Herd Master
^^what she said!! Works!
Weeellll...just like Google sometimes gives wrong directions, they did my addyJust Google the address next door, and it should come up on Zillow. Zillow should have info
Doesn't CA refund money if the plates are turned in early... this is like only 4 months into the new year????
And, I would not want to be in TX with CA plates on my vehicle for very long... CA people and their politics, are not very well received many places... I would want to blend in, with the plates changed, (he// you have the right type vehicle).... as soon as I could...
I am going to plant some fruit trees on the side of the garden near the neighboring property. Along with berry bushes. I love raspberries and would love to grow my own. Love asparagus and will definitely plant, along with rhubarb since DH loves that. He wants to grow strawberries too and I remember Uncle George in Kansas showing me how he grew strawberries in rows then after a year (or 2?) would train the runners into the furrow between the rows and allow them to root. Then he would dig out the old plants and that would become the new furrow between the plants. The previous owner farmed watermelons in the 50's as a cash crop so melons should do well too. Could never grow them in California and we love melons. Will try all kinds of fruits and veggies.You might want to make part of the garden into a "permanent" asparagus bed... and some rhubarb plants??? Don't know if either grows there or if you like them..... Or strawberry plants and or something like some raspberries or blueberries???? That is bigger than my garden.... and I grew over 400 lbs of potatoes from mine plus the green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and squashes etc....
You can designate one end for some of the permanent plants.... and square it off more.... That's a BIG garden for the 3 of you.... but then you will be mostly "food independent" ......that's good.