Hello, this is my first post here & I would appreciate any help/suggestions anyone has.
I recently lost a year old wether to bladder stones despite proper diet & surgery. He had been castrated very young.
I then acquired a now 4 month ewe from a breeder who I trusted. I've had her 12 days & have noticed what appears to be the beginning of rectal prolapse, only seen when she is laying down.
These lambs were to be pets & a companion for my ancient wether sheep.
I'm worried sick about her, especially after reading about prolapse. She has no tail at all, not even a stub & I understand this can predipose them to prolapse.
I feel this is all my fault for not knowing of potential danger before getting her. I'm upset that the breeder did not tell warn me but I guess it's a 'buyer beware' situation.
I don't know what to do to help her & my vet won't be available until tomorrow.
I am ready to call the seller & make him take her back. I don't want to watch another one die.
Is there any hope for her?
Thank you
I recently lost a year old wether to bladder stones despite proper diet & surgery. He had been castrated very young.
I then acquired a now 4 month ewe from a breeder who I trusted. I've had her 12 days & have noticed what appears to be the beginning of rectal prolapse, only seen when she is laying down.
These lambs were to be pets & a companion for my ancient wether sheep.
I'm worried sick about her, especially after reading about prolapse. She has no tail at all, not even a stub & I understand this can predipose them to prolapse.
I feel this is all my fault for not knowing of potential danger before getting her. I'm upset that the breeder did not tell warn me but I guess it's a 'buyer beware' situation.
I don't know what to do to help her & my vet won't be available until tomorrow.
I am ready to call the seller & make him take her back. I don't want to watch another one die.
Is there any hope for her?
Thank you