Let us know about the hair loss when you figure it out. My Nigie loses hair down her back when she's pregnant, and the person I got her from said her dam does the same thing. We assumed hormones but I haven't gotten a definitive yes or no. Looks just like that.
Yesterday was nice and sunny here- perfect for outside chores- cleaned all the rabbit area, cleaned the chicken coop and cleaned the goats finally feel a bit caught up.
Rio is day 150 today- has some dripping going on and maybe her sides have dropped some more. We moved her into the kidding area last night-she was okay while we were standing there but once we left she started yelling and she's not quiet! She isn't alone as Obie is next to her....she did finally stopped but is at it this morning again
Rio decided tonight was it...around 8 pm she started showing signs that she was getting ready and by 8:30 pm we had 1 kid out. Rio is a FF and has 1 doeling this year to take care of. Doeling is 7 lbs 5 oz, very long legs, up and nursing pretty well! Will post picture tomorrow