It has been a long road with her injury and so much effort and care.
You all have done an amazing job with her and with all your goats!
Hugs my friend. I know this was a very difficult decision, I very much respect that you will put the best interest of the animal first, above your own emotions. That takes courage and real love for her!
thanks everyone, it was a decision that we all made. DS(11) said it best- it wouldn't be fair to Maggie to put her through more. DS(11) went with us(DH and I) to the vet's office and stayed by her side till the end, he even kissed her head good-bye......
Last week was a crazy busy week here and this week looks even crazier , all 3 kids(human) started fall sports practices last week- volleyball for DD and soccer for both DS's. DS(14) will be playing on JV for high school and they practice a lot!! Thankfully DD can drive and has been a huge help with taking/picking up her brothers as needed. Of course practices fall across chore time so it varies with the day who I have for helpers
We also try to make sure someone is around to keep an eye on my parents- my dad has good days and not so good days and we never know what type of day it will wont get better
Our anniversary is Aug 23rd- 19 years for us- never a dull moment here!! No big plans as DD and DS(14) have sport events going on at the same time! So we took yesterday and hung out with the kids and came home with:
Oreo- 2 year old Lamancha doe
yep, she has a horn that regrew in - so unless we have it removed, she can't be showed at fair.....what you can't see is the extremely huge grin on DS(11)'s face!! And since you can't be in quarantine without a buddy.....
Rio- 2 year old Lamanacha doe
What you can't see in the picture is DH's face..(he actually was just fine with us getting them- he got a new trailer last week(better equiped to haul the different equipment we use)
We also managed to thin down the rabbit herd and the extra roosters this weekend too!