Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Poor Angle! She is in puppy jail.

Won't you have fun at the online auction! You have all your research and are ready to BID. I hope you get some nice ewes at the right price.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
You ever think about just switching over to hold 'em or 5 card stud?
Not near as much drama

Drama is the key word! When I arrived at my bridge club today, I was told that someone had cancelled in a 4-some. Hooray! Since that meant that my odd man out would have a place to play, I quickly rearranged my tables. Next I found out that several additional people had signed up but their names were also not on the list. Since they did not sign up as a member of a 4-some, I did not catch it in my cross check. I pulled in my substitute players and set up another 4-some. Next I was told by a complete stranger that her friends had told her she could play if she signed up today so she did. The friends already are in a 4-some, and entries closed last week! I would have told her that she could not play but I still had an incomplete table so I rushed around finding 2 more players. However, when I read off the names to the club another person put her hand up to say she had entered several weeks ago and was not on the list. :he So after arranging the last 4-some (so I thought), it turned out that another person was left off the list! I rounded up my 2 substitutes and told them they would be playing, gave them the forms, and asked for a 4th to play over the mike. Unfortunately, the one person no one wants to play with (poor player, argumentative, and rude) raised her hand. Aaaargh! Everyone saw her hand go up, so I can't quietly find another 4th. To be honest, I don't care. Except that another couple told me afterwards that they would have been glad to play if they knew there was still a spot open. And everyone likes to play with them! To make matters worse, the lady taking care of the entry forms left early and I don't even know the mystery woman's name! Now I have to make a bunch of calls this weekend.
I knew it was going too well when I was able to arrange everything yesterday. :barnie
However, DH wants to go out to dinner this evening with friends. Mexican restaurant and they make good margaritas . . . . I am going to order one, maybe two. That is my limit because I have a week head for alcohol. :confused: According to my family I am a "cheap drunk" since it doesn't cost much to put me under the table! :gig

Thinking about our road trip to the sheep show/auction is cheering me up. We will skip bridge that Friday and drive up early. We can drop our stock trailer at the Jr. College Stock Show Pavilion - no charge for parking. We will walk around and check out the animals, talk with exhibitors, etc. Friday night. The show starts at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday! :eek: Who thought of that crazy time? However, I think the regular Dorper show starts first (black heads) and as I recall the White Dorper show starts after that. I certainly hope so since we won't have to arrive IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! :fl I have had my share of early morning show times and if we have to get there then, I bring a thermos of coffee. Sadly, we will not be able to have the free Best Western breakfast if that is the case. :(
DH is telling me it is time to leave for the restaurant. IT'S MARGARITA TIME!!! :weee


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Had 2 margaritas - sooo good! Then went to friends' home and played bridge. My partner and I won - I can't decide if I am a better player when slightly tipsy because I lose all fear or because I see twice as many points in my hand!
DH has gone to get the grandkids to take them to the Lineman's rodeo. This is an annual thing where linemen compete for stuff like fastest climbing up the 80' pole in gaffs, mounting cross arms, pulling and hooking wires, etc. Kids get to ride in the bucket truck and go way up high, there are free hot dogs, ice cream, a pony ride, and cute lineman shirts that family can buy for Christmas gifts. First we have to go to a pancake breakfast at our old square dance club. Yes I have to go too. I will take a chair, my dark glasses, a cooler with water and snacks, and my kindle. My boys are not entered this year but DH will see old retired friends and they will talk about the time the vault blew up, the night they had to string cable in an electrical storm, etc. Good manly stuff. I just need to smile and look properly awed like a good lineman wife does. :love :gig


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
DS1 said that the one of the Scandinavian countries found a young Beluga whale off the coast wearing a harness with Russian made spy equipment in the North Sea. The authorities thought that Russia might be trying to do something sneaky with training whales. Now that whale is apparently hugging the coast of Norway, refusing to return to the open sea. DS1 says it is probably trying to defect but can't figure out how to reach the embassy! :lol:


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Had 2 margaritas - sooo good!
I drink only for medicinal purposes nowadays........usually out of a vessel that is well over 100 yrs old.

It says:
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
In the center, it says A Medicine and the outside is graduated in "teaspoon..dessert spoon--tablespoon"
All of that marking was important back in the day.....it made the whiskey maker/distiller rich..

(google Duffy's whisky if you want to know "the rest of the story")

Don't remember where I got them, but have had them for about a decade.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
You ever think about just switching over to hold 'em or 5 card stud?
Not near as much drama

How many spoonfuls would it take to recover from my drama filled day above?

I enjoy antiquing so I will look for one of these spoons, maybe I'll find one someday. It would be good for taking my Gammy's special cough mixture. One pint of whiskey in a quart canning jar with a bunch of rock candy dropped in until it melts and makes a heavy syrup. She always had a little jarful in the cupboard for emergencies. As Gammy said in her Alabama drawl "It'll burn that infection right out".

I still make it and it works. You have to gargle with it before swallowing. You get a good night's sleep too. That antique spoon would probably make the "medicine" work better than a modern spoon. ;)


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
They are fairly common on eBay and since Duffy and the drug/grocery stores gave away the spoons with each bottle of whiskey, there were many thousands of them out in the public. They're properly referred to as a pre prohibition 'dosing spoon' and tho Walter Duffy's distillery folded well before prohibition, other distillers tried his idea and gave away little 'dosing' shot glasses with the same kind of measurements on them when prohibition came along .. they also tried to jump on the fed's mistake of applying the word 'pure' to mean it was a medicine and not booze, which didn't fly past the federal govt beginning in 1920 when the 18th amendment was signed into law..
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