Herd Master
Have a safe trip out and back. This time of year the ceazies are out so watch out for them.Got up early this am and did laundry. DH had taken the car for an oil change. O the way he got a call from DD1 to please come take boys to school since she couldn't walk or drive. She twisted her foot last night. He picked up boys, loaned her his cane, and then when he came home he got on the phone looking for someone to work on electrical in truck. The check engine light was not working and it needs to work for the smog test. The smog guy passed him anyway (smog checks in California are a rip off ). DH wanted the light fixed so took it in to the dealership. (Otherwise known as the Bermuda Triangle of completed repairs.) DH and the smog guy thought it might just be the bulb burned out. Nope, according to the shop it needs a whole new "wiring harness"! They can't get one because the truck is "too old".I told DH to bring the truck home since it was working fine other than that and you would think since they put in a whole new engine they might have seen the problem! Anyway, this am DH finally found someone who might be able to fix it. Otherwise, we can probably find someone in Texas to do it. Personally, I think the shop is just trying to make more money on us. Any problem with a vehicle not under warranty they tell us it needs to be replaced and they want to replace the parts with new parts at a premium price!
AND it takes forever!
Next I took DH to PT and set up more appointments for him- they will only book 2 weeks out.While he was doing PT, I did 2 returns of Christmas gifts. The first return only took 10 minutes but the second store I stood in line for 30 minutes! Only one person ringing people up! Then there was a car accident utside the store. Half of the employees congregated at the doors watching. Meantime the line grew from 17 people to 30 people. Finally, after multiple complaints by several people another employee came to open another check stand. After finally getting my items returned I went back to PT and picked up DH, came home and picked up DS1. The three of us went to the dealership to get our car and truck. Came home and did another load of laundry, chopped celery, pulled meat off chickens, made chicken salad for trip tomorrow. Then packed 2 boxes with snacks for trip, and tools. Still need to pack clothes. Also pack car with boxes we are taking to Texas.
Now it looks like we will be leaving on Saturday after all since we still need to pack the car. The car wasn't available until after 3:30 pm today. About 4 pm it started to rain a little. We have boxes and bins in the shed ready to load but didn't want to load the boxed paintings in the rain. DS1 said we will pack tomorrow and leave Saturday am. He plans to drive straight through.He said we can make better time in the Explorer than in the truck and will be able to get into places easier to gas and eat. I told him we would stop at Denny's for breakfast and dinner since I get 15% off AARP and we will be better off with at least 2 decent meals. Tomorrow we will pack the coolers, load everything, and be ready to go. I remembered I should pack some extra wool blankets since it will be cold in Texas, and we only have light bedding on the beds. (And no DH to put my cold feet on! I may have to wear wool socks to bed.)
I also thought of a good Christmas gift for DS2 and DDIL2. We are leaving our king size bed behind but taking our sheets for our king size bed in Texas so they will not have any bedding. I will buy them new linens for Christmas - something they need and have not thought of.If I don't have time to get out and buy them when I get back, I can order them online.
All Christmas shopping is done!(Or at least planned and ordered.)
DD1 went to emergency urgent care this am. Doctor did x-rays and said nothing broken but she has plantar fascitis, and needs to keep off that foot. She needs to go to podiatrist (gave her a referral). Insurance would not allow MRI but podiatrist might authorize one. She can't go to work until Monday. If it is still bothering her Monday she shouldn't go back for another couple days. She has been complaining of terrible pain in her feet for months but yesterday she stepped in a hole at the soccer field and could not walk this am.
Probably won't be online much between December 2 and December 11.