Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
New showerheads manufactured after 1992 are 2.5 gpm. You can pull the restrictor out of them to increase the flowrate. Pre 1992 shower heads were ~6gpm.
6 gpm is a LOT of water! I guess people took short showers since a big hot water tank would be half gone in 13 minutes, I'm sure the backfilling cold water was noticeable before that. Our shower heads are 2 gpm, it is plenty. We could have gotten 2.5 gpm but didn't figure it was necessary. Of course my showers are short anyway, about 5 minutes.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Finally back and able to be on line.

Went to DFW on Saturday to spend a couple days with our friend Kris and his mom, Beverly. Had a nice time, enjoyed his pool, brought our documents to be copied for the refi, signed some necessary 1031 docs for the exchange trustee, and had a lovely time visiting with Beverly on Saturday. Sunday afternoon back in the pool then out and showered to go to dinner just before a huge rain storm hit DFW. Massive thunder and lightning. We wanted to stay in and have dinner but Kris is a single man who is very health conscious. His smoothies are delicious but nothing else in fridge, so we went to the Hofbrau for MEAT! IN THE STORM!!! Good steaks, and the rain sort of eased off enough to allow us to drop off Bev and get home. It drained heavily all night and then cleared up in time for us to get to the house in Yantis by 10:00 am Monday for the second septic inspection and estimate, as well as the electrical estimate. Electrician said that the hot water heaters were not grounded correctly. I told Miz Joyce to be sure to turn on the shower and toss a bar of soap into the spray before getting under the water. If it sparkled stay out since I didn't want her electrocuted. LOL The hot water heaters are probably grounded to the cold water pipe as they used to do. However, we will bring up to current code. Visited with Miz Joyce and met her daughter and another old friend of hers who dropped by. Then on the way home we called Bay and BJ and stopped for a visit. Picked up some Blue Bell ice cream. Bay made yummy chicken skewers. Really looking forward to living at the new place. Bay and BJ come to Sulphur Springs for feed so we could get together frequently! :celebrate

Tuesday and Wednesday we did laundry, swam, read, I knitted. No computer. Children texted. Daughters arguing. DD1 took a snit over a joke from DD2. Big fight. Tearful demanding of apologies. Vows to never talk again. Did not call back. Have to go home soon. :( :hit

Thursday went south to Leander. 4 hours from Rusk since GPS routed us on the secondary roads - no freeway. Beautiful scenery. Shocked though to find that entire area from Georgetown to Austin was building new tracts of big homes. They all looked the same. French style. 2 story with high peaked roof. Small lots for Texas! Had a lovely visit with Erick. His dogs fawned all over DH! They always do. Even the ones that Erick says are not friendly with strangers! He showed us the 2 males and females he was planning to breed for litters and we made sure he had us on the list. The litter I liked best was out of a make that has exceptional judgement like Rika. His puppy that went Reserve Winners Bitch over adults at the Anatolian National Specialty is exceptionally pretty. She is an outcross from an outcross. Her bloodlines would be perfect for breeding to Bubba. Unfortunately by the time I have a puppy from her old enough to use him on, Bubba will be about 10 and might be past it. I might try though since it would be a great cross. However, both of the litters that are planned are rather closely related to Bubba. I really want one of his pups. he has not bred any litters for several years so whichever litter he chooses a bitch from for me, will be perfect. He knows what I need and will choose appropriately. I want to have the puppy this year so Rika and Bubba can train her under closer supervision on our current property. Will get another puppy after we are in Texas or will breed the pup I get from Erick to a stud he chooses. Live cover only though. I don't like doing AI with dogs. They often seem to develop some problems either don't take, have problems with delivery, or infections. Just not a fam of AI for them. We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant - a new blue corn one - I had a delicious seafood enchilada :drool! Then discussed dogs, property taxes, dogs, neighbors, dogs, politics at the Anatolian Club, dog shows, his goats, and of course, dogs. We realized it was getting dark and was almost 8pm! And Erick had to do his feeding! We left for Rusk. From Leander GPS routed us back via freeway for the most part. Since it was dark it was easier driving but still took 4 hours. Got home at midnight.

While we were on our way back to Erick's from the restaurant after dropping him off to pick up his truck, we got a desperate call from Kris. Apparently although we had wet signed the 1031xidentificatin doc, they couldn't accept it being sent from Kris! OK, this was serious since we only had until 8/12 to submit the ID form. After a bad night I got up at 6 am and hooked up the computer and printer. The printer is iffy. It is a small travel printer and after working with it for a full day last week, I finally got it to print 4 pages! Yeehaw!!! But then it stopped working. :he After 2 days of rereading the instructions, detaching different cords, bad language, rereading the instructions, reattaching different cords, more bad language, pushing different buttons, worse language, I put it away. This morning I had to get it out and try again. Otherwise we would have to drive to Dallas to take care of this. I read the instructions again, TWICE, then hooked it up and printed out the 1 page form. God be praised! It printed the necessary page then quit again. Probably permanently. At least permanently for me. It is supposed to be able to scan too, but I could never get that option to work.

We signed the form, then to find how to scan it and email it back from my email. I took a photo with DH's phone, sent it to the computer, and forwarded the email to the IPX administrator. I thought we would have to go overnight the original signed paper to them, but she emailed that it was good, didn't need snail mail copy, and sent me a countersigned copy. Big sigh of relief. :thDH got on the computer and checked his bank account. Then he suddenly remembered that we would need insurance on the house. Got a quote from USAA which doesn't insure farms so they turned it over to Travelers. Quote too high and not enough coverage. Called Farm Bureau. Waiting on that quote.

Got quote from second septic company which came in $1,000 higher. And did not include the electric. Notified first septic company that we would go with him and also notified the electrician that we would go with his quote. They won't be able to do it until November so we will have to come back to Texas in November. :D =D Then responded to another email from Kris asking me to give him and the title company the name and contact info for the lender. Another round of emails sending contact info of all 3 back and forth.

Finally DH and I went to the pool and enjoyed a long swim. Hot shower and back to trailer for dinner - crab salad. Using up everything perishable before heading home Monday.

Computer work can be exhausting. This whole property thing is exhausting. Packing and moving will be a breeze after this. :lol:

Oops! Forgot to check on fencing. Tomorrow.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We sure enjoyed our visit with y’all. It’s just not long enough! Lol

My opinion, I think you should bash that printer with a hammer. It should bring immense satisfaction to beat it to bits. Take out all your pent up frustrations on the printer, then you should be happy and relaxed for the trip back to California. Once there, you can rule over your daughters dispute with queenly aplomb and wisdom. All thanks to the beat up printer!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Actually Fort Worth. Just used the initials since it was shorter.

Went to the free pancake breakfast thus morning for the first time. Pancakes are free but they also had bacon eggs, sausage, fried potatoes, biscuits ad sausage gravy. Those cost a donation. Since no one else was there except the employees, I got mine free. DH paid on the way out. Then we took a short walk around the campground, This is the second walk we have taken here - after our original walk when we made plans to walk around the park every day. :lol:

Getting ready to leave on Monday. This means getting mentally ready, First we look around and catalog what we need to pack and where it goes. We decide to get a start on it now, then change our minds and go swimming. Back from swimming I have another urge to pack away our recliners but few raindrops fall and I change my mind. DH has started a series of books by an author he has never read before. He is now reading his way through them. For the first time in a month Fox News is not on. :pop Blessed silence!

I have packed up my files and the accursed printer - so called. I have not yet destroyed it, mainly because I did not want to have to pick up all the little pieces of plastic. e will have a steak tonight for dinner. We split one between us. I made a large chicken salad for tomorrow and will package portions up in the cooler for the trip. Tomorrow I also have to cut up the last of the celery, slice up some apples, cut a block of cheese into cubes, and put the carrots in a Ziplock bag. All this stuff will go into Tupperware type containers in the ice filled cooler so it will not take on water. On Monday I will fill the cooler with bottles of water, ice and these snacks which will be our lunches for the trip. We will eat at Denny's (or similar) at the truck stops while we travel the 3 days home. We also sleep in the trailer in truck stops as we travel. Faster and free. Would have liked to have swung north through Montana, but no point since we would not be able to get back south through the fires. We should be home around Wednesday/Thursday.

I have 3 ewes due at the end of the week. DS1 has moved 2 ewes in with the ram for breeding. He will check on these ewes and pull them into the jugs for me on Wednesday. Once home we will have to tag the lambs that were born just before we left. And give any who need it their 2nd CDT vaccination.

DD2 is going to the Odyssey today to make sure they are able to do the wedding, I told her if they can't do it due to Gov. Gruesome that we will hold the wedding in the little neighborhood church (the minister is their celebrant anyway) and just have the reception at home. We can accommodate 70 people which is the number on the invitation list and some won't come with this mask thing and all the Delta variant hype. I can do the food myself along with some ordered stuff. Paper goods, and rental chairs. No problem.

No time for fooling around. I have to start decluttering and emptying connexes and cupboards preparatory to my move to Texas. 2 years is only 730 days!!! :ep

Returning home to babysit both 3 month olds, the 4 year old after preschool, and a labrador puppy. One 3 month old and the puppy every day. The other 3 months old 3 days and the 4 year old after preschool on Fridays.

Can someone explain "empty nest syndrome"? What is is? Has anyone ever really experienced it? OR IS IT A MYTH?! :flypig


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Possibly not. Or they are just in denial. ;) We will enjoy our 2 years with the babies, and I think we will also take this time to do some travelling in our 5th wheel to different parts of the country. Once we are in the ranch we may not have the ability to travel as easily.

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