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- #3,041
Herd Master
He doesn't. I forgot today was Saturday.I can't believe that your doctor has hours on Saturday's.... even just to make appts. Forget that around here.

Went to Home Depot and found out that the blinds I wanted that showed up on their website are online order only! However, while there remembered to check in plumbing and found the riser for the shower head we needed. DS1 and DH keep bumping their heads on the current shower head. Came home and gave it to DS1 for his birthday. Went down to the milk shed and moved stuff off the shelves onto another that was half empty. Then took the shelf apart, carried all parts upstairs (2 flights), and washed all the parts. They are ready to load. Then found my 3 cattle stanchion heads that I brought home from Yelm, dragged them upstairs, and loaded them in the truck. Found a bucket of gate parts and brought those up too. I still have to bring up the paint sprayer and parts to load in the trailer. Then did a couple texts for DH (I wish he would learn to use his phone but then I get help with mine from DS1). Did a couple business emails that needed doing. Tried to make appointments for DH and found out that it was Saturday not Friday. Now have to go into an account and change the password so I can access it. Somehow it got changed or deleted. I really don't like computers - I think their artificial intelligence likes to make trouble for humans. They are probably chortling their mechanical laugh as we try to figure out what happened.

Tomorrow DS1 and I will trim 5 sets of sheep hooves. When we return, I will give Selenium shots. I need to order Epinephrine. I got a prescription from my vet. I used to keep it on hand - back in the day when you could get all your animal meds online without prescriptions. Never needed it but sure as I don't have it my favorite ewe will go into anaphylactic shock.