Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas





Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
You will have to master the 'Texas/Oklahoma
(1 or 2) finger wave' tho. (no, not just the middle finger.)
The "1 or 2 finger wave", is that for waving at someone you know? Or is it for "code" for something else?

Primary hazard - Inbreeding :lol::lol::lol: . So in other words, enter those counties at your own risks? :gig


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Got the information on our capital gains payments when we sell the house from our accountant. Won't be as bad as we thought so that is good.
Does CA have a capital gains tax on your primary residence? There isn't any fed tax (*) if you've lived in it 3 of the past 5 years. You are WAY past that requirement.

* Unless it was changed with the new tax law but I find it really hard to believe that happened.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
So in other words, enter those counties at your own risks?
When, after many years away, I and wife 1st moved back here, one of the first observations we made was "Notice how much alike so many people seem to look?"

Family trees in this part of the world don't appear to have very many forks.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
It can but I can tell you my experience is that they are also OVENS in mid summer!

I assume you are being facetious, but no one here uses them any more unless they are going from home to their hunting lease. When I was a kid, every truck it seemed had a rifle rack, and most had at least a .22 in it...even when I was at high school.

Left in the truck rack most other times will mean a busted side or rear window and a stolen weapon. Many decades ago, when I was a kid, my father offered a bit of advice. "Son, people will steal a rifle when they would never steal anything else".

Yes, I was being facetious! The only place for my gun is in the locked gun cabinet or my hand.

You will have to master the 'Texas/Oklahoma
(1 or 2) finger wave' tho. (no, not just the middle finger.)

By the one finger wave, I assume you mean the lifted finger as you pass a neighbor - the one that says "I see you. Hope all is fine with the family. Can't stop now." I think the middle finger wave is reserved for family after a holiday dinner.
The schematics are appreciated. Scraggly trees mean some grassland for cattle right? So stay out of the piney woods unless the area has already been cleared for cattle pasture or crops (hay), right?

Politics OK, Cowboys OK, Commute OK (planning commute ONLY to feed store, barn, and bridge clubs - tractor works), Retired OK, Inbreeding OK (not planning on breeding - in or out, maybe just fooling around a little with DH tho!), however, what is "Boomhauer" language? I thought I just had to master Texan!

Does CA have a capital gains tax on your primary residence? There isn't any fed tax (*) if you've lived in it 3 of the past 5 years. You are WAY past that requirement.

* Unless it was changed with the new tax law but I find it really hard to believe that happened.

California does have a capital gains tax. (At this time the new Democratic governor is probably looking at how to tax us for the air we breathe! :somad) However, the residency requirement of 3 out of 5 previous years is for the amount you can add to the base of the purchase price, for a married couple it is $500,000. You add that $500,000 to the original purchase price, plus add any improvements (receipts needed), and costs of sale (escrow, title fees, sales commission, and additional fees and taxes, etc.). Oh, and don't forget the new special taxes that Obama put on property sales to pay for his Obamacare. California has a few new taxes on the sale and purchase of property too - Dems hate to be left out of any fun tax collection scheme. Those taxes are assessed on both the sellers and buyers of property. Now add all that together and that becomes your new base value in the property on which there are no capital gains taxes to be paid. The difference between that base and the amount you sell for is your capital gain on which you have to pay tax. For California it is added to your income and taxed at your California income tax rate (about 10% now, although our new Dem governor wants to raise that amount to 25%), and for the federal it is 20% depending in your income. Since California property values have gone sky high and we have been in our house over30 years (even though we are already paying super high taxes both on property and income) we stand to have a capital gain of some amount. 30% will be the approximate amount of blood the state and feds will suck from our veins! :hit
TEXAS OR BUST! :yesss:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Wow you’ve got a lot to get done! At least you’ve got a plan, though Eisenhower once said “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.”
Glad to hear your pup didn’t meet an early end to the mule, that happens all to frequently. I’ve had friends lose good dogs to an ornery mule. Llamas aren’t much better, I used to shoe for a gal with a llama that would attempt to kill any dog it saw. He made me nervous too, he’d creep up on me while I was under a horse and I never fully trusted him

Ike was right! Planning IS EVERYTHING!

Yes, mules can be ornery, although they are also completely loyal and very smart. The stomp was entirely my fault, DH feeds the mules first before turning out the sheep and they usually stay near the hayshed where he feeds. We decided to allow Angel run around a bit with the older dogs when turning the sheep out before locking her in the kennel run. I wanted some pix and the dogs got a little close to where the mules were eating. My fault for wanting to take pix and a video!

You are right about the llamas too! Years ago several cougars showed up around here and were taking pets and livestock. We decided to get a llama as a guardian. It was right after all the hype about how much money you could make selling their fleece and people were now selling them off because they hadn't made any money. :gig We called a llama rescue to adopt one. We ended up with 2. Then about 6 months later I was reading about llamas and it turns out that in their native countries they are the natural and preferred prey of cougar! :hide :lol: Oh goody! I now had 2 tasty appetizers for the cougars before they started o the main course of my sheep and goat flocks! So, to protect the guardian llamas, we bought another lgd puppy! :gig

I took the puppy down to the goat pen to meet the goats and the llama came over calmly to see what was going on. Suddenly he saw the puppy, and splatted the poor thing under his foot! Yelping puppy! Bleating goats! Shrieking children! Another day in the annals of Ridgetop . . . .