Rammy's Ramblings

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
It will certainly work for the short time, but as the weather turns colder and wetter, and they need more of the energy that hay provides, they will most likely push it down due to the small openings which hinder their ability to eat it as fast as they want to.
Most hay rings will also waste some hay, and your's will waste less, but the tradeoff is cattle losing condition as the weather gets worse. They will expend so much energy trying to get a mouthful of hay, you may be better off going another route.

It is also important to consider both the protein AND fat content of your hay in the colder months.
Protein builds muscle and fat provides energy.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Yup, you need a bigger hole for a cow head to stick through, but for a short time, that will work! I use a cow panel square for a sheep hay ring, but their heads are smaller.
Well, they don't absolutely 'have' to get their whole head in, but the hole needs to be big enough to be able to use their tongues as efficiently as they can. Tall vertical slots work better for the cow than square openings do.
I and thousands of others have fed lots of hay from the old slot wood type feeders. manger.jpg

Actually much less waste with this decades old design, but it is a lot more labor intensive than just dropping a round bale in a bale ring.
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Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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Got up super early today because I couldnt sleep. Maybe its in anticipation of the coming time change. So got some cleaning done. Usual stuff, vaccuming, laundry, dishes.
Let Lucy out to potty. Midnight, the cat, always zips out too to do her thing. Midnight didnt stay out long because of the temps. She didnt last 5 minutes. Wimpy cat.
Ran some errands later on with the usual grocery store run, post office, gas for the truck. Got paid yesterday so, yippie, got to give just about half of it to the insurance company for the car and house insurance.
Mom wanted me to stop at Wally World to get her a few things so got those and stopped at her house on the way home. She has some more tests done and they stuck an endiscope down her throat so shes recovering from that still. Had some polyps removed from the other end so shes not too spry right now.
When I got home I moved the dog yard fence over some using some extra chain link panels I had. Its not enough to do the whole yard but thats ok. For the rest of the area I used a roll of 2 x 4" wire roll I had left over from using it to expand the chicken yard. Moved the t-posts over to make more of a straight line and now you can walk all around the storage shed.
Gathered up some cow manure to put on the garden for next year. Tire was flat on the wheel barrow so went to get the pump to air it up. While I was waiting for it to fill up ( air compressor), the cows decided to dump the manure for me. Thanks, girls!
So thats my Saturday adventures. Easy chair, here I stay!


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
Everytime I want to burn my brushpile or spray the fenceline, it rains or is too windy. Maybe I will get to do it someday. :idunnoPoor chickens are still upset that they are in chicken jail. Buzzards are still flying around my area. Put lights on them to help with eggs. Getting a few more eggs but not like the summer. :hit
Came over to Moms today to clean the floors for her. Went and got a few more things at the store I forgot yesterday. Its really windy outside because we are suppose to get some rain next day or so.
Cows like thier hay ring I made them. Should be going to the sale barn soon.:ya
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