Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
OOOPS... The ones I saw in Walmart are winter temp... down to -20 or something.... with the bug remover stuff in them... coulda sworn they were purplish.....???? Maybe I need glasses... oh yeah, I already wear them.... :hide :lol:

I'm going to have to go look at the stuff next time I'm back in there... :rolleyes::rolleyes::he:he:he:th:th:smack
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Me too. I wonder if the bug repelling stuff with the "Water beading technology provides better visibility" would keep the exterior of my windows from getting as water spotted in winter.

We are back from Amarillo where we met DS1 to exchange our car for the truck. DS1 had the truck in Texas and we had the car out here in California. The stock trailer is here in CA and we need the truck to haul it to Texas in November with the rest of our stuff. In November DS1 will drive to Texas in the car to send Thanksgiving and Cristmas with his siblings. We will stay in Texas and DDIL2 and her family (now living in Wylie, TX) will come to us for the holiday dinners. DH will fly out in January for his last cataract recheck and lung appointments Then he will drive back with DS1. We took a detour through some really pretty country in Arizona and northern New Mexico and met up wth DS1 on Monday evening. Out to dinner, spent the night, and back on the road home Tuesday. Went through the Painted Desert which was pretty but not as pretty as some other roads we were on. The colors seemed a little faded from what I remember 40 years ago, maybe needs repainting after a milion years? LOL Spent the night in Kingman and home by 2pm on Wednesday.

DDIL2 has been at her mom's house since we left. Robert had swollen glands and slight fever on Saturday am. I told her if the fever shot up to 102/103 probably strep. Sure enough he has strep. The first antibiotic prescription did nothing so she returned on Tuesday to the pediatrician for a different antibiotic. Told DH to be grateful that she is not here with sick children (it is only a matter of time before Nicholas comes down with it). I remember when mine got strep and were very cranky, screaming, etc. Also, selfishly, we don't want to catch it.

About 10 of the ewes have remarked with Junior. However, it is pssible that he is just a loving ram and wants to cuddle. DS1 keeps sending me the numbers so I can put them in my calendar for lambing dates. And second lambing dates. I sent the breeding/lambing white board to Texas, but will ark them on my 2025 calendar.

Talked to Cody yesterday about well water. He said that he has a well for his house and the water is excellent. So whether we connect it to the house or not we will probably drill a new well. That will give us the option to connect to the house. If the old well can be saved with a new tank, we might look into that but I wouldnt spend the money to drill a well if we couldn't drink the water. With a potable well, a generator, and our garden we will be ok. We discussed putting the well on solar, but we wondered if an old fashioned windmill would be even better. For now electricity wil be fine. LOL

Tomorrow I go back to PT. I am not looking forward to it since my knee stiffened up on the trip. On the other hand, I have lost a pant size which I did not realize until I put on my old jeans before the trip. :D =D


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m glad y’all made a nice drive out of the trip, a change of scenery. It won’t be long until yall are back home in Texas. I know you will be glad to get back to your ranch, the dogs and sheep. ❤️