Herd Master
I would file a fraud case with the PD local to mechanic before your tractor “disappears”.They specifically told us they had a pair in stock, chrged us for them, now they are blaming the error on an employee who has been conveniently fired. They are looking for a pair, and DS1 said he will call the other Farmtrac dealer in MO or somewhere. We paid for the both the front loader AND ARMS, and it is noted on our check, so are not pleased. We would not have taken the trctor down to the mechanic near Houston if we had not been told that they had the arms. They said that the mechanic has another Farmtrac they would sell us for $15,000 and take our tractor as part trade, but we have already paid $4000 for all the parts to make ours like new. We were already told by the mechanic that our tractor is a better model that the one they want to sell us.