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- #11
Herd Master
They are fat tailed. Love that little tail.Both look unusual, a bit roach backed?
Are they a fattail breed? Possibly they fill out differently than other breeds.
At two, I wouldn't be happy to see an ewe looking like an old maid. How many did she have?
Have you run a fecal & checked eye lids?
Are they on pasture or hay? Full belly, mine don't have sunken loins, is she eating enough in a day of hay/grass?
She's only lambed once but she had twins when she did.
Ran a fecal and she was clean. I'm not sure what the eyelids mean. I've stared long into those star lit eyes pondering the meaning of life but they never said anything back to me.

They are on pasture with the only hay they eat being what we put down as bedding.
I'm not sure if she's eating enough during the day. Is there a way to tell? I see her going out and grazing but I'm not out there with her all day so I'm not sure just from looking at them during the day.