Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So had a couple returns to do at Ross. Big mistake - should have sent DH or DS1. Ended up with a lot more good buys that I do need for the house in Texas but didn't want to spend money on. Mostly storage items. I did get some new Oneida SS flatware - service for 8, plus 16 additional teaspoons and 8 forks in the same pattern. Somehow those pieces seem to melt away. Then found 2 lazy susans for the spice cabinet which have 5" high clear sides so the spices won't fall off. Grabbed those. Found the shelves that hook onto the one above to provide extra storage. Today they even had a bunch of the large square Rubbermaid container 2 packs normally $12 marked down to $7. Picked up a pack of 4 small china ice cream bowls for $4. Then found a pair of tennis shoes in my size, with the air cushion insoles THAT HAVE HARD TOES FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS! Super comfortable and BRIGHT PINK! They will be perfect to save my toes when putting up the corral panels.

As I was leaving for the shopping trip DS1 came in the house holding his arm out really funny. I thought he might have hurt himself, but it seems that one of the Redtail hawks had pooped on him as he was sitting near the nest.

When I returned DH ran a couple errands. I packed another couple boxes and put the first coat of poly on the recliner arms. Then it was time to leave for DD1's house since they were celebrating DGD1's 10th birthday. Her birthday is actually Sunday but since her brothers are going to Scout camp and her Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jason are flying back to Maryland that day, they decided to celebrate today. Back home after dinner, cake, and presents to put a second coat of poly on the recliner arms. And open all the windows since today is the first day of the long, hot summer starting. Temperature shot up from 70's to 95 degrees.

DS2 asked if we had any ram lambs left and Isaid we did. He has a fried that wants to buy them for a BBQ. I told him $120 each. It will save us a trip to the auction. I haven't heard from Rafael about the ewes he wants to buy. I have 2 that I could get rid of based on the amount of fleece they have retained, but they are good ewes and I won't take less than $325 apiece. They are worth more but $300 is what I got for my cull ewes at the auction with no papers, and these are good, registered, breedable ewes. He will want the registration papers. I sold him some registered commercial ewes last year at a bargain price to get the numbers down and I think he figured he could get them really cheap. His hay prices are still at $25/bale so I don't see any reason to sell good ewes for bargain prices. I really don't want to sell any ewes right now. We are about to vaccinate, dose with Bo-Se, and put a ram on them for December lambs. The rams need their hooves cut again too before we leave.

DSIL2 is coming over tomorrow morning to help load the 24' corral panels on the trailer. Then they will load the heavy corral shelters. Lastly, the empty pipe frames and shorter gate panels will go on top. Monday we will load the stock trailer with the desk pieces and any furniture, along with tools, boxes of hardware from the tool shed, and paint. A lot of the boxes and plastic crates will go in the truck bed under the tonneau cover. Depending on the amount of space we have, I will probably bring the Covid emergency food supplies too. If we can, we will pack 2 coolers with frozen meat and dry ice. Have to be careful not to take too much since the fridge freezer is not too big and I need room for Blue Bell.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Got an email from Valley Vet with 4th July sale $20 off order over $250 so ordered the Gallagher charger. Can't send to California so had it sent to Baymule. :D =D Thanks Bay!

No problem! Glad to assist with my mailing address. I’ll bring it to you!

Was about to text Bay to tell her about the order but realized it is 1 am in Texas right now! I'll call tomorrow afternoon when she gets off the roof.

A 1 AM text would have been a problem. LOL Although I’ve been so tired, I probably would have slept through it.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
DSIL2 came over at noon to help load the 24' corral panels and the shelter panels. I watched Annabel while they were working since DD2 had to go to work. She is napping now. DS2 did not help as he is working on his patio enlargement, cutting and laying the cap bricks for the steps.

Cleaned out more kitchen cabinets. Removed some spices and items to pack for Texas. Also am packing extra bags of powdered and brown sugar. I sealed them in Ziploc bags but am considering bringing a lidded metal trashcan to store the sugar and other foodstuffs in to avoid rats chewing through the plastic. The Ziploc bags will keep out bugs, but not rats or mice and I don't want them to get a foothold in the house. I still have to get the 2 large boxes of jam and jelly down and sort through it. I will take a couple jars of each kind to Texas but will give the rest to grandchildren - they said they have been out for months. We don't use much jam or jelly anymore and I'll make more in Texas.

I am beginning to rethink this whole "Prime" thing. Yesterday on the way to my car with 4 giant bags of purchases (Ross won't let you remove the shopping carts from the store) I had a small accident. Luckily my car was parked right in front of the store and I thought I could make it ok. The planted area between the road and my car was only about 3'x4' so instead of going around I tried to cross it as the shortest way. As I struggled with the bags 2 nice gentlemen started to ask if I needed help. Before I could gasp "Yes please!" I tripped over a bush and fell at their feet! That answered their question. As they solicitously helped me to my feet and placed my purchases in the car, I decided I had to reassess "PRIME". :old

I have trouble with my balance and soon may need bionic hips. Am I still Prime? My mind works, and while sitting I feel about 20. Thanks to daily Oil of Olay applications my skin is still relatively wrinkle free - assuming I don't use the magnifying mirror in the lower bathroom drawer. Am I still Prime? (I should throw that away, but if it breaks in the garbage does that mean 7 years bad luck for me or the garbageman?)

DH and I discussed it again after he observed me favoring a hip this am. We decided that we are still pretty much "Prime" and will continue with the ranch setup. If the sheep thing doesn't work, we will have a nice ranch set up for sheep and goats, along with 30 acres for either cattle or hay. Many cattlemen are diversifying into sheep and goats so having the sheep/goat set up will be a good investment for the property. The house is solid. It does need some upgrading to achieve "desirable residence" status, but that won't be a problem for us to do ourselves. I am considering enlarging the carport which is currently 17' wide to 25' wide. I can pick up that much more footage by extending it to the front of the house. Then add a second story "bonus room" to the garage with plumbing for a 3/4 bathroom.

We will add a propane generator to make life easier with the storms and heat in Texas. Eventually maybe drill another well since we sit on top of a good aquifer. All improvements will increase value if we sell, and if we stay, make life easier, more livable, and (with the well) maybe cheaper to live. If we decide to move off the farm, we can sell the sheep flock and equipment through an online auction sale. Then, as I said, the value of the property will have been raised by all the improvements. Win Win.

Once my hip stops hurting though, I will be back in "Prime" mindset. Better go do more packing. No time to feel sorry for myself. Snap out of it! :smack


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I sealed them in Ziploc bags but am considering bringing a lidded metal trashcan to store the sugar and other foodstuffs in to avoid rats chewing through the plastic.
Don't even consider - DO IT.

Before I could gasp "Yes please!" I tripped over a bush and fell at their feet!
WTH --- I just did that 3 (?) weeks ago - but it was a concrete parking curb in a park (not to mention it was the only one and in a -- ironically -- handicapped spot). Shiner (now gone) but sore ribs and jammed finger still to show for it.
PRIME --- it's not just for Amazon -- it's US! ;)

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
The fall wasn't your "prime" not being good enough -- it was a poor decision to attempt crossing bushes, on foot, with arms full!! Really??!! 😱 Geesh, now you want hip replacements??? :idunno get a golf cart instead:old

Take 2 aspirin and go to bed. You'll be back PRIME @6am!, 👍☺️


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
In my mind I leap over small bushes in a single bound. Run faster than a speeding sheep. Carry 50 lb. grain sacks on each shoulder. Does that mean my mind is going along with my knees, hips, and boobs? :barnie

Finished last 2 coats of polyurethane on arms of recliner. On Monday we will take it to upholsterer. He can work on it while we are in Texas. DS1 got out the old rocker I bought used when DGS1 was born. I recovered the cushions, and it is in pretty good shape considering each time our grandbabies grow up to preschool age it goes in the Connex. It is pretty comfortable, and I will take it to Texas. There is just something comfortable about a rocking chair.

DS1, DH, and DSIL2 got the 24' panels loaded, the 2 shelter panels carried up from the lower sheep area, and all 3 shelters loaded. While they were doing that I was babysitting Annabel so DD2 could go to work. Annabel and Robert are learning to play together. They give each other snacks and Robert helps Annabel up after pushing her down. Robert still has a problem sharing his toys with Annabel, but at 2 years old they are acting appropriately for their ages. There is a big difference in the behavior of a child who is the only one and one with an older sibling. Tomorrow DS1 and DH want to load the rest of the panels on the flatbed. DS1 has to disassemble another heavy-duty shelving unit in the milk barn. (We need the shelving units to put all the packed boxes on in Texas.) There is a Habitat for Humanity in Sulphur Springs. I will check and see if they have any old cabinets that I can install in the storage shed and/or the tack room. I want to put most of the stuff I am bringing back into cabinets to keep it clean and rat free.

The horse shelter panel with the rusted-out roofing needs to have the roofing removed so the frame can go to Texas. We will replace the corrugated roofing there on 3 panels that need it. There are also some chain link panels that need the chain link removed. It was destroyed by years of using the chain link kennels for kidding stalls. Goats - gotta love 'em. We are going to have another metal yard load for DS1 to sell. Not only the chain link mesh, but our old BBQ can go as well. We will get a new one in Texas next summer. In the meantime, Carl does the grilling on his Trager. :D =D

The temperature shot up yesterday. I shut all the widows and turned on the AC for the first time this spring or summer. I close all the windows and turn the AC off before going to bed as it cools off outside. Just closed the windows this morning and will turn the AC on around noon.

Carl has almost finished his patio extension. He went to Lowes to get another load of capstones. I had him pick up another of the $99 fans for me while the sale was on. I plan to install a fan over the new kitchen island and wanted it to match the LR fan since the rooms are open to each other. I had a fan in the kitchen over my work peninsula in or old house and it was the only reason I survived canning in the summers without AC. I don't know how our forebears did it. I plan to have a one stool sitting spot at the new island so I can sit under the fan to prep veggies and fruit for canning. I used to do it all standing but now (in my Prime) I think I may try sitting. Or perching since you can't really get comfortable on a stool.

I am back in my Prime this am. I figured out that if I take Vitamin B complex in the morning for energy, and Alleve for arthritis, that I will be back to almost normal. I also realized my tripping is from not lifting my feet high enough due to stiffness in hips and back so by doing some intensive leg bending exercises I can stop stumbling.
Or end up in traction. However, the vita B and Alleve are the first step in my plan.

I have a greater problem than tripping now. I have run out of boxes in which to pack things! Even worse is that after all this packing you can't even see a dent in our belongings!
Also, will all the boxes and large bin of gallons of paint I have packed in the shed, and all the boxes and large bins stacked in the living room fit in the truck and trailer along with both desk sections? And the 6 fan boxes currently stacked under the desk? DS1 suggested that we load some more sheep fencing - the metal U supports for building the chute, the squeeze, and the stanchion in the stock trailer. All of the bins will fit in the bed of DS2's truck. And we can stack the boxes high in the stock trailer with the heavier ones on the bottom. I suppose we could fit the squeeze on top of the corral panels in the flatbed and tie it on well. It ought to be safe in the barn while we continue moving. The boxes in the shed which contain different small items like my boxes and jars of assorted screws, nails, fasteners, etc. will be unloaded straight onto the heavy duty shelving unit we are bringing back.

I think I will bring back one of my canners so that I can make pork chili verde and can it in quart jars. Those quarts can be packed to go to Texas and get the pork out of the freezer. Also, the spaghetti sauce currently frozen in Ziploc bags. I can do that over the winter while waiting to move a freezer to Texas. Storing that meat in jars will be easier than keeping it frozen on the trip to Texas. I wish this house had a basement for canned goods storage. If I were building a new house, or even getting a prefab I would have good basement built with concrete and concrete blocks. The pre-fab could be positioned over the already built basement. It would be ideal for tornadoes but mainly for canned food storage and the freezers. At our old house we had a basement, and Daddy built shelves for my canned goods between the joists and struts. We also had both freezers down there. With no AC I spent some time down there during heat waves "cleaning" it. The floor was dirt so it was more like a root cellar but I loved it and the canned goods storage.

Nothing else to pack so I will go through more cabinets. At least I am cleaning out cabinets and closets! :lol: