Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
LOVE the costumes!! The kids look so cute and OMG an avocado!!
I think that bug is going around - so far so good here, but my friend who has the huge training flock got it. Said it came on fast. That was yesterday.
Hope you're feeling better soon.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Comes on fast, goes away fast too. No, wait, that is just a trick! Just when you think you have recovered, IT COMES BACK! Had to stop at fast food places twice taking DH to VA on Monday for emergency reasons! :sick


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
The kids look so cute. What a Happy Halloween!

Bring Rika with you to Texas. My Anatolians take cover when it’s cold or hard rain. With the sheep in the barn, in pens, the dogs may be happy to have access to the barn. Give them a place, blocked from the wind with deep hay and they will be ok. Rika May grieve and be unhappy with y’all gone, sheep gone, horse and mule gone and her dog friends. Bring her, pamper her and she will be happier with her family.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You would sign her death warrant if you left her behind with nothing that is her whole life and world. She will manage as @Baymule said... the "trauma" suddenly having no one and nothing will be 10 x worse than her coming to a new place with everyone else that she knows and is familiar with. On top of that, you will take much better care of her than your kids there will... too many babies, and making more ? .... she will get neglected even if by "benign neglect"... she would grieve herself to death there in short order.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Absolutely going to bring her. Thanks for helping me make up my mind. We can bring her inside if necessary part of the time. And since we will be coming back the end of January, the weather will improve. :fl Sweet Rika might be happy if she were to be allowed inside if left behind, but with the 2 babies DDIL2 really doesn't like dogs inside so . . . .

DH had PT yesterday. The therapist massaged the muscle in his thigh which is very tight. DH complained that he had been brutalized. Took him home and gave him a pain pill and ice pack. Lamb and barley soup for supper. DH has now succumbed to the cold/cough that went through the rest of the family. He went to bed early after eating his soup. When I came to bed he was coughing and sad. He said he had a fever of 104 degrees, after checking his forehead I figured it at 99 degrees. I gave him Ibuprofen and reassured him that he was not dying. A couple hours later I gave him Nyquil for his cough. Around 2-3 am he woke up coughing hard again. I gave him a double dose of Robitussin cough syrup and an Oxycodone for his knee. He slept well until 8:30 am. So did I. LOL Men are bad patients. But I love him.

Sent off the subscription for Highlights magazine for DGD1 (she asked for it for Christmas) and showed it to DDIL2. DDIL2 liked it for Robert - they offer an issue appropriate for 2-6 year olds. I added Robert to the form for the younger magazine. My Christmas shopping is coming along. :) I used to always have it finished by Thanksgiving. I would start off the following year at the after Christmas sales. Bought my wrapping paper and decorations then too. LOL

Did more work today clearing out the file cabinets and going through the cabinets in the office. Found more stuff to pack for Texas. So many items that can only be packed at the end before we make the final move.

Have decided to take out the shelves that I installed in the closet in the office and take them to Texas to install in the office closet there for office supplies. The Texas office closet is very large. The shelves will hardly take up any of it. I also plan to out shelves across the ends of the closet since they go back deep. The closet is about 9' long but the doors are only 5' leaving 2' on either end that are hard to get to. If I install 18" deep shelves in the ends, I will get more storage without any loss of use. The current CA office will become baby Nicholas' nursery and the closet can be used without the shelves. The CA office also has a set of tall white cabinets that I installed when we remodeled that room. We took out the former HVAC closet (situated between the current nursery and current office) and put the HVAC on the roof. The HVAC closet was large, and I installed the cabinets in the space between the 2 bedrooms. There is still space behind those cabinets on Robert's room side. By cutting through Robert's wall more cabinets or bookcases can be installed in that wall. It won't take any furniture wall space since the area that would become a new cabinet is behind the bedroom entry door. In case you haven't noticed, I love storage and try to reclaim any unused blank space hiding in walls.

DS1 just came back from picking up DGD1 and running errands. He picked up ink for the printer. Soooo expensive! :hit But I need it for business! He even checked Amazon, but it was the same price, so he got it at Walmart.

Made chicken fajitas for supper with Mexican squash (like mild zucchini), and salad. DDIL2 made rice as well. Thawing out the tortillas. DS1 said he was tired of soup - we have been having soup for several days during the stomach bug family epidemic - so something solid for dinner tonight. DH will have the leftover lamb, vegetable, and barley soup. I realized when making the soup that I took my good soup kettle to Texas already. It is a PITA to be so ahead of the game with packing. :rolleyes:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Well, another milestone in Robert's young life - Tantrum Phase has been reached successfully! Dinnertime with a 2-year-old angry that cartoons are turned off. Deeelightful! Luckily, after 5 children, running my own daycare, and 9 grandchildren, I can sit through a howling childish hurricane without a tremor. :lol:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
How do I start a new thread open to everyone? I can start a conversation with several people, but how do I post for everyone to read it?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
How do I start a new thread open to everyone? I can start a conversation with several people, but how do I post for everyone to read it?
Are you going to start a new journal for the Texas ranch?

Go to top of this page, click on Members backyard herds journals.
The next page will have a small box at top of page with Post Thread , click on that.

The next page will have a space for Thread Title, click on that to put the courser in that box. Type in the title of your thread.

There is a bigger box under that, click on that and type in a sentence or two. Click on post thread. If you have done it right and if I told you right, you will have a new thread. Reason I said a few sentences is so if WE got this wrong, it won’t be a big long post, lost forever. LOL
Once you have your new journal posted, then you can put in a long post with out it being lost in cyberspace.

We are in an our PRIME and we can figure this technology out!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Started the thread, but now I am having problems writing about my Anatolians. I always want to write too much and out in too much background. I have trouble remembering that I am writing on a thread, not authoring a book. LOL I will have to work on this.

DS1 and DS2 unloaded the trailer load of hay today. DS1 says it will last through December. I will have to get the last 100 bales my hay guy is keeping for me. Then pick up another 80 bales on the way back from Texas next trip. Tomorrow I will park the trailer and drop it. Then we have to see if the hitch can be adjusted or if it is too rusted to move. We should have done it at the seller's place but I didn't realize how high it was adjusted, or that we could adjust the height of the hitch. DS1 says he has some lithium grease we can squirt on it to see if that will lube it enough to move. If it is frozen, we may need to take it to the trailer place and have them work on it. We can't haul the sheep comfortably with the trailer at the angle it sits now. Hopefully, the lithium will free it up.