NH homesteader
Herd Master
Maple walnut chevre??? DH is allergic to walnuts but the maple sounds good!
I'm think buck/doe twins from Melanie, 2-3 from Rio, and 3 from Obie- 2 bucks 1 doe
The syrup looks so good! Maple & walnut chèvre is great BTW!
IMHO, ALL of those does look to be carrying multiples! Hope they're all doelings for you! That maple syrup looks good enough to eat! I wonder... can you taste a difference between the 2 batches? like maybe the "darker" one is more mapl-ey? or something?
Not sure what the right words are but the lighter stuff seems "smoother, more polished" the fairly dark stuff, "stronger, sometimes a bit harsh". But those things can, I think, be affected by how the sap is boiled. I've never made any so I can't comment on all the "balance" than needs to happen when boiling. Also, when the trees are about to bud, the sap/syrup is dark and IMO not as tasty.