Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Mine sure don't. But they suffer from a complaint called "Testosterone Poisoning".

Once I get the plan drawn up, I will post it as well for suggestions. We have a LOT of panels. They keep appearing - it is like they were breeding in some hidden corner during the past 30 years. (Sort of like the junk under my young children's beds used to do.) With this steep terrain we have not put in many permanent fences on the hills. We still have about 30 more 10' panels to take apart along with several 10' gate panels after transporting the sheep to TX. (That doesn't include the jugs.) DH said he will borrow DS3's flatbed again for that. I wish he would teach DS1 to drive the gooseneck. Maybe he will on this trip. Since I won't be raising sheep again in California, I am consoling myself that I can sell the panels more easily in Texas when we finally retire and wait to die. LOL I have a complete Red River roping arena of panels that we bought years ago when our teenagers wanted to try team penning. Probably about the time we decide to sell everything our kids will decide to move to Texas, and we will have to move whatever they want to a new Texas location. LOL - I am taking the walker and wheelchair to Texas so we can appear suitably decrepit while they do the work.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
SURPRISE!!! 7088 had a single ram lamb this am in the barn. It rained hard all night and is still raining today so it was lucky she was in the creep pen pasture. DS1 had removed the creep bars to give the sheep access to the lamb creep for more shelter and that is where she lambed. She is older and experienced. What a good girl.

Didn't know she was pregnant but last July Junior got out for several hours so it's possible there might be another couple today and tomorrow. Checked the rest of the girls for udders but don't see any in the front 11 ewes, don't see any on the 10 creep pasture ewes. The main pasture 12 are sheltering from the rain somewhere so will have to check them when we feed tonight. She is in a pen in the barn with the lamb. He is pretty big. Took Ozel down to do the whole afterbirth thing, but she wasn't interested in the lamb so no worries there. It is often the males that are overprotective of the newborns to the point of wanting to steal them.

I am hoping to get another Anatolian this year. I need 4 dogs now. Erick bred one of his good bitches to his older Anatolian. The dog is very nice and Erick loves his temperament. The bitch is more aggressive. Tuc is on the cusp of being a little too big for Erick's taste but is a great guardian. I am on the list and told Erick that I will take either a bitch or a dog since Bubba is gone. Not be a replacement for Bubba since there can never be another Bubba. :hit Every now and then a truly great dog comes along and holds your heart. I have been lucky to have a couple of them.

I do like running my dogs in male/female pairs. They are completely different in temperament and the way they protect. I saw this in my Weimaraners too. The males seem to attack from the front and the females come in from the rear and slash at the animal's rear tendons to cripple it. Since I only have females now, I have seen that the pack leader will take the front position while the others come in from the rear sides to do the same. If you watch your dogs playing you can see that they are not just playing, they are practicing attack and defense.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Here is a layout of the 15 fenced acres. OMG! Just realized I did not push send yesterday!

Image (9).jpg

House sits in front northeast corner. Heavy black lines are property lines with 4 strand tight strung barbed wire cattle fencing. Thin black lines are new fence lines - 75" tall Sta-Tuff fixed knot Deer Tuff 1775-6-330 fence.

Note that there is what looks like an additional fenced in enclosure at the end of the driveway with gates leading into the pastures on all 4 sides. This is a double gated dog safety arrangement for pulling trailers and equipment into the barnyard and pastures without the possibility of leaving any gates open for dogs to run through. The area is 30'x50', large enough for a crew cab P/U pulling a 36' trailer to get in and close the first gate behind it before opening the next gate to pull into the pasture or barnyard.

There are 2 16' gates from the 15 acres into the 32 acres of hayfields for Cody to get through with his equipment. There are 16' gates from the driveway into the pasture, from the driveway end into the dog safety corridor, and one at the far end of the safety corridor.

There are 2 walk-through gates - one next to the shed from the back yard to the barn yard and the other from the backyard into the vegetable garden space.

The yellow lines are future 5' wrought iron fencing to close the front of the house and yard off from the highway for both grandchildren's and dogs' safety.

The fences DH and I were disagreeing about were the green lines and orange lines. The green line is where I propose to put 42" panels across to keep the dogs out of the garden. Since the garden is fenced on the other 3 sides with 75" deer fencing, we don't need higher fencing inside the perimeter fence to keep the dogs or sheep out of the garden. We do need 6' fencing across the open side yard to prevent the dogs from reaching the highway until we can install the wrought iron fencing around the front yard. I showed him my drawing and he says now that he meant we should put the 6 panels in both places. (Testosterone poisoning)

The pencil marks are the portable corral panels that we have put up to hold the sheep when we first get them back to Texas. Those are 5' high horse corral panels with stock panels wired onto them. That corral is about 40' x 30'. We will enlarge it with more panels as needed. We still need to put one up for the rams. In the barn there is a 15' x 30' x 42" high inside pen with access to the outside corral. For the rams we will put their outside corral to access the back of the 11' x 60' section of the side barn which is closed off from the main barn with corrugated metal panels.

The 72 bales of hay I bought (anticipating we would have been in Texas in November :mad:) are currently stacked on the north side of the barn. Once I get back there and the hay has time to dry, I will either move half into the barn or use it up and buy the new cutting to put in the barn.

Need to ask @farmerjan her opinion on putting the 2024 new hay in the covered barn area and leaving the current 2023 bales outside since it has already been rained on. We will use it up first and if it spoils, I can use it as bedding in the barn for the LGDs, and mulch in the garden to keep the weeds down. We are bringing some alfalfa bales to Texas. I like it for the new lambs and can feed it in the creep.

I will have to submit a proper rotational graze fencing plan when I hear from the NRCS guy about the fencing money. Feel free to submit plans for my rotational graze fencing - always remembering that pastures without pond access will need to have water run to them. Not that difficult to run a length of feeder pipe from the well to the corner of every 2 pastures and fill the tanks with hoses or a float valve. We have to run the water pipe to the barn anyway. Also electric. Lots to do once we get there.

If the sheep are drinking from the pond, I will have to worm more. Erick said he would give me some geese and ducks for the pond. The ducks will keep down the liver fluke snails. The geese will help eat pond growth.

Did some more packing. Got the Chinese 4 panel screen down off the wall and wrapped for transport. Next, I have to take the screen support off the wall. Also have a large mirror in an inlaid frame and a couple more paintings to pack. I am considering whether to make the spare bedroom into a TV/exercise/sewing/card room by putting a sleeper sofa in it instead of a bed. I have DS1's room until he moves back in the summer as a spare room anyway.

Excited because DH said as soon as he gets back from this trip, he will be making another one. I will go with him, and we'll get some stuff accomplished. We have to set up the panels for the rams' night pen, set up the jugs, clen out the side barn, and finish painting the large guest bath. I also have to call the plumber to come out and put in the shower and do a couple other things.

We might not get to Palm Springs this year for a sofa. Maybe we can do it next fall when we come out for Christmas. In the meantime, we will use the loveseats. They are in great condition and blend well with the current carpeting. I won't be replacing it just yet even though it is old and showing wear. We need to save money for the shed and attic retrofit heat barrier, propane generator, larger fridge, the kitchen island, and of course, fencing.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Things have got to be looking pretty baren in the CA house. It's got to be tough seeing less and less there. TX won't happen soon enough. BUT - looks like it's back on track. It's going to be sooo different looking out at flat ground and being able to see most everything. I like the fence set up and that alleyway is perfect.
LOL -- you could put a key the gates so in order to open on you have to close the other. It worked in my brain a minute ago :lol: but now I can't figure it out.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Just posted what I thought I posted yesterday. :hide

OMG! IT IS POURING! With the raised ceilings in this house it really pounds on the roof loudly. At least the roof got sealed up and the leaking skylight in the laundry room removed. They didn't put in another one, there was some rotten wood which the roofer replaced, and they roofed over the hole. The split system wall unit in the laundry was making noise when running. The HVAC people said that they could take it apart and rebuild but that it would just go bad again. Apparently, they had fixed it before. We decided to just use it since other being noisy it works. If it goes completely bad we will remove it and put a window in the hole.

Yesterday I took the Chinese screen down off the wall, wrapped it, and got it ready for the trip to Texas. Then I tried to get the leg support that I built off the wall. Got 2 screws out but the other four wouldn't come loose. I was pretty tired and gasping from doing the screen panels so went and laid down. I think that small area of collapsed lung on the x-ray probably came from the heavy coughing I had been done with my last bout of bronchitis. I would cough so hard and long that I couldn't catch breath and my side hurt.

Today I found out why the support would not come loose from the wall. At first, I thought I had stripped the screw heads. After 10 minutes with a flashlight, I realized I used toggle bolts to attach it to the wall. Toggle bolts won't unscrew after a certain amount of turns has loosened the toggle, then they just spin. So I put pressure on it by wedging the support away from the wall first using my hand and pulling, then by inserting the handle of a hammer. Finally got all but one bolt out. Had to get DS1 to help with the last one. So that is done. The living room looks pretty odd without the large screen on the wall. The room also needs to be painted. If I was offering the property for rent, at the amount is would bring, I would have to go through and paint most of the rooms. Since DS2 is getting it for a third of that, he can paint it himself.

I probably won't live here again. I realized yesterday that I have passed the emotional ties you have with a home you have lived in for a long time. Realized it when I caught myself thinking "I want to go home" and realized I was thinking about the Yantis ranch. :)

Making more chicken stock today. It is raining like mad. The sheep are unhappy, but no new lambs thank heaven. Just have to hope that if anyone does lamb, they will be smart enough to find shelter. On the other hand they are sheep . . . .

DS1 brought me 4 plastic drop cloths the other day to wrap the loveseats and chairs in. The loveseats will go to Texas, and I will store the white chairs and any other furniture for now in the Connex. We have some room in the Connex now having taken some of the stuff out to Texas. I can always go to Palm Springs and look for a sofa bed when we come back for visits. @sage Hill I will let you know when. Kris has another property that he lets out - not as large as the gold course property he is planning to sell, or with a view of any kind, but with a pool.

I need to call the oriental rug guy to come and pickup 3 rugs to be cleaned. I am taking the smaller 8x10 rug to Texas after it is cleaned but the 11x20 Royal Sharouk rug will go back into the Connex. I might bring it to Texas later once we have done some remodeling. I also need to make an appointment for the end of February or first of March with the vet for the testing on the livestock, vaccinations on dogs and horses. Also need to get another bottle of Bo-Se. I have a vet lined up in Sulphur Springs who is willing to take us on as new clients with the 3 equines, 3 dogs, and 50 head of sheep. After hearing some of the horror stories about vets not taking new clients that is a relief.

Going out now to wrap the furniture.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I probably won't live here again. I realized yesterday that I have passed the emotional ties you have with a home you have lived in for a long time. Realized it when I caught myself thinking "I want to go home" and realized I was thinking about the Yantis ranch. :)
Oh yeah. I know that one!! Went through the same when we were building here. 30 yrs in the old house - lots of memories. But at a point ya' just want out.
Palm Springs will happen whenever it does :) besides - you might want to get the feel of the TX before you jump into getting a new sofa bed. The two love seats will probably be perfect and you may come up with other ideas. I know first hand having just been through "the move" (even though its been almost 5 yrs now).


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
It took me 20 years to get the formal living room here just right. I loved every bit of it from the furniture and placement to the paintings. Every piece meant something and had memories. Then I put up baby gates to keep the dogs our. White furniture is not friendly to dogs. Or to husbands who work in the barn or on power poles and want to go in and sit down without even brushing off their clothes! Leather furniture in the family room and tile floors took care of mucky barn boots, spilled milk (dairy herd remember?), and the occasional project pig running into the house. LOL

Eventually I will find get leather sofas for the living room in Yantis. DH has a leather recliner so he has a place to sit, and I can cover the upholstered furniture with sheets when we are doing a dirty project. At this point I just want to get back there stay for a while. We will be coming to California for doctor appointments, surgery (my knee and DH's cataract), and another load as we need it. LOL

It has been raining hard all day and the hillsides are slick as ice. DS1 came in very upset because Snowflake was about 100' down the hill and would not try to climb up. She kept slipping on the steep mud. He got a halter but she kept slipping and falling. He checked to see if she was lambing but no, she just couldn't make it up the hill. It took DS1 and DS2 to go down and drag her up to the gate into the lower pen. She still didn't want to walk but they got her over to the steps up to the barn and managed to get her up into the barn. She was limping on one rear leg. It wasn't broken but seemed to be either a muscle sprain or something. Looked like something in the hip. DS1 said he thinks Skittles might have kicked her. Skittles is not very good with the dogs and sheep and has been seen to charge at them. Snowflake ate a bit of hay then lay down. Hopefully she is ok. I will go down and check on her later.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
You’ll have fun getting things just right in your Yantis home.
Hope Snowflake will be ok. Dang you must have cliffs for slopes! Flat will be soon - tell Snowflake she’ll heal fast for that. 😁😉