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- #2,021
Herd Master
Another week gone by since I was on here. Have finished all the cookies except the Lemon Squares. Still have to roll out, cut, bake the Almond crescents, or as my family have renamed them Moon cookies. Then need to cookie press and bake the Jelly Centers. Both sets of dough is made and n the freezer though so half that work is done. Decided not to make extra cookies this year. I made Snickerdoodles and Rum Balls this year so that will be 6 varieties. I will do a large cookie platter for Christmas at Stephanie's and also make 2 Banana Cream pies, Mini Cheesecakes, and pumpkin pies. That should be enough for 15 people, 2 of whom are 9 months old. Everything except the banana cream and pumpkin pies can be made next week and frozen until Christmas.
DS1, DH and I went down and vaccinated, docked, and tagged on Monday. Ran out of green ear tags as I expected so did not tag Snowflake's twin ewe lambs except for their scrapie tags. Used the last of the original scrapie tags too. We will start the new year with the new lager bright yellow scrapie tags. DS1 ordered a new set of green and blue tags as well. Snowflake's ewe lambs will get the first of the new green tags. We also retagged Snowflake since she lost her Purple 1 tag. Thank goodness we do a herd tag and a scrapie tag since we have had to cross reference several times to ascertain which sheep we are retagging! I suggested tattooing ears but was promptly vetoed by DS1 who stated he would not now or ever tattoo wildly kicking lambs. He went on to say that tagging was hard enough. So I will not pursue that suggestion.
Rechecked the 3 ewes that are supposedly pregnant. 2 are definitely due the ed of the month but the other one is not. We were not sure why she was included on the board as being bred since she is quite young. Then DS1 remembered that she had gotten into the breeding pen somehow for a day. The ram rubbed marking crayon on her so we put her down as bred just in case, but apparently he was just over anxious. That is good since she is only 10 months old and is due to go in with the ram next month.
Got DS1 a new kindle for Christmas since he lost his a month ago. Yesterday he came in with it from where it had gotten wedged between the seat and console somehow. I told him he did not have to pretend to lose it if he wanted a new one.
He is redoing the library for me since mine (which he had borrowed) is not holding a charge anymore. Mine is the oldest of all of ours. So he ordered a new cover and is wrapping it up for me for Christmas. DS2 is getting a new cover and DS1 said we will keep my old one to turn in next time they have a special sale. The next new one goes to DS2 for his birthday. In the meantime, we have a spare. Al Christmas shopping is done and wrapped except for DGS1's special sweatshirt that is from some special website where they are individually designed and made up as ordered. They will not even make it until 12/17 but it is guaranteed to be here for Christmas. It was the only one he wanted so if it comes late too bad. DS1 sold a couple of his computer games and Game Cube and bought a used Wii for DD1's kids. It only came with one controller so he kept that controller as a spare and ordered 4 others for me to give DSIL1. The kids get the game but their dad gets all the controllers!
That is the sort of sick joke our family delights in.
Preschool Christmas program this morning. DS2 got home from a cancelled job just in time to go with us to see Maysie perform. So warm and encouraging for all those 2, 3 and 4 year olds to walk into a church to sing to a bunch of masked strangers. Can anyone say intimidation? The program went off well though and the minister announced that there were a lot of bicycles that had been donated and were being sold for $10.00 each! Proceeds for charity. I got a medium sized pink one for DGD1 so she will ride it with DGD2 and let DGD2 ride her own 2 wheeler. She has her ow bike at her house but this will be for here since Maysie's bike is here. Also got 2 brand new helmets that were being given away with the bikes. I gave Pastor Arlo $20 and she tried to give me change but I said no since the proceeds are all going to buy Christmas gifts for foster kids in a group home. On the way out I saw a cool push car (the kind where the child sits in it and pushes it along with their feet - Crazy Coupe?) and was amazed to find that it was also for sale for $10. Another $20 found its way to Pastor Arlo and I became the proud possessor of a Cinderella Coach drawn by a white horse. Well in actual fact, the front half of a horse, but you get the picture. All the granddaughters will love it and probably little Robert too. DS2 said that Robert is forbidden to ride in it but I promised to get the pickup model of the push car next year for Robert's first birthday and he relented. The entire family agreed that, in the perverse way of toddlers, Annabel will probably grab the truck and Robert the coach but they will enjoy them. DS2 also got a tiny little green 2 wheeler with training wheels for Robert. LOL Then we went along to the classrooms so DS2 could say hello to Miss Cindy, Maysie's teacher, who was his preschool teacher. Naturally she couldn't believe that this 6' guy with the beard was little Carl. Cindy and I agreed that while we may be older, we still look as good as ever and ARE IN OUR PRIMES! LOL
The funeral is on Friday. I have been communicating with Mitch about it. We will pick up Don and take him to the graveside service with us. The family has decided no after service gathering. Mitch is uncomfortable holding it in his mom's house with some of the relatives that are coming. I offered to have it at my house but Mitch said that they would just go home. I think there is some strain between him and his niece and nephew. I am here is he wants to talk but I won't butt in. Oddly, I was sitting and watching a Hallmark show with DH and there was a scene where they were doing a Posada. It was not a sad scene but for some reason I started crying thinking about Lois. I had not cried since she passed.
So got home, finished making my appointments and calls, wrote some checks, checked and cleared my e-mails. Now I need to go fold 3 loads of clothes and put them away. Still have to work on my sheep records. I am writing down all my breeding records in a notebook from the white board where they are listed temporarily so I can refer back to them easily. Now once they are removed from the white board after lambing I have to look them up on my calendar month by month. Putting the information in a notebook so I can refer back to it will make things easier for me but I have been putting that off since it will be a lot of work. It needs to be done though, maybe tomorrow. Can anyone say "man~ana"? Oops that needs the little squiggle on top of the A not in between.
DS1, DH and I went down and vaccinated, docked, and tagged on Monday. Ran out of green ear tags as I expected so did not tag Snowflake's twin ewe lambs except for their scrapie tags. Used the last of the original scrapie tags too. We will start the new year with the new lager bright yellow scrapie tags. DS1 ordered a new set of green and blue tags as well. Snowflake's ewe lambs will get the first of the new green tags. We also retagged Snowflake since she lost her Purple 1 tag. Thank goodness we do a herd tag and a scrapie tag since we have had to cross reference several times to ascertain which sheep we are retagging! I suggested tattooing ears but was promptly vetoed by DS1 who stated he would not now or ever tattoo wildly kicking lambs. He went on to say that tagging was hard enough. So I will not pursue that suggestion.
Rechecked the 3 ewes that are supposedly pregnant. 2 are definitely due the ed of the month but the other one is not. We were not sure why she was included on the board as being bred since she is quite young. Then DS1 remembered that she had gotten into the breeding pen somehow for a day. The ram rubbed marking crayon on her so we put her down as bred just in case, but apparently he was just over anxious. That is good since she is only 10 months old and is due to go in with the ram next month.
Got DS1 a new kindle for Christmas since he lost his a month ago. Yesterday he came in with it from where it had gotten wedged between the seat and console somehow. I told him he did not have to pretend to lose it if he wanted a new one.

Preschool Christmas program this morning. DS2 got home from a cancelled job just in time to go with us to see Maysie perform. So warm and encouraging for all those 2, 3 and 4 year olds to walk into a church to sing to a bunch of masked strangers. Can anyone say intimidation? The program went off well though and the minister announced that there were a lot of bicycles that had been donated and were being sold for $10.00 each! Proceeds for charity. I got a medium sized pink one for DGD1 so she will ride it with DGD2 and let DGD2 ride her own 2 wheeler. She has her ow bike at her house but this will be for here since Maysie's bike is here. Also got 2 brand new helmets that were being given away with the bikes. I gave Pastor Arlo $20 and she tried to give me change but I said no since the proceeds are all going to buy Christmas gifts for foster kids in a group home. On the way out I saw a cool push car (the kind where the child sits in it and pushes it along with their feet - Crazy Coupe?) and was amazed to find that it was also for sale for $10. Another $20 found its way to Pastor Arlo and I became the proud possessor of a Cinderella Coach drawn by a white horse. Well in actual fact, the front half of a horse, but you get the picture. All the granddaughters will love it and probably little Robert too. DS2 said that Robert is forbidden to ride in it but I promised to get the pickup model of the push car next year for Robert's first birthday and he relented. The entire family agreed that, in the perverse way of toddlers, Annabel will probably grab the truck and Robert the coach but they will enjoy them. DS2 also got a tiny little green 2 wheeler with training wheels for Robert. LOL Then we went along to the classrooms so DS2 could say hello to Miss Cindy, Maysie's teacher, who was his preschool teacher. Naturally she couldn't believe that this 6' guy with the beard was little Carl. Cindy and I agreed that while we may be older, we still look as good as ever and ARE IN OUR PRIMES! LOL
The funeral is on Friday. I have been communicating with Mitch about it. We will pick up Don and take him to the graveside service with us. The family has decided no after service gathering. Mitch is uncomfortable holding it in his mom's house with some of the relatives that are coming. I offered to have it at my house but Mitch said that they would just go home. I think there is some strain between him and his niece and nephew. I am here is he wants to talk but I won't butt in. Oddly, I was sitting and watching a Hallmark show with DH and there was a scene where they were doing a Posada. It was not a sad scene but for some reason I started crying thinking about Lois. I had not cried since she passed.
So got home, finished making my appointments and calls, wrote some checks, checked and cleared my e-mails. Now I need to go fold 3 loads of clothes and put them away. Still have to work on my sheep records. I am writing down all my breeding records in a notebook from the white board where they are listed temporarily so I can refer back to them easily. Now once they are removed from the white board after lambing I have to look them up on my calendar month by month. Putting the information in a notebook so I can refer back to it will make things easier for me but I have been putting that off since it will be a lot of work. It needs to be done though, maybe tomorrow. Can anyone say "man~ana"? Oops that needs the little squiggle on top of the A not in between.