Herd Master
Freezing weather is inconvenient but chores can still be done. It’s a whole lot easier when you have help!
Hope your ewe's issues get resolved, and for the good.We did not get any snow although it was predicted for Saturday. Below freezing both day and night - coldest was 16 degrees - boiling water carried to barn. Up to 52 today. Shed out of heavy jackets while working.
Jugs are only 5 x 5. One ewe jumped over the short black garden fences this evening when putting out grain buckets. I cn raise them now that the lambs are lightly larger. Hopefully we will rearrange the jugs and make a large single pen with a creep for the ewes that allow them to go out and eat grass in the barn yard. I have fencing to put around the trailer to keep out the lambs. Too bad, because it would have protected them from those black buzzards, but the dogs will have to work. DS1 said we can move the jug panels into the large side of the barn an set them up. Lost a ewe today. Not sure why, she was fine last night when I fed. She was in a jug because she was lame. However it opened up a jug for P5 who had split twins. She is one of my Grade 5 girls.
One of my ewes that lambed with a dead lamb has been off. She had terrible feet and we trimmed them but she has spent a lot of time laying down. I am suspecting she had another lamb that didn;t pass. I fostered a lamb over to her and she has been feeding it but she is verybloated looking. Gave her a big dose of Penn on Tuesday along with vitamin B. Picked up a bottle of Oxytocin today from the vet and will give her a shot tomorrow to see if she can expel any dead stuff. Don't want to lose her, and don't want a bottle lamb. If the Oxy doesn't work, I will give her another whack of Penn and take her in to the vet for an ultrasound. DS1 got her up today and turned her out and she walked around a bit but acts like it is painful. Not like sore hooves though.
Today DS1 and DH worked on the electrical in the barn. View attachment 114551
They even gave me an outlet and a light switch! View attachment 114552
They decided that they need to put 2 more lights in since you need more light in the end of the barn.
DS1 is working on the heat lamps although now he has revamped his plans. I amnot sure how he is doig it now but aparently we will have several central outlets for the heat lamps to plug in. And detachable heat lamp bases.He has it all planned out so I stay out of their way until it is time for me to admire their work. The side barn is only 11' wide but is 60' long so needs several lights long the length. It is partially enclosed at the far end so is like a long dark cave even during the day.
Having lights in the barn will be useful not only for lambing or taking care of animals, but if we have to do anything in the summer, it will be more comfortable to do it at night. My heroes are making it happen. (And while DH and I were at his audio appt. in Bonham, DS1 removed Moyboy.