got my new seed catalogs today. Started a flat of tomato seeds and bell peppers. My cauliflower, cabbage, and swiss chard looks like its starting to sprout. Onions not doing too good. Or the spinach and kale.
That is part of the reason I won't return to a hospital....I refuse to be handled like an animal at a auction....without any respect or compassion.....hope things do go better for ya on future visits....but, don't hold your breath.....