Herd Master
Rats, no new tool cabinetThe socket racks fit in the wooden base cabinet drawers!
When you are done there my workshop is a mess. I'm sure you'll have withdrawal if you stop organizing cold turkey.
Tell him if any new tools show up that you already have a matching one, you will return it and use the money to buy something for yourself.On the other hand, DH may not have a problem with replacing the tools. I will wait and see.
You could try screwing them to the raftersHe is afraid that those 50-90 mph winds would lift the panels and just rip them off.

If the roofer gives you a quote for a metal roof will it be the same panels you can install yourself (saving a bundle in installation costs) or standing seam which you likely wouldn't be able to do yourself?
I agree that it would be a shame to put good money into something that will be torn down and replaced with a McMansion. Besides, weren't you talking about moving to TX and renting (on the sly) to one of the kids? They would want a decent roof wouldn't they?
With the fires being more frequent and more deadly, maybe people paying $2M for a house in fire prone areas is less likely.
Nah, what am I thinking. Everyone thinks "it" won't happen to them.
BTW, it would be interesting to know how many of the houses that burned in Paradise had wood shingle roofs. I know they are/were common in So. Cal. The house I grew up in always had a cedar shake roof. Those fires blow flammable roof to flammable roof burning the house to the ground but not touching other near by things. Someone I know on another forum posted a picture of her uncle's house. Or what was his house, nothing left. Nearby covered boat wasn't obviously damaged (in the picture) and the mailbox on a wooden post at the street was untouched.
Congrats on the new lamb! Hope Bubba is watching and learning.
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