Yep. The house next to me is a nice neighbor. Goobermooch is the one to the left of that. You can probably see the privacy fence. You can see my pasture goes right behind and alongside his. I was trying to figure out how to place an arrow pointing to it but that short corner already kinda does. You can also see my pine trees along that one side. I couldnt get the shading to go away in the box.
You could try what i am getting ready to do.....plant fast growing thorny bushs along goobermooch side, , a little prick from a thorny bush tends to deter peepers and critters..... i am planting large thorned bushes....bogenvilla grow wonderfully here and nobody would survive the thorns after two years of growth....
Rammy, my husband is 59 years old...i am 66...i
He has never heard of the village people...we just watched your posting of "in the navy" tears running down my, thank you
Those guys were a big deal in the 70's. They even made a movie with Valerie Perrine, Bruce Jenner, ( before he decided he was a girl), and Steve Guttenberg. Its called Cant Stop The Music.
The Navy was going to use that song as a recruitment tool until they found out they were all gay. YMCA wasnt happy with them either. Still like thier songs.
Most adversity does, or at least, overcoming it will, however, there are limits..
If the adversity is permanent or chronic, then that extra strength is forever used up/wasted on coping with that same adversity. Life is not a zero sum game..