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- #2,931
Herd Master
Watched the video and it was really interesting. The lady has a very pleasant voice and she speaks very fondly of her younger brother, Pembroke. The amount of under clothes she had to wear as a small child must have been torture in the summer.
Found another 12' corral panel leaning up against the dog kennel today. It has been there for several months and this morning I realized that I needed to add it to the count - now 7 12' panels. And a double horse wash rack. I don't know why we have that - it must have been free from someone. We just tied our horses to the fence to hose them off. If DDIL1 doesn't want it, I wonder if we should bring it to Texas eventually and sell it there, or just sell it here for metal.
DS1 dug up the 14' cross arms we used as edging on the old horse path. Only one of the 6 had any rot on it. He also dug up several of the 5'+ horizontals we used to hold the decomposed granite on the mild slope. We got about 4 good ones and one partially rotted. We did get all the bolts from them - we had hammered them through the pre-drilled holes in the cross arms into the dirt to hold them in place. Some of them are abut 18" long while others are 12" long. We now have a large bucket of them, along with plenty of washers. We will just have to buy the nuts for them to be able to assemble shelters or other stuff with these cross arms - maybe underpinnings for a deck. We will use the viny deck planks for the surface. So much usable junk to haul to Texas. But since if we return to California, we won't be building anything we might as well use it in TX.
DS1 got mad at me for dragging the four 14' crossarms up off the hillside onto the flat in front. He caught me doing that after I had removed the bolts from the other crossarms on the horse path. I told him that I was not going to just lay down and wait for death - I AM IN MY PRIME, after all! I left him to pull up the crossarms on the horse path and raked the dirt off the top of the corral shelters laying on the ground on the field. It looks like we have 2 more good shelters with intact corrugated roofing material.
We will have to buy and attach roofing to only 2 shelter frames. And I have the metal screws saved to do the attaching. Removed the cookbook pulldown shelf from under the cabinet and packed it. I rarely use it anymore but the kitchen in Texas is larger so I might start doing more recipe cooking. The location where it was in the current kitchen became a catchall so I couldn't pull it down anymore to use it. 12 more boxes are ready to go to Texas. Need to go into the connex and get more boxes to pack stuff. I think I will also pack more clothes to bring next time too. Having clothes in both places will make it easy to travel back and forth.
DS1 and I went through the ewes and lambs in the barn. We are missing a ewe lamb. Single ewe lamb born April 21, tagged, docked, vaxed May 2 just before we left for Texas. DS1 says he vaguely remembers a lamb dying. I don't but it is possible it happened either just before we left for Texas, or while we were there.
I found the Dutch oven I thought I packed for Texas and y great grandmother's aluminum roaster in the back of the cabinet here. I must have decided to wait to pack them, but the box with the placemats, knives, and cooking implements (spoons, spatulas, whisks, etc.) are still missing. I will have to unpack all the book boxes when we get back to Texas to see if they were packed with some books, or if they were mislabeled. In the meantime, I will pack them with our old kitchen silverware that was in the trailer, a wooden cutting board, and anything else. More cabinets to clean out and decide if we need that stuff in Texas. I am considering dividing up all my good linen tablecloths and napkins (from my grandmother) between my children. I love ironing linens. So relaxing! Might keep a couple tablecloths that fit my 54' diameter dining table. Not too many of them, that is a big table.
DH picked up the gas chainsaw from the shop where he had the do a checkup. The truck is back in the shop - apparently, they found the hose for the AC that they "didn't know where the mechanic put it when he quit". Just hope they can keep track of it long enough to put it back on our truck since Texas in July without AC will be unpleasant.
DH is talking seriously about buying DS2's Ford truck from him. I want to just borrow it for a while - until the value goes down a bit more!
He said we can use it to go to Texas so we might be hauling back 2 trailers again.
Our butcher has found the 3 lambs we took in a while back. He also has a steer for us. I don't remember asking for one but will check with DS3. Maybe he asked Kent for one. Otherwise, we will have to buy a 4th freezer. If we do, we will load one in the trailer, then fill it with meat and top it with dry ice for the trip back. Unload it, move it into the house, plug it in and put everything back in it. The problem with that is that without a backup generator if there is a power outage, we lose all that meat. Now that we have moved a lot of the stuff from the milk shed to Texas, we have room in the milk shed for another freezer. On the other hand, do we really want a 4th freezer? How many will we need in Texas for 3 people? Maybe DD1 has room in her freezer for some of our meat. One problem is that I bought meat on sale during the end of covid when it was a really good price and now DS2 keeps buying tri- tips and whole chickens to cook on his Trager and meat to make jerky. About half the meat in one huge freezer is his.
Found another 12' corral panel leaning up against the dog kennel today. It has been there for several months and this morning I realized that I needed to add it to the count - now 7 12' panels. And a double horse wash rack. I don't know why we have that - it must have been free from someone. We just tied our horses to the fence to hose them off. If DDIL1 doesn't want it, I wonder if we should bring it to Texas eventually and sell it there, or just sell it here for metal.
DS1 dug up the 14' cross arms we used as edging on the old horse path. Only one of the 6 had any rot on it. He also dug up several of the 5'+ horizontals we used to hold the decomposed granite on the mild slope. We got about 4 good ones and one partially rotted. We did get all the bolts from them - we had hammered them through the pre-drilled holes in the cross arms into the dirt to hold them in place. Some of them are abut 18" long while others are 12" long. We now have a large bucket of them, along with plenty of washers. We will just have to buy the nuts for them to be able to assemble shelters or other stuff with these cross arms - maybe underpinnings for a deck. We will use the viny deck planks for the surface. So much usable junk to haul to Texas. But since if we return to California, we won't be building anything we might as well use it in TX.
DS1 got mad at me for dragging the four 14' crossarms up off the hillside onto the flat in front. He caught me doing that after I had removed the bolts from the other crossarms on the horse path. I told him that I was not going to just lay down and wait for death - I AM IN MY PRIME, after all! I left him to pull up the crossarms on the horse path and raked the dirt off the top of the corral shelters laying on the ground on the field. It looks like we have 2 more good shelters with intact corrugated roofing material.

DS1 and I went through the ewes and lambs in the barn. We are missing a ewe lamb. Single ewe lamb born April 21, tagged, docked, vaxed May 2 just before we left for Texas. DS1 says he vaguely remembers a lamb dying. I don't but it is possible it happened either just before we left for Texas, or while we were there.
I found the Dutch oven I thought I packed for Texas and y great grandmother's aluminum roaster in the back of the cabinet here. I must have decided to wait to pack them, but the box with the placemats, knives, and cooking implements (spoons, spatulas, whisks, etc.) are still missing. I will have to unpack all the book boxes when we get back to Texas to see if they were packed with some books, or if they were mislabeled. In the meantime, I will pack them with our old kitchen silverware that was in the trailer, a wooden cutting board, and anything else. More cabinets to clean out and decide if we need that stuff in Texas. I am considering dividing up all my good linen tablecloths and napkins (from my grandmother) between my children. I love ironing linens. So relaxing! Might keep a couple tablecloths that fit my 54' diameter dining table. Not too many of them, that is a big table.
DH picked up the gas chainsaw from the shop where he had the do a checkup. The truck is back in the shop - apparently, they found the hose for the AC that they "didn't know where the mechanic put it when he quit". Just hope they can keep track of it long enough to put it back on our truck since Texas in July without AC will be unpleasant.

Our butcher has found the 3 lambs we took in a while back. He also has a steer for us. I don't remember asking for one but will check with DS3. Maybe he asked Kent for one. Otherwise, we will have to buy a 4th freezer. If we do, we will load one in the trailer, then fill it with meat and top it with dry ice for the trip back. Unload it, move it into the house, plug it in and put everything back in it. The problem with that is that without a backup generator if there is a power outage, we lose all that meat. Now that we have moved a lot of the stuff from the milk shed to Texas, we have room in the milk shed for another freezer. On the other hand, do we really want a 4th freezer? How many will we need in Texas for 3 people? Maybe DD1 has room in her freezer for some of our meat. One problem is that I bought meat on sale during the end of covid when it was a really good price and now DS2 keeps buying tri- tips and whole chickens to cook on his Trager and meat to make jerky. About half the meat in one huge freezer is his.