Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
The glass itself only comes to $84.00
$84 for an 8x10 pane of glass? I've changed/replaced a crapload of the the ones that need putty and push points, and there's nothing to it. 20 minutes each at the most and that includes removing the old pane and scraping out the old putty.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hate thieves and I hate vandals. Our place was a HUD repo, halfway through the process, thieves struck. They ripped out the breaker box, cut as much of the copper wire that they could. They stole the inside and outside AC/Heat units, even went under the house and cut out all the copper wire they could. HUD allowed us a $1,000 allowance off the purchase price---for repairs that cost us almost $10,000!! I blew up and it wasn't pretty, DH calmed me down and we somehow got through the process. I hate government offices the have no idea of reality....


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Those window panes must be manufactured by the same company that makes military toilet seats... :duc:hide
Kinda apples and oranges.

When you've spent your day dodging bullets, and finally get back where you can take care of biological business, you won't care one bit how much those toilet seats cost the taxpayer.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I have several little boxes of those points in the back of a junk drawer. (try not to drop 'em on the floor if you tend to walk around your house with no shoes on..almost as bad as stepping on a jack)


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Haven't been on in a while. Too busy in Yelm but back from Yelm now, House finished. DH grabbed one of the original windows and ran it off to Habitat before I could stop him. The window guy charged $200 less because the panes came out easier than expected. He commented on the original 100 year old glass and i told him that I had another original window and he was able to use the original glass. If DH hadn't dumped the original window I was saving in a shed, it would have reduced the price another $200 since he charged less for the pleasure of using the original window glass from 100 years ago! A craftsman who enjoyed his work. I gave him the remnants of the old window which he was thrilled about. Told us he was the son and grandson of glaziers and he owned the shop.

Poor DH cut 1500 lbs of grass and brush with a Stihl weed wacker. MJ used to rake it and store it for livestock feed, but no time to do that and no need for livestock feed in Yelm. We just loaded it into the truck and took it to dump. Lots of junk removed from property, too. Good Will and habitat didn't want any furniture - they had too much on hand so it went to the dump too. Useable stuff but . .. . 3 trips to my sister with about 5 cords of wood tied onto truck. I told DH since it took us 5 hours to load the wood into truck, drive to her house about 45 miles away (Seattle has worst traffic in world), unload and stack wood and get home to Yelm each time, I was going to make sure all the wood went in 3 trips! Did it too! DH should not have doubted me since he taught us all how to load a truck! LOL We had another 3 cords of wood at the Yelm house so donated them to local St Vincent de Paul organization that supplies free wood for poor families and elderly that use wood heat in the winter.

Minor painting, touch ups, carpet in office, anyway, really pushed to get finished and out on the 20th and MADE IT!

We had a tenant for the house before we left which was good. He came by on a classic Harley on his way to the rental office with all his financials and docs. Made enough money - steady job - no pets - so far so good. DH and possible tenant discussed motorcycles. He needed room to put up a canvas 2 car garage for his classic cars and motorcycles. DH showed him plenty of space behind the house for it. Then he mentioned having a 35' RV he was living in until able to find a rental. There was a moment of bonding as DH showed him the 35 amp outlet we had just put in the previous August for our 5th wheel to use when visiting MJ. You could almost hear the celestial music play. Of course, he had to qualify but he was quickly approved and we told the rental office to let him move in early (gratis) after all agreements signed and money paid. That would protect house from burglars. Should work out well since I heard since from rental office that tenant loves the place and they had a good report on him.

So, home by 23rd August, DH had VA hearing on 24th, then unpacked all weekend, did laundry, etc. DD had cleaned house before we got home and it was spotless. Thank Heavens, because on Tuesday night I was in hospital with Diverticulitis! I thought I just had an intestinal flu bug, but hospital IVs, cat scan, future surgery when infection is cleared up! Home on Saturday with more antibiotics and weak as a kitten although I have seen most kittens with more energy than I had! Anyway, doing better.

Today vet came to look at Cammie. He came while we were in WA for checkups. He had to pull a couple of teeth, then put her on antibiotics hoping to remove infection and solidify 2 other loose teeth instead of having to pull them. Clean bill of health today, she had gained a lot of weight and her ribs are covered nicely, she is shiny and teeth are solid. Tiny piece of broken canine in lower jaw needed to be removed but it was loose, came out easily with needle nose pliers, and no sedative needed! She is doing great, coat shiny, chases Josie the Mule away from the feeders, and hopefully will have another couple years of happy retirement with us. However, I am covered in shame since looking at my precious horse and mule. I have not spent any time with them in many months and really need to give them baths, groom them, and cut out tangles in Josie TM's tail. Of course they will immediately go roll in dirt and manure, but I can feel that at least I have done my job as a good horse owner. I am hoping to be strong enough next week since I was worried that they would knock me over just by brushing against me in welcome when I went out with the vet. It felt wonderful to be able to love on them and have them softly nose me. Luckily my girls are well behaved and well trained. I really need to spend some time with them. I wonder if I can recover enough ride again. Cammie is too old, but Josie the Mule is a great ride and she is young. I probably should get her a little tune up with the trainer before I do it though since she has not been under saddle for several years. My daughter in law wants me to come up for a few days and ride with her. Lovely trails, don't know if it will happen or if it is just dreaming.

Everything happens when we are out of town! Remember - Death of Old Ram, Predator Kills, Creek Fire, Tree Falls On House, now we got news that our last Dorset ewe lamb had died. DS out of town for several days, both DDs caring for animals, noticed that lambs looked bloated (Dorset and Dorper in same pen) pulled all grain n my suggestion, DS returned and said Dorset looked weak, then she seemed to recover. Then dead in pen! Dorper lamb in same pen fine. ???

Down now to 2 mature Dorset ewes, 2 yearling Dorper ewes, mature Dorper ram all together (ewes seem to be bred, all marked so due to lamb November/December), 1 Dorper spring ewe lamb and 1 Dorper spring ram lamb, separated. Hoping for ewe lambs this lambing season of course. This winter (we have to do most work in winter when it's cooler out) we will set up some additional pens for the rams while all ewes and lambs are out grazing. During lambing season we need lambing pens too and rams can go out together on field while ewes are confined for lambing. I need to get out with family to do the work then we can wait for lambs to arrive.

Just got a call from surgeon's office holding off on surgery until GI does colonoscopy and they review - maybe no surgery???!!! :weee