I have a Hamp/Suffolk mix and he has never been agressive towards us. But he has started ramming the ewes, not only during feeding time, but sometimes randomly. Not only does he ram them head on while they ram him back but he rams them in the side and this concerns me, could this injure the lambs if the ewes are pregnant? Why would he be ramming them now after being with them for a year? Three of my seven ewes seem to be due within the next month and these are the ones he is ramming, two of them are the dominant ewes of the flock and the third is one of the biggest ewes we have, could that have anything to do with it? We also had a different ram that they could be bred to, could he possibly be able to tell that the lambs aren't his before they've been born? He has always been a docile ram, has not rammed my lgd or anyone who gets near him and still doesn't, it's just the ewes that he is ramming. Basically I want to know why a ram would ever ram a ewe if not for dominance?Separate him...we are limited in our set up here, so put up fencing within the paddock so that he can have company through the fence. If he rams a pregnant ewe, that is not a good thing. Meant a separate hay feeder, and pellet feeder and water and his own shelter.