Ready or Not....... Shouldvknwnbetter- Fall

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
So happy she is doing better! :weee

I was going to message you and see how she was doing. Hate it when they get sick. I really do think goats live to make us crazy :confused::barnie :lol:


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Texas
@Goat Whisperer, you THINK goats live to make us crazy? It is a proven scientific fact so strongly agreed upon that the science is settled. You know that contented look they get when they are laying in the sun chewing a cud... that's not contentment in our terms, no not at all, that my friend is a devious mind at work! Pure and simple.

Why we love them so darn much is the mystery... well besides the fact that they come up and rub and lean on us, and the fact they really smile when you scratch the right place, and the fact they miss us when supper is a minute late.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
@Goat Whisperer, you THINK goats live to make us crazy? It is a proven scientific fact so strongly agreed upon that the science is settled. You know that contented look they get when they are laying in the sun chewing a cud... that's not contentment in our terms, no not at all, that my friend is a devious mind at work! Pure and simple.

LOL! Goat Whisperer has a doe due that I have a stake in... I own the buck she was bred to.... anyway she is heavy, due, tired, and everytime she makes a sound or pauses or rests we think "it's time".
Some how GW owns all the does and I own all the bucks... not sure how this happened...:\ Then one of the does I own as well as buck that bred her... GW thinks is HER goat. :hu Someone asked whether she was for sale.... GW is like NO. I am thinking YES!
This doe is moaning all day, and acting the part- due Friday but won't go til the weekend probably.

Hens- I got your pic! So stinking cute. Wish we lived closer. I think we would have rabbit #3! :D

Glad all is well again!

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
LOL! Goat Whisperer has a doe due that I have a stake in... I own the buck she was bred to.... anyway she is heavy, due, tired, and everytime she makes a sound or pauses or rests we think "it's time".
Some how GW owns all the does and I own all the bucks... not sure how this happened...:\ Then one of the does I own as well as buck that bred her... GW thinks is HER goat. :hu Someone asked whether she was for sale.... GW is like NO. I am thinking YES!
This doe is moaning all day, and acting the part- due Friday but won't go til the weekend probably.

Hens- I got your pic! So stinking cute. Wish we lived closer. I think we would have rabbit #3! :D

Glad all is well again!
No, the doe thinks I'm HERS.
She cannot go. I'd sell my best doe & buy her from you before that happens. Don't care how stupid it seems.

Anyone want a nice, well put together, well uddered, hoping-to-show-one-day doe? :gig(Doe in my avatar)

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
@Goat Whisperer, you THINK goats live to make us crazy? It is a proven scientific fact so strongly agreed upon that the science is settled. You know that contented look they get when they are laying in the sun chewing a cud... that's not contentment in our terms, no not at all, that my friend is a devious mind at work! Pure and simple.

Why we love them so darn much is the mystery... well besides the fact that they come up and rub and lean on us, and the fact they really smile when you scratch the right place, and the fact they miss us when supper is a minute late.
Oh isn't that the truth!
I was out checking on the girls earlier.... all is well and I hear a very strange moan and wasn't stopping and it didn't sound good! :eek: I start to go into a bit of a panic when I see its Southern's doe, Ruby the Nubian... (even more panicked when I see its her) run over to her and sit next to her. He she was holding her head/neck really weird so a gently feel it. Nothing wrong. She is now holding her head like a normal goat would. She looked bright eyed and bushy tailed, so I got her up....still thinking something might be wrong... NOPE. She gets up, stretches, gives a kiss and goes about her business. Brat wanted to give me a heart attack. :rolleyes: She has been much more talkative lately. She is still acting fine and gobbled down her dinner (+ some dog food) and is chomping down on her hay right now.

She was sunning herself at the time, I guess she was really enjoying it :rolleyes:

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Sorry, I have been out staring at goat udders and rear ends :lol:
(trying to see if a doe is going to go 2 days early..)

Sure I'll do a trade :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I said I'd SELL her, not trade. Don't like trades- there always seems to be an issue.