Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
We had tp gather everything and put it in a bucket. The hanging buckets at least kept supplies off the barn floor but crazy charging sheep could knock the buckets off the rail. And we always forgot a vital item. The best thing will be when we have the small fridge with meds in the feed room so I don't have to trudge back to the house for "just one more syringe of something" because I either miscounted or decided that a ram lamb was nice enough to keep for another month or so and needed a flock tag and to be docked. Oh yes, and with DS1 whining about my inability to count and yelling at me to hurry up. Not so bad in CA with the barn only 35' from the back door, but now in TX the barn is 300' from the house.

Tomorrow we may tag and dock in the barn. There are 7 lambs to get done. I think we may be finished unless X087 lambs. She looked pregnant and had an udder but I have not checked her since that preemie was born. However she looked like she had twins so I will try to check tomorrow.

I am still working on how to pack it, what to put in the drawers, etc. since I think that large plastic tub may be too heavy to lift on and off the lipped lower shelf. May prefer to have some sort of wire baskets to stand the marking paint up in with a smaller covered bin for towels during lambing season. Or could have different bins for different jobs that would go on the bottom shelf at different times. Choices, choices . . . .

Friday the well drillers are bringing out their big semi with the drilling equipment on it. Bryan will be laying out the new 10' x10' pump shed/storage shed. DS1 and DHwil have to tear down the old pump shed. That will be easy since it looks about to fall down anyway. LOL The exterior is made of AG metal panels in fair condition though so I want them to save those for future building projects.

We know why farms always have a large "junk" pile behind the barn. We had one in CA too. It is not junk, it is actually odds and ends of building materials that will be needed eventually. The pump shed materals will go in that pile for future use. Farmers and ranchers never throw away anything that can possibly be useful since buying new stuff is so expensive! LOL