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- #4,421
Herd Master
I didn't realize I had not posted since Thursday. Very busy. I really don't know how @Baymue and @farmerjan do it all on their own. Superwomen!
Fires are surrounding the San Fernando Valley. Just had a text from DD1 that the fires have come over the Santa Monica mountains and are starting to burn their way down the hills into the southern part of the SFV. We are in the northern part. The Sylmar fire and the Pasadena fire are closer to us although if the fire reaches the Valley floor there are tons of hes buot very close together so plenty of fuel. The problem with all those hillside homes is that people don't trim brush since they like the privacy ignoring the fact that the brush is dry and in a fire goes up like gasoline. More winds are expected too. DH went up to Nipomo yesterday to visit with DS3 and DDIL1. They are putting in a small rabbitry and he spent the night. DS3 is in town althugh expects to be sent to the fire sites once they are put out. Lots of overtime work for linemen in SoCal rebuilding infrastructure and stringing new wires after the fires are out. Anywhere that does not have the new metal poles will need either new ples or undergrund services run.
One the ranch front here in Texas, the snow has melted and it is just cold. Not as cold as it was though.
The sheep are eating haysicles
The horses are wondering what this crazy white stuff is. I told them it was ash from the California fires and that I had turned the AC way down. They seem to believe me. LOL The rest of the sheep don't even want to leave the barn!
Here are the triplets
You can see the larger one in the front. He was much larger than the two little guys at the rear.
For some reason the larger triplet got chilled Thursday night so I brought him inside yesterday and revived him in a heating pad. He sucked a little mik once he had warmed up and got lively so I took him back to mom. The temperatures were supposed to drop even lower last night so I decided to bring in all 3 in for the night. I put a large viny tub in the guest bathroom, closed the heating vent, and opened the windw a bit since I didn;t want them getting too warm and nt being able to go ut the net morning. I gave them all a bottle but got little nterest last thing last night so I left them in the bathroom. This morning the two smallest ones were calling t be fed but big guy was lim and unresponsive again I took the little guys out to mom who was happy to see them and eft the unresoinsive lamb in his box. He died late this morning. Odd since he was the larger one.
When I arrived out in the barn this morning, 9031 had split twins. I am happy to see a ewe lamb out of her since she is one of the top quality ewes I bought from Wes and these lambs are out of the embryo ram. The ewe lamb will be a keeper and maybe also the ram lamb as a sellabe breeding ram with those bloodlines. They are large and lively. Moved her into a jug with the lambs, fed and watered both ewes, gave them grain and alfalfa pellet, then took care of the rams and horses. Since the sun is out I let out the sheep.
I also moved the last 4 40 lb. bags of feed out of the freezer (the old one that broke) where DH insisted I store them. He stacked his horse feed on haybales in the barn. I wanted to put my feed bags in the tack room since I go through a bag a day. DH only feeds 2c coffee cans of feed a day to the hrses so his feed lasts longer. He insisted that I put mine in the freezer thinking it would be "easier" for me. Thank you. Dear. I have to lift a 40 lb. bag out of the bottom f the freezer each day. No wonder my back is hurting. Down to the last 4 I decided to remove them and put his horse feed in the freezer to store. I needed one bag to feed the sheep today, and another to pen for the rams and jugged ewes so that is just 2 left to store in the tack room. I have more in the truck which is parked under the carport until it is dry enough to drive out to the barn and unload them. If it doesn't dry up, I will have to wheelbarrow another couple bags out. I pulled the 4 bags out and then moved the 8 bags of horse feed into the freezer.
Back in the house to warm up for a while and make more lamb coats for tonight. It is still cold but we are in a warming trend with sunny days expected until Tuesday when it will cloud up again. Not supposed to drop below 37 degrees tonight, but will drop to 30 degrees tomorrow night and 29 degrees Monday night.
I have not gotten anything done in the house because I have been so busy with the livestock. Looking forward to when DH and DS1 get back and can take over some of these chores. GR10 cast hersef last night and is not looking very good. Her foreleg was caught back under her body. I straightened her leg out and brought it forward but she is weak and although she tried to get up was not able to do so. I left her in the barn. Hope she makes it.
A couple of the ewes will be going to the auctio barn after they lamb. GR27 has a terrible udder and may go before lambing. Most of the ewes have nice or acceptable udders. A dairy background makes me fixate on udders in addition to meat qualities. LOL
Icicles yesterday outside the bedroom window.
Fires are surrounding the San Fernando Valley. Just had a text from DD1 that the fires have come over the Santa Monica mountains and are starting to burn their way down the hills into the southern part of the SFV. We are in the northern part. The Sylmar fire and the Pasadena fire are closer to us although if the fire reaches the Valley floor there are tons of hes buot very close together so plenty of fuel. The problem with all those hillside homes is that people don't trim brush since they like the privacy ignoring the fact that the brush is dry and in a fire goes up like gasoline. More winds are expected too. DH went up to Nipomo yesterday to visit with DS3 and DDIL1. They are putting in a small rabbitry and he spent the night. DS3 is in town althugh expects to be sent to the fire sites once they are put out. Lots of overtime work for linemen in SoCal rebuilding infrastructure and stringing new wires after the fires are out. Anywhere that does not have the new metal poles will need either new ples or undergrund services run.
One the ranch front here in Texas, the snow has melted and it is just cold. Not as cold as it was though.

For some reason the larger triplet got chilled Thursday night so I brought him inside yesterday and revived him in a heating pad. He sucked a little mik once he had warmed up and got lively so I took him back to mom. The temperatures were supposed to drop even lower last night so I decided to bring in all 3 in for the night. I put a large viny tub in the guest bathroom, closed the heating vent, and opened the windw a bit since I didn;t want them getting too warm and nt being able to go ut the net morning. I gave them all a bottle but got little nterest last thing last night so I left them in the bathroom. This morning the two smallest ones were calling t be fed but big guy was lim and unresponsive again I took the little guys out to mom who was happy to see them and eft the unresoinsive lamb in his box. He died late this morning. Odd since he was the larger one.
When I arrived out in the barn this morning, 9031 had split twins. I am happy to see a ewe lamb out of her since she is one of the top quality ewes I bought from Wes and these lambs are out of the embryo ram. The ewe lamb will be a keeper and maybe also the ram lamb as a sellabe breeding ram with those bloodlines. They are large and lively. Moved her into a jug with the lambs, fed and watered both ewes, gave them grain and alfalfa pellet, then took care of the rams and horses. Since the sun is out I let out the sheep.
I also moved the last 4 40 lb. bags of feed out of the freezer (the old one that broke) where DH insisted I store them. He stacked his horse feed on haybales in the barn. I wanted to put my feed bags in the tack room since I go through a bag a day. DH only feeds 2c coffee cans of feed a day to the hrses so his feed lasts longer. He insisted that I put mine in the freezer thinking it would be "easier" for me. Thank you. Dear. I have to lift a 40 lb. bag out of the bottom f the freezer each day. No wonder my back is hurting. Down to the last 4 I decided to remove them and put his horse feed in the freezer to store. I needed one bag to feed the sheep today, and another to pen for the rams and jugged ewes so that is just 2 left to store in the tack room. I have more in the truck which is parked under the carport until it is dry enough to drive out to the barn and unload them. If it doesn't dry up, I will have to wheelbarrow another couple bags out. I pulled the 4 bags out and then moved the 8 bags of horse feed into the freezer.
Back in the house to warm up for a while and make more lamb coats for tonight. It is still cold but we are in a warming trend with sunny days expected until Tuesday when it will cloud up again. Not supposed to drop below 37 degrees tonight, but will drop to 30 degrees tomorrow night and 29 degrees Monday night.
I have not gotten anything done in the house because I have been so busy with the livestock. Looking forward to when DH and DS1 get back and can take over some of these chores. GR10 cast hersef last night and is not looking very good. Her foreleg was caught back under her body. I straightened her leg out and brought it forward but she is weak and although she tried to get up was not able to do so. I left her in the barn. Hope she makes it.

A couple of the ewes will be going to the auctio barn after they lamb. GR27 has a terrible udder and may go before lambing. Most of the ewes have nice or acceptable udders. A dairy background makes me fixate on udders in addition to meat qualities. LOL