Today I put them on the pipeline. This pasture is half woods, so no shortage of shade trees to ruminate under. When the girls get full, they will stand at the gate yelling at me to go back home. Their barn is really a 20’x24’ roof off one side of a portable building. It has radiant heat barrier under the metal roof with a noticeable temperature difference. They love their barn.
Yelling at me did not work. I made them go find shade trees. Evidently the ewes bent Ringo’s ear, telling him to make me feel sorry for him.
MAAAAAA-MA!!!! I wanna go HOME!! Puh-leeeeze!!
Incidentally he was in the shade. Doesn’t he look pitiful?
When it is gets really hot, I put them in pastures until around 1:00, then let them go back to their barn. They are spoiled. We let them go home today around 2:30. All of the pastures have trees and deep shade, rotten beasts.