Back from a quick visit to Palm Springs on Wednesday afternoon to visit our TX realtor friend. Kris has just closed escrow on a condo located overlooking the water hazard complete with migrating geese, pelicans several species of ducks, egrets, etc. on a golf course as well as another parcel with a 2 BR 1 BA house which he plans to rent out for vacation rental and 4 tiny units (singles and 1 BRs). The 2 BR place had been redone with new kitchen and bathroom, paint, and floors. Kris introduced us to some acquaintances as "special" friends who brought our truck to help him move furniture! LOL
Having read this back, I see that I am a REALLY BOSSY person who takes the bit in her teeth and runs with it, trampling over everyone in her way. If I was a horse I would sell me!
I had promised to come help him shop in the consignment and thrift stores to furnish and stage the rental. We extended our trip till Monday morning since there was so much to do. The golf course rental came fully furnished, but the bungalow needed everything from furniture to toilet paper! Vacation rentals need everything supplied. The price that it costs to rent one in Palm Springs is extortionate so you have to do it up nicely. Otherwise you get really nasty reviews on Twitter. 4 days of non-stop shopping and picture hanging! By the time we were done I was dead, my knees, ankles, hips, and back were screaming at me, and I was ready to collapse. however, we got it done - Kris whined after each store every day but I drove him like I had an electric prod and he was a recalcitrant steer! I kept impressing him that if he needed to get the place rented out as a vacation rental we had to hurry since the season in Palm Springs is only from October to Easter. Between the end of May and first of October the temperatures are too high to attract many people, even with a pool. He was going for a specific look in the little 2 BR. He was trying for mid- century modern, but the place was actually mid-century Pam Springs bungalow. The golf course condo was strictly southwestern - lost of Mexican tile and those painted Mexican painted sinks. Done custom when first built by first owner so no leeway there, particularly since it had lots of custom wood work in a very Spanish hacienda style. Since it was furnished appropriately and he did not plan to rent it this year that was no problem, just the bungalow.
He had a budget and had already spent half of it on the new furniture and beds so our work was cut out. I was able to fix the style even with the new ultra modern pieces he had already bought. Orange upholstered headboards, gray backless sofas that can become extra beds, large round metal and glass coffee table, small mid century chairs in turquoise and orange, and a small dinette set. No art, rugs, lamps, or other bedroom furniture, etc. He said he had been looking for dressers and nightstands but had no luck. I found him a very good Henredon bedroom set that was art deco - black lacquer with rosewood fronts - that went with the mid century bungalow theme. We split it up and put the armoire and bedside tables in the master and the dresser in the second bedroom - the only way the furniture would fit. Then he decided he hated the burnt orange headboards with the inexpensive turquoise print quilt sets he bought in a hurry. The quilt sets did not look like anything you would use in a high priced vacation rental but were not returnable. Kris decided he could use them in Texas, so we replaced them with white spreads which toned down the orange headboards. With some minimal artwork, and bedside mid-century style new lamps Some excellent modern artwork in large scale, throw pillows, accessories from consignment and thrift stores, kitchen supplies from the Dollar store, and the job was almost done. We still needed a couple of occasional tables for the living room, one nightstand for the secondary BR, and rugs to pull the rooms together. The floors are Saltillo tile. A last run to Marshals got us the rugs, and a couple of light weight wicker stands which we topped with trays to made end tables, lamps, and a few inexpensive decor items. Then I packed up his modern white china from the golf course condo and exchanged it for the cute china with TX brands he had in the bungalow. I was strict with him and pointed out that the western ranch china did not belong in the mid century bungalow but would look ok in the Spanish hacienda place.
Did I mention that I was BOSSY!?
We started Thursday morning and I drove the 3 of us like galley slaves! I ignored Kris' whimpers that he was tired after 2 stores. I didn't listen to his pleas to swim in his pool or soak in the hot tub. Complaints of hunger were also ignored - no eateries were open anyway - thank you Gov. Gruesome! Instead I made poor Kris eat fast food and shop till we both wanted to drop. Luckily for DH, he opted to stay in the truck to "protect" our purchases. He got in a few good naps that way. Sunday we only had the artwork to finish hanging, and a couple items we still hadn't located. Kris had decided he needed two cushy chairs for the rental but I vetoed purchasing them since he was almost out of budget $$. He also wanted some chaise lounges for around the pool but we couldn't find any that fit his almost empty budget. Instead I told him we should take 2 of the chairs with cushions from the hacienda condo and use them. We would wait till January when he came back to get the chaises.
We were supposed to have left Saturday afternoon but couldn't leave Kris in the lurch since he was flying home on Tuesday the 23rd and was hyperventilating about not having the property ready for rental. Checking his emails he found that he had missed an inquiry the day before about renting for Christmas and the people had given him a bad review for not answering immediately. While Kris went to meet his handiman and rental agent on Sunday, and finish setting up the TVs, DH and I loaded the 2 chairs and cushions from the condo in the truck and went to the final 4 shops on the way to meet Kris. I lucked out at Revivals and found 2 country bedside tables for the golf course condo - $25 each with a 10% senor discount. At Goodwill I found 4 identical excellent quality chaise lounges for the pool area. They were $19.00 each BUT Goodwill was having a half price sale on all green tag furniture. EUREKA!!!
$10 each for excellent strap chaise lounges and one even had a nice cushion. The truck was full and so was the cab - I had even managed to find the final decor items for the rental and my remaining Christmas gifts while shopping! But I was still not finished since I had t go back t Marshall's for a rug for the small bedroom. This room was cute with a campy picture so we had decided to get a fake sheepskin rug for it. I finished hanging the huge art pieces at the rental on Sunday. We arranged the lounges and chairs around the pool and did some final tweaking. Everything looked great when we left that evening. I even steadied the glass decor pieces on the open kitchen shelves with museum wax against earth tremors.
Monday Kris left early to meet a new gardener to repair the irrigation system. I packed and did the laundry ready to remake the bed. Then I hung the last 2 large art pieces Kris had bought. Originally they were for the rental then he decided they were not right for that place and we found ideal spots in the hacienda. Although they are modern metal sculptural pieces, they blend in well as contrast pieces with the Spanish furniture. Using a piece that is a complete opposite style (antique with modern etc.) can often make the entire scheme flow together better. Then we loaded up, picked up lunch and met Kris at the rental to say good bye.
I apologized for my bossiness but Kris said that he couldn't believe that we managed to get everything done so he was hay I pushed so hard. Glad I didn't lose him as a friend. LOL
Oh yes, while there in the evenings we looked at ranches and put in an offer on one. Kris is also getting information about the one in Alto which is more money, but the land is currently rented out with a farming tenant already in place. That 42 acres also has an operational well. The 50 acres in Gilmer had a well but it caved in and the bid to repair the well was $18,000. We would definitely put in another well or repair the exsiting well.
The 2 properties are shaped differently too. Gilmer is almost square with much wider road frontage which means more taxes but has the option to divide into 2 - 25 acre parcels later. It is the one with the caved in well. The house sits back from the road almost in the middle of the side of the property in a bunch of trees on that one. It is also 10 minutes from town and the Walmart. That ranch is a probate sale and any offers must be approved by the court. That won't happen till January.
The Alto ranch is long and narrow with a much larger house (twice the size so more taxes) but less road frontage, costs $50,000 more, has an operational well and has a farm tenant. Whether the tenant will keep farming the place we are checking into now. The house sits close to the road on the Alto farm too which I like less. The agent on that place is out of town till January 2.
No rush and we are still looking at other places. We don't have to declare our prospective purchases until the Yelm sale actually completes. We have a problem not being familiar with Texas locations. We will go to Texas to look at these options in January or February. DH says we will drive back instead of flying.
Got to finish working through my work emails, send off docs to Kris, etc. Then tax time again! Ugh!
Kris knew who to call for help! That's awesome that you brought along your very guard for the purchases! Who knows what would have happened without your DH/guard???
Which ever place you buy, it will be the right one.
You get things done and it sounds like you needed to be the one to get it done in the time frame and budget.
I could not take the heat in Texas ..... winter time temps here are mostly not too bad.... 20's to 40's most days in the winter. And we normally do get a decent fall.....spring has been alot less springlike..... with "winter"going right into summer it seems.... But I could not deal with Texas summers. I like a little snow and cold for a bit. Would like it alot better if I didn't have these meat birds.... which I normally don't have this time of year. If I was all moved they would have been in the freezer already. Oh well.
Hopefully this year will be better than last. Vaccine for Covid will help, even though there is a mutated variant now. Like all flu virusess this one has mutated, but hopefully the vaccine will at least mitigate any effects of this new one. Kind of like we all get our flu shots even though the vaccine we get not work on all the new types.
Weighed lambs on new Year's Eve. All lambs in creep just hay no grain.
3 month old lambs weighing in at ram 72.4, ewe 67.4. 2.5 month old lambs weighing in at ram 64.2 nd ewe 54.8. These were twins.
Next age group just under 2 months single ram lambs 54.2 and 49.4.
Next bunch of lambs were still in jugs, weighed, 2nd vaccination and transferred to creep pen.
Age group 6 week old lambs - twins - ram lamb 41.6 and ewe 39.4, and ram lamb 39.8 and ewe lamb 40.6.
Single ewe lamb - 38.8
Last 2 lambs were both singles, and still young so kept in jugs for anther week or so. 9 ewes and 11 ewe in creep pen so kept these in jugs to avoid over crowding Oldest 2 sets of twins are ready to go on field, kept in due to heavy rain and mud.
1 month single ram lamb - 31.8; 3 week old ewe lamb - 24.6 (this ewe lamb was a twin but mama lost twin ewe. First timer I don't think she realized another lamb was born and didn't clean off face - smothered in sac. Next time she will get the hang of it.
Today we moved my original 2 ewes into the jugs. They are not due t 1/5 and 1/12 but since the flock followed Carl's truck through the gate dinto the driveway and into the barn, it was a good opportunity to separate them into pens. The last ewe is due 1/17 and Blue 11 actually is looking larger. DS1 caught her and I felt her little maiden udder tissue is just forming. Last date for her to lamb is 1/19 so possible. Probably a single if so. her half sister lambed 11/26.
Time to choose a ram to turn out with the ewes that lambed 9/28 & 10/11, and the October/November 2019 born ewes.
Several f the ewe lambs look really nice and will be keepers. I need to make another appointment in March with my butcher for some of these lambs, He was booked up through February when I called for a spot last month. COVID butchering back up finally reaches California.
Very nice weights on those lambs. So Covid slaughterhouse shortages finally showed up, huh? Did some Californians remember their roots and got with the program on raising their own?