Southern by choice
Herd Master
Ummmmmmmmm NO a big fat NO! There is a reason I live here, and a reason why I whine and complain once it goes down under 70. Anything under 70 is coat weather IMO. Below 40 is down filled coat weather... gloves are on at you tempswe are at 18* this morning with a few snow flakes coming down(not suppose to amount to anything) and then Friday night/Sat morning we are to get 1-2" of snow.

We don't usually get those lows in Dec.I wasn't aware it got that cold in NC. Aren't y'all in the SOUTH??
NC generally has one realllllly cold month (NC cold that is) where day will be at freezing or around there and nights- teens to single digits.
More late Jan/early Feb thing...
Although according to averages... it says 49 day 29 night for Jan and 54 day and 32 night..... not sure about all that