Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Calif (and a few other states) will never get fixed because too many are willing to just move off instead of staying there and fighting to fix what's wrong with it.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Wrong! There are too many liberals that overtake the rest of us. We vote every election and even when we get a conservative or republican elected, the liberal legislature in Sacramento prevent any changes. Our manufacturing and business base has been destroyed by crazy and restrictive laws, illegals are given more rights than citizens, and our taxes and bond issues are voted in by liberals, paid into the general fund, and used for whatever the politicians want. We have voted in several water bond issues to repair our dams, and help our water problems. The money went into the general fund and Gov. Jerry Brown used the money for his High Speed Railway. Oroville dam almost collapsed last year because the repairs that the water bonds were supposed to cover were not done. There is no money left in the general fund for repairs, the dam is in danger of collapsing, so there is another water bond on the ballot! Our gasoline taxes are the highest in the country and the tax money is supposed to be for repairing our roads. The money disappears into the general fund, the politicians spend it how they like, and we have another bond issue on the ballot to pay for repairs to our roads and bridges. If you read the propositions all the way through you will see that they say money goes to certain programs, but compare the percentages and keep reading and you will see that only a small percentage goes to the programs that are touted and the majority of the funds go into - you got it! - the general fund for that vague "infrastructure" spending. For that read High Speed Rail and other special projects. The taxpayers have very little power here. Think Feinstein.

Feel free to move here and try to fix things.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
You can only beat your head against a stone wall for so long... Eventually it's time to leave the head banging to someone else. Lots of Californians moved to Colorado because it was so much like CA weather wise. They then proceeded to do their best to turn CO into what they left back in CA. Part of the reason I moved here to TX.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
The taxpayers have very little power here.
You've already accepted defeat.
Little by little.

Dunno why people want to move here anyway. First thing they do when they get here is start whining and complaining about our laws, customs, regs, and habits. They could have saved themselves the $$ and trouble by staying where they were and complaining there, but they do move, and bring all their little idiosyncrasies with them.
My sister turned around in a cafe booth just last week and told some whnnybutt vocal woman behind us that she "need to take your fat *** back to Michigan if you don't like how things are done here..that same highway that brought you here will take right on you back to that ****hole and we won't miss you one bit."


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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You couldnt pay me to live in California. Besides the fires, floods, and earthquakes, what you posted about the rental prop would make me want to move. Where does anyone get off telling me how much I can rent my property for or to? Government is taking away every right and people are becoming complacent. People think there is nothing they can do.
That mindset is becoming all too common. It just seems as our rights are being taken away from us little by little, nobody wants to say , hey, wait a minute, or they shrug and say, oh well. Move, Ridgetop, as soon as you can! @Latestarter , @Baymule ,@Devonviolet are already in Tx and I know theyd help you find a nice place.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
@Ridgetop. You go girl!!! As a proud transplanted Texan, who grew up in California, you couldn’t pay me enough to move back there! The liberal left is destroying the state! And all those liberals are so self centered, they can’t see beyond their own noses, to care one iota about anyone else, but themselves and their agenda. As Latestarter said, you can stay and vote, but when you are so totally outnumbered by the liberals, you might as well be hitting your head against a brick wall.

There is no way a conservative (who is concerned about repairing the infrastructure) can effect change, when the majority of the self-centered liberals are hell-bent-for-election on destroying the state. And, I can’t help but wonder . . . Doesn’t CA have term limits, for governor anymore? It seems like that ultra-liberal Jerry Brown has been in office WAAAAAYYY too long. But then, if he didn’t run, Diane Feinstein would run and things would be worse still!!!

And don’t get me started about the “alternative lifestyle”, encompasssing multiple aspects of philosophy, which is part of the reason for the self-centered “my way or the highway” attitude, that you can’t fight with voting on legislation. I have a family member, who is in one of the alternative churches, there in Southern California, and their whole philosophy is, the world revolves around me. If you don’t like it .. .. TOUGH!

I would be thrilled for you to move to Texas!!! I, for one, would be happy to keep my ear to the ground, for a piece of property, that you could buy. There was a really nice 20 acre property, that recently sold, for around $180K, not too far from us. And I have seen lots of for sale signs, on properties around here. Actually, the property next to our little country church is for sale. I don’t know how much property is there, but when I get a chance, I will stop by and get the realtor info for you.

I’m sure @Baymule and @Latestarter would be happy to look, for property around them, as well.

I think if you decide to move to Texas, you will find not all Texan are rude, and condescending. For the most part, I have found that Texans are the nicest people I have met, in all the states, in which I have lived, and they have welcomed us with open arms.

We love it here. Yes, the summers are hot and humid, but that is what central air is for. We do the bulk of our work early in the day, and hibernate inside, for the hottest part of the day. You won’t find water rationing here. Average rainfall, for our area is 42”. Although, we have already had 49”, and we still have 2-1/2 months left. If I’m not mistaken the last two months of the year, are among our rainiest months. Tomorrow we are supposed to have heavy rains and should get 2+”. So, we will easily go over 55 inches. And you won’t get the flash floods, earthquakes and forest fires, that you have in CA.

I left CA 40 years ago. But, back, when I still lived there, we joked about California having an earthquake and falling into the Pacific ocean. Hmmm, I wonder . . .
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Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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If anyone has heard or seen the Earth changes maps, you ought to look them up online. One of the major changes is that CA will pretty much be gone. Shows it as a bunch of islands. Will it happen? Who knows. All I know is I would get out if it were me. If you dont want to move to Tx, Tn is pretty nice.

P.S. I hate having to edit three times because I missed something. Darnit! Stupid small phone keyboard.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Thanks everyone for your support. I am third generation San Fernando Valley girl - mother's family has been here for 100 years. I know the water, flood, fire, and weather patterns. I love our weather, summer heat but rare humidity, beautiful winter weather, and we have learned through 3 generations how to work early and late in summer, stay inside with fans or AC during heat of day. I don't run my washer or dryer during the summer days, don't do much oven cooking during summer, draw blinds and close windows by 9:30 or 10:00 am to keep house cool. Growing season 11 months of the year, August-September heat kills last of garden but you can replant for winter garden in October. Proposition 13 keeps property taxes low for long time howeowners in same property so why not try to stay and change things . . . ?

Our legislature just passed 2 new bills, people were not given a vote, first was to allow illegal aliens to vote, second was to allow illegal aliens to hold political office! Surprisingly, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed both. That was a shocker since he was in favor of both originally. This is his last term but the new Democrat running is worse that JB. Legislature passed law a couple years ago that the two people running in the primaries who got the most votes would run against each other for the office in general election. For the last couple years 2 democrats have run against each other. This year (surprise to the dems) a republican got 2nd most votes and will be running against a democrat. Maybe that is why JB vetoed those bills, so moderate dems would not be so angry they voted for the republican candidate. For several elections we have had only two democrats on the ballot to choose from - which is the lesser of 2 evils - conservatives and republicans have no ability to vote in a change under these rules. Pollworkers are forbidden to ask to see identification when people come in to vote. We have more names on the voter rolls than we have living legal voters. Illegals do vote in our elections because we can not ask to see identification, people vote twice in other names because we cannot ask for identification. Voter fraud is big. As a "sanctuary state" we are flooded with illegals who then can apply for and receive state paid aid and services. Another law enacted by our legislature without a vote is that it is now illegal to ask for legal ttus of your workers before hiring. The Feds will arrest you if you employ illegals and the state will arrest you if you don't. No wonder our small businesses are fleeing California. Consider our universities - we have about 5 of the most liberal universities in the country - look at the professors who indoctrinate our youth - you have seen them screaming obscenities on TV. Against this, how can honest citizens change anything?

We never met a rude Texan in the months we stayed in Weatherford. We have met a lot of rude liberals here. Liberals always want to change every thing to their way or the high way. No other point of view is allowed because only they are right and moral! They forget that they are moving into an area because they like what it offers, and it is the way it is because of the people who live there. When they have changed it they don't like it any more, but instead of admitting their way might not have the correct way, they just whine that there is more to do and it will be nirvana once the entire liberal agenda is in place. Have you ever met a liber that was willing to foot the bill for the social programs they want? It should all come from "the government" and that means the price is on our backs - the working man and woman who pay the taxes. It is easy to vote for expensive programs if you don't have to pay for them.

We want to move to Texas because the people, values, and ethics are the same ones we hold. Hard work, independence, moral standards, acceptance of people's differences, and allowance of other opinions. There is a reason the silent majority is called that - they politely allow others to have different opinions from their own. Since they are not screaming in the streets, they are considered silent and indifferent. Not so, we are alive and well, and exercise our civil right to vote. We accept it when the vote goes against us since there will be another in 2 years, or 4 years, or whenever the term is up. It is only when the people's will is disregarded for decades that we eventually accept the fact that in spite of voting for change our legislature has taken so much control that we will never be able to vote change in.

Be careful not to lose control of your state! Do not become complacent - make sure you continue to keep control of your politicians and government.

Getting off my soapbox now. Maybe the wall should be around Texas to keep it safe. ;) Love you all. No, love y'all!