Boy, she's really being a you-know-what! She's taking the doe code FAR more seriously than your average doe. Gotta love the commitment, I guess... NOT!
FWIW about prolapses, as I had a terrible time with one of my ewes when she lambed... Animals who prolapse can do so a few weeks or a month before parturition, and after parturition. My ewe prolapsed 2 weeks before lambing, and it was bad enough to require a buhner stitch. If your doe isn't prolapsing that far (my ewe's cervix was out) then I wouldnt' opt for the stitch. Usually the pressure is relieved once the kids/lambs are out and they *shouldn't* prolapse again, but animals never follow the rules. My ewe tried prolapsing again the day after she lambed, and she had to wear a prolapse harness for a week. She's now back outside and doing fine, but it was a rough few days. Vet said DO NOT breed her again, or if I do, just don't call him. I won't be breeding her again, because it's a hassle to deal with and can very easily be fatal. I've read that a shot of oxy after parturition will help shrink up the uterus faster, as does being milked regularly.
It can be genetic, though in my ewe's case it doesn't seem to be, since none of her female relatives have every prolapsed. It can also be due to overconditioning, which my ewe isn't. Prolapses don't follow the rules, apparently.
I just went to check on her.
She didn't hop up when she saw me, and she gave 5 good pushes, and I swear I saw a contraction....then she hopped up and started eating again.
The good news is, once again there was nothing sticking out.
I have never in all my days seen anything like this....You would SWEAR she's in labor.
She's definitely not 'over conditioned', she tends toward the lean side like her Nubian dam.
You didn't talk about what you haven't seen yet have you? I did that one year and saw 3 new problems that I had never seen before. NEVER AGAIN will I do that!