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- #171
Never would have guessed the movie and don't even remember it. Maybe didn't see it. I like curry flavor but not really hot.
It wasnt a movie that was well known. Dont think it did well at the box office , but is one of my favorites. It also had Howard Hessman in it, if you remember him from WKRP, another one of my favorite shows, especially the guy who played Randy Travis<wowza>. It also had Fran Dreshman<sp> and Donna Dixon, who ended up marrying Dan in it. She was the tall blonde in the movie. She was also on a show called Bossom Buddies, which gave Tom Hanks his acting start. I dont know if they have MeTv down there on your channel line up in Tx, but they show all the old 70's and 80's shows on there like Gilligans Island, Hogans Heroes, Lavergne and Shirley, to name a few. I watch that channel alot because it was a time when, in my opinion, the shows were cleaner, no cussing, or very little, no sex scenes, not what they call tv today. One of my favorite shows I still watch is Andy Griffith. Funny, clean, no violence. Why cant they make shows like that anymore? Makes you wonder if they did, maybe there wouldnt be so much teen violence, or violence at all like it is today? Sad.