Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Did DH have Moh's surgery? Hubs has had several due to his surfing days back in the 60's. That surgery works wonders!!
UCLA only does MOHS on facial cancers. He has had that several times. These are on his chest, back, and arm. They prefer to cut them out for some reason. 4" slices to remove tissue pieces smaller than a thimble. Probably from water skiing on the Colorado river in the summer desert sun. The sun was considered our friend back then.

I only need one strip. And I put one of the white ones up where I ran out of strips. It doesn't look that bad although the pattern doesn't quite match the other walls. It does cover the open gap though so that is ok. I'm worried that when we pull in the slide out, travel, and then go to set up that all the brad nails will have popped out and the paneling and strips will just fall off the walls. :lol: I think I might have to pack the brad nailer to bring with me just in case.

I found another couple spots to repair in the trailer. The quarter round around the bathroom door needs to be reattached. It has actually been loose for a couple of years and I keep forgetting to take care of it. Now the molding has come off the wall and the nails are sticking out. OUCH! Guess how I found out?!

I went out to empty the pantry and see what is there and what needs to be restocked. Only groceries that don't need refrigeration will go with us. Since we are leaving the trailer in Groveton while we go to Tennessee (Thanks Layne!) I won't leave the fridge turned on. I don't like leaving it running on propane unwatched. We will buy all our frozen and cold stuff in Sulphur Springs on the way to Mt. Pleasant KOA after we get back. Anyway, I emptied and restocked the top shelves where I keep extra toilet paper (special type for RV septic), paper towels, and basket of cleaning supplies. Removed the pullout wire baskets from the 2 lower shelves and the contents. One basket had the front bent probably from when we had canned goods come out of the cupboard during a very bumpy ride over a dirt lot. Wiped out the shelves, then emptied the middle shelf where I have can racks for the canned goods. The shelf looked funny and on closer inspection the shelf was dropping down in one corner. Uh Oh!

Apparently, the supports were put on the top of the shelf and the shelf was attached to them from under the shelf with brads. :oops: How dumb is that? It took me several hours to get the shelf supports unscrewed from the wall. Only 2 screws in one support and 1 in the other but for some reason 2 of the screws refused to unscrew. Back to the tool shed for a locking pliers. I finally had to use a locking pliers to clamp onto the screw to turn it. Naturally I was unable to get it to grip for about 20 minutes. Finally, I got it gripped on but wasted 5 minutes turning it the wrong way while the tool slipped off the screw again. :hide Finally got all the screws out and then had to pull all the brads out so I could mount it again UNDER the shelf. Then I tried to raise the shelf into the proper position. It did not want to go. I finally measured the height it was supposed to be to be level. Then I got some pieces of wood and a box that would be the right height and shoved them under the shelf to raise it into position. Now I have to raise it a bit more so I can mount the support on the wall under the shelf. By then it was dark, I was dripping with sweat in spite of the AC so I decided to finish later. Have been too busy to go out and finish installing the shelf supports for a couple days now (doctor appointments and bridge) but will try to finish tomorrow. One problem is although I have good movement in my knee, I have trouble kneeling on the floor at the moment. It is hard to get into the pantry cabinet to work since it is only about 12" wide but 18" deep. I will have another go at it tomorrow.

Arrived home yesterday from all day doctor appointments to find BL12 had lambed. I had her written down as BL13 which annoyed DS1 when he tried to locate her among the 40 ewes in various pens. :hide She lambed in the large pen on the field and he and DGD1 had moved her and the tiny ewe lamb into the barn. She was still very large and her lamb was very small. It also had turned under feet at the knuckles which is usually a sign of being crowded in the womb. She had some afterbirth with liquid still hanging so DS1 said to just leave her and see if she would produce another lamb. She had just lambed 2 hours previously. This morning I went down and she was hunched up and looked unhappy. Her udder was engorged although the lamb had nursed. The afterbirth was in the pen. I decided to check her since I just had that feeling something was wrong. I put on my barn clothes and a pair of gloves, haltered her and tied her to the pen. She was laying down, so I lubed up and sure enough she had another lamb that was stuck. His nose was turned down, presenting the top of his skull to the birth canal, and front legs were back. I maneuvered his head into the right position then got a foreleg out and out he came. Dead of course. Complete with afterbirth and covered in orange showing that he was stressed during trying to be born.

I might have saved him if I had followed my first impression that she had another lamb in her when we got home the afternoon before. I should have checked and pulled him then, maybe he would have still been alive since the first lamb had her own afterbirth. This is why it is so important to follow your instincts. And why I hate to be away during lambing. This ewe is the only surviving daughter of 8040 "The Knee Fixer". I do have a daughter out of her but she was rated a 5, and her last lamb is also a 5. This new lamb looks kind of spindly, but hopefully will grow out well. BL12 was bred back to her father Moyboy that produced so many 5's for me. Hopefully that inbreeding will produce another good ewe. If not, there is always the auction and I still have the ewe. Having the ewe survive is the best part, and a live ewe lamb, and not having to feed a bottle lamb. I still haven't forgiven myself for not checking inside AAC when she had a retained lamb and died. Always trust your instincts if the ewe doesn't look right. If you check and there is no lamb stuck inside, no harm - no foul, but if you don't and she is in trouble you won't forgive yourself for something as simple as not pulling out a lamb. Anyway, 1 down and 6 or 7 to go. By the way both this ewe and AAC both had lambed before with no problems so . . . .

Spoke to Rafael about the 5 sheep he has here still. They are costing me a bale of hay ($25/bale) a week. He said he has ordered a pen and it has not arrived, but he will pay for the bale a week for me to keep them. Since they are in with other sheep, they are no trouble, just as long as he reimburses us for the hay. I will write on the calendar the date he came to purchase. I wrote out a sales slip so I will add the hay to it and show the full total he owes.

Next week we will start packing for Texas. DS1, DS2, and DDIL2 will give us most of their stuff to bring back since they will be flying with the baby. We will bring DDIL2 and DS2's luggage when we pick up DS1 at the airport since he and DDIL2 are flying out together into Dallas. She is being picked up by an uncle at the airport in Dallas so we will take her luggage to her when we pick up DS1. The uncle and aunt are taking her to San Antonio where they have a vacation home. They live in Wichita Falls. DS2 is flying to Austin to meet with combat army buddies for a reunion - no wives are allowed to go. He will rent a car and drive to San Antonio after the 2 day reunion, meet up with DDIL2 and her family, and sightsee in SA. Then he will drive them back to meet Kris in Fort Worth and eventually meet up with us at the campground.

While DS2 and family are sightseeing TX, DS1, DH, and I will be emptying the tack room of all the junk. If we can find a dump, we will take all the trash there. Otherwise, we will stash it in a corner of the barn (the cattle have been fenced out) until we return in February and rent a dumpster. We are taking a large heavy duty shelf unit back with us to set up and store stuff on. Also, some items that we had left over from the apartment reno that we will use in the new house. I hope to take as much as possible in the 5th wheel on this trip. We are hoping to take a big truck and trailer load in February. DS1 wants to get DS3's flatbed trailer and have us bring a lot of fence panels back in February. We have a lot of panels that we are not using that can come back and be stored in the barn. We still need to arrange the exterior high fencing for the dogs. I need to make an appointment with the district conservationist about getting on the 2023 list for fencing money for the sheep pens. We need exterior fencing before we can get a grant, but I realized since we do have exterior fencing already for the cattle, we can apply now for the fencing for rotational grazing pastures.

Lots of appointments that I have to make now for Texas.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Layne’s job ended and he got in late Monday night from Nebraska. He picks up his tractor today and 10 round bales for me, today

I’m moving Saturday, moving sheep and dogs Sunday. Getting internet and Direct TV on Monday. I will finally be living at the farm.

You have a full month in September! Have you told your DH yet about our detour? LOL. Poor man, you are so bad!

That’s too bad about the lamb. At least you didn’t lose the ewe. In a few days, the lambs feet ought to straighten out.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Marv doesn't know about our other stop. (You naughty girl!) I did tell him that we wanted to detour through Arkansas on the way back from Tennessee to see another friend. He got this long suffering look on his face and wanted to know why. I told him that our BYH friends liked to meet other BYH friends in person. He sighed and said "Fine". LOL

Yes, saving the ewe was more important than the lambs. She is a very good ewe, this is her 3rd lambing, and she normally doesn't have any problems. The lamb wasn't even overly large, it was just the position. However, all good now. I hope the ewes that lamb while I am gone will be okay, I have 3 that are due after DH and I leave for TX. :fl

Getting my hair trimmed before the TX trip. Next week getting my nails done although DH has a favorite place in mind near Rusk. It does fantastic pedicures with half hour foot massages. He had one last trip and can't stop talking about the foot massage. LOL My darling can't trim his own toenails due to his pecs having fallen into his abs. He has since become a pedicure fanatic and connoisseur. LOL

September 3rd is a joint family birthday party for DS2 and DGD2. Maysie has already turned 5 but this is the family celebration. I got her some cute clothes for school at Ross (SR discount day) but didn't have time to look for anything for DS2. I will stop at Burlington today after my hair appointment.

Today I am driving for the first time alone. Last night I had a terrible nightmare about having to drive an old Ford Falcon which was a loaner car. 2 of the police characters from one of my books were with me and they made me drive the car for some reason. The steering was horrible, and the brakes didn't work. One of those awful dreams! Naturally I hit something, but it wasn't my fault because the brakes didn't work. The brake pedal broke off and the steering wheel broke too. Then the engine wouldn't turn off! Finally, I got the car wedged against a wall and got out. I left the police doffers trying to figure out how to turn the engine off with the ignition key which wouldn't work either. Then I had to empty all our possessions out of the car. For some reason a load of dirty clothes were in there from some wedding, also 3 blankets, and a bunch of other stuff which I had to fold up and fit into a garment bag! I was exhausted when I woke up! :eek:

I will fix the trailer shelf after my hair appointment. DS1 has been trying to get the sheep into the barn so he can sort out the heavily pregnant ones that are due on Friday. He has tried different methods for the last 3 days. Why he doesn't use his regular method I don't know. That method works well but he has decided to try something different. Different never works with livestock if they are used to tried and true. His problem though - since he tells me to go back inside when I go out to help. I wanted him to do this last week but he waited until now so . . . . When we are in TX I want a better chute.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
DGS1 and dgs2 came over today and helped DS1 with ram lambs. DS1 taught DGS1 how to flip the lambs and he has gotten very good at it. Ran the 2 rams to be castrated into a pen, caught them, flipped them, banded them and it was done in about 15 minutes! :)

8219 had twin ewes in the large pen this afternoon with no trouble and we were able to get her to follow her lambs into the barn and into a jug. That took about 20 minutes since she kept losing them and we had to keep showing them to her. However, they got settled in and then we had to move the ewes that are due tomorrow into the jugs. I scrubbed out the water buckets and put hay in each jug before moving the sheep into the barn.

Herding the sheep into the barn to separate the heavy bred ewes out did not go so well. They used to run down into the barn at any opportunity to eat the hay they know is there. However, for the past 3 days DS1 has tried to get them into the barn, and they refuse to go through the gate into the yard to get into the barn. This morning DS1 told DH not to feed and to leave the sheep in the large pen. He expected that going without feed during the day they would stampede into the barn this evening hoping for hay. Nope! They still refused to go into the barn. DS1 was not happy. :somad It took quite a while to get them in the barn, then we had to put the bred ewes in jugs and then turn the junior ewes back out onto the field. After that was done, we had to rearrange a couple of ewes since we have 6 ewes to go in 5 jugs. We put 2 that are due in 2 weeks in the larger jug. They could probably go back on the field but DS1 doesn't want to catch them again. LOL One ewe that we thought was in the breeding pen turned out to be on the field and looks open. :mad: Will need to get her bred asap. She can go with a couple of ewelings and the ewes that are still in the creep pen (we will be pulling them off their lambs this weekend) to the breeding pen with Lewis. That will be 6 ewes plus another yearling or 2 to go in with a ram before we leave for TX. We might have some problem with keeping track of the marking though unless we can get them all marked before DS1 flies back to meet us in TX. We need to remove the young ram lamb from that pen and turn the ewes out on the field. I hope DS1 can put together some sort of pen for that ram lamb. He will turn 5 months old September 5. I could leave him in the pen and put the ewes to be bred in with him, but I don't like to use rams that young. I like them to get a bit more growth on them before using them. If we can set up another pen, he can go in with the two 3 month old wethers for company. Our butcher date is October 29. We can figure something else out when we come back.

Poor 18003 is so large she can hardly waddle. She also looks like she has some sort of eye irritation. I will doctor her eye with some pink eye powder. No one else has anything so I don't think it is pink eye - she may have gotten jabbed in the eye with a stick of hay. Once she lambs I will give her some Penicillin.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Those ewe’s aren’t stupid. They knew they would get jugged and they didn’t want to!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
No lambs this morning yet from anyone. The ewe with the bad eye (18003) has some slight swelling under it so it probably has some infection. She also has long rear toes that need clipping. I will take care of all that after she lambs since I don't like fighting with them right at lambing time. They are easier to handle in the jug after lambing.

Today I am going to finish the pantry shelf then reload the rest of the pantry. I need to get it ready for the trip.

Sometimes I don't understand DH. I asked him to put the dishes in the dishwasher that were left on the sink during the day while I was gone. I was exhausted after being out all day, doing some shopping, then dealing with the sheep, scrubbing water buckets etc., cooking dinner, and needed a shower before serving dinner. Apparently, I said "Please do the dishes" instead of "Please load the dishwasher". I went to put the dinner dishes in the dishwasher after dinner and it was running with a just few cups, 2 glasses, one plate and one bowl, and a frying pan. Almost empty!!! And we have a drought!!! When I asked why he ran it almost empty he said, "You told me to do the dishes!" :hu At least he loaded them. I will empty it now and load it again. Our old dishwasher used to finish a load and dry it in 30 minutes. Our "ENERGY EFFICIENT" dishwasher takes from 110 minutes to 230 minutes depending on the cycle! Same thing with our "ENERGY EFFICIENT" washing machine which now takes 126 minutes to do a simple load. Used to be 30-40 minutes depending on the cycle. Not very efficient if you ask me. The gas dryer only takes 46 minutes. I am worried about when we move since our appliances will all be electric and I understand that electric dryers are not very efficient, taking 90 minutes to dry clothes. Oh well, it is what it is.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
CLOTHESLINE.... VERY EFFICIENT. I have not had a dryer in the house in over 20 years. Clothes go out on the line. Winter and summer... you pick the days you do laundry. In TX you ought to be able to do most of the laundry on nicer days since you do not get the rain there that we get. And even being the only one in the house, I seldom do anything that is not at least a half load or mostly a full load. I cannot see the point in wasting water and we certainly are not in any type of drought conditions.
I have my mom's old washing machine and am looking whenever I see a yard or estate sale, to pick up another older type washing machine. NOT going in for the electronic crap.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Loved my clothesline at the old house. Put all linens and DIAPERS on the line. I had grass at the old house and they dried fine. The sun actually a sanitizing agent. Have not had one here, and won't put it up. Here I don't have a place where dust and dirt from the livestock wouldn't blow onto the wet clothes. Not sure what the Anatolians would make of all those flapping clothes. Since my kids that are living here do their own laundry ever since Jr. Hi they wouldn't hang anything on the clothesline so . . . . Might make a change in TX if there are any old clothes poles up to restring lines.