Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Congratulations - you made it through a LONG TIME and process to get to your dream. May it all be smooth sailing from here on out. This last year was a doozy to get through and you did it!
The pic -- OMG, it has such a calming feel to it. Yup - you are indeed HOME 😍


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
We brought his recliner and DH's recliner to the ranch this trip. After a strenuous day of unloading the trailer and truck, sorting everyting out and moving it between the shed, barn, and house, both D and DS1 collapsed into their recliners. DS1 said that he is sad that it is here since he will be leaving for California in a week and won't have it there. LOL

After we sorted out everything, DH and DS1 drove the truck and trailer ut to the barn where they unloaded the fences for the jugs. Then they worked on the tractor and out the hay spear on it. Tomorrow they will pick up the flat bed trailer and after moving several bales of hay into the various pastures we will load t on the trailer and take it to the shop. We are not sure how long the tractor will be at the shop, but want to make sure that there is enough hay available for the sheep. There is still plenty of drying grass in the rear of the pasture the sheep are on. The grass is recovering on the pasture that was grazed during the summer. It is colder now and the grass is not growing like it does when the weather is warm though.

I am really disappointed in the way the lambs look. They had a rough start this year, but O had hoped that with grazing they would fill out. Some of them look really small and haven't filled out the way they usually do on alfalfa. I plan to cull them heavily and will send a load to the auction in another week or so. DS1 and I recounted and found that we actually lost more than I originaly thought. We lost a couple more lambs as well as another good ewe after I went back to California. :(

While DS1 and DH were working unloading the panels at the barn and working with the tractor, I started unloading boxes. I got about 15 boxes unpacked and put away, 3 loads of laundry washed, and a load of dishes done. DS2 had bought me new Cuisinart pots and a wok for Christmas so I got those washed and put away. We still need to put the meat from the rental freezer into the new one, but were too busy today. We have it for a month so no real rush on that. DS1 wants to return it to the store asap, do we'll get that done by next week when he leaves. Monday I have the NAHMS vet coming to take blood and stool samples so we have to set up a chute and separate out 25 sheep over 15 months old for the sample group. I will pull the 3 stud rams into the group if possible.

The dogs are working shifts. This morning DH and I went to turn out the ewes and as we walked back fro the rear field Ozel rushed out barking. When she realized it was us she was soooo happy. Angel and Rika were asleep in among the hay bales. Angel must have worked night sift. Roka was just sleeping since she has retired herself. LOL Rika is 12 now, and the last of her litter still living. Poor Rika has a bad patch where she has chewed the hair off her tail and a bare patch on her butt. DS1 wasn't sure what it was but when I looked at it I could see fleas running around on her skin. He has been using flea control every 30 days, but looks like we need to change brands for something stronger. I will worm the dogs tomorrow and that should also help. The other dogs don't show any problems.

I need to empty the spare room closet and figure out where to build additional shelves to store my sewing stuff. I had a 5' closet in California that was half full of those sewing bins. I need to find space here for them. I also have to double rod all the closets in this house. The double set of shelves is nice, but there is not enough hanging space. I think we also need to go through our clothes and dispse of some of them. I have a lot of "work" clothes that have paint, etc. on them that I should get rid of. The clothes that are old but still good can move into the "work" clothes spot. LOL