Rebreeding question


True BYH Addict
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
North Texas
We pasture breed our NIgies, and this year, we purchased a younger buck than we have in the past. Might have not been the best choice given that he was not a proven breeder (his Daddy was an awesome stud, though, so we took the risk). It took him a few days to figure things out, but he did, and as near as we can tell, he's covered most of our girls successfully.

However, I am almost certain one and possibly as many of 3 or 4 of the girls he bred did not take. I know for sure he successfully bred at least 2 of the 4, because I was there observing. He got the tell tale 'kick back' and the girls did the typical 'scrunch up.' The doe I know for certain didn't have the breeding take is back in heat again, her back end puffy, bellowing like crazy, trying to mount other does, etc. Problem is she wants nothing to do with him. She'll wag her tail, but the moment he so much as tries to blubber at her, she gives him a massive head butt, puts her tail down, and runs away. She is an experienced breeder and has always stood well for bucks (did for him the first time too) - we've never had an issue with her. The other three girls that make me wonder are does that have 'quieter' heats, so it's more difficult to tell with them. They are puffy and a little temperamental, but I'm not sure.

Our current plan is to bring in another buck - an older one, who is a proven breeder and see if he will take care of the girls that younger buck wasn't successful with. Is there any problem with doing this from a pasture breeding perspective? I've heard that sometimes goats can be 'double-bred' and have one kid 3 weeks older than the other - stuff like that. How likely is that? Is there anything else I should be concerned about?


True BYH Addict
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
North Texas
I went ahead an introduced Kevin to the girls. He is being a perfect gentleman and is only blubbering at the girls that are currently in heat. Sebastian is clearly jealous and keeps trying to stake his claim (unsuccessfully), but he and Kevin are being polite to each other and everyone seems happy.

That said, if anyone has more experience or information about this, I'd be interested.


Chillin' with the herd
Jan 29, 2016
Reaction score
NW Kansas
How long did you leave the 1st buck in pasture with the girls? We usually leave them at least 2 months so you catch 2 heat cycles. Hormones in pregnant girls can be wonkers and bucks will try breeding them again! How far along should the does be? Often times the hormones from pregnancy will mimic heat hormones and they will try riding the other does.