Rita... The BIRTHDAY Girl!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Rita is growing into a dog!
She is also gaining confidence.
This has it's good points but also some bad.
She quickly goes on alert and has a bark on her! WOW!
We had someone stop by and a few of the younger kids were out and over by the "stranger" and his truck. I took Rita out. When Rita saw her kids and a stranger she went into full body stance head high, slightly forward and seemed to be twice her size. She let out a growl and a bark! She did not run towards the stranger but she did not run away either. So I see confidence building.
Late the other night one of my adult sons came home but ran through the room with arms full of stuff heading to the kitchen... big jacket, and a cap (baseball hat) on... never stopped or paused - literally opened the door and almost ran to the kitchen. I don't think Rita knew who it was because she FLEW after him barking and growling. Once in the kitchen all was fine. I did not scold her because the circumstance was such that I really think she thought someone had just walked in- a stranger.
I will correct and work with any aggression but for now her confidence building is important.

Meanwhile she has grown! She is 57.2 lbs! She will be 5 months at the end of the month! She is gaining well and of course we keep her lean to not affect those bones!
Hard to see in pics but she has so many neck wrinkles it is adorable- She has them around the face too just hard to see when she is inside.

She is spoiled. She has selective hearing like a pyr.
She also has reach like a pyr. She has jumped on the counter now twice!
She gets very upset if she can't go wake up everyone in the morning! Seriously she has a fit. Every morning she goes to everyone's room and wakes them up! She acts like she will never see them again and as if though she hasn't seen them in forever! It is adorable! Problem is when she wakes up at 6. I don't want her waking everyone at six!

Badger snoozing on the day bed- NOTICE the dog blanket is not on :barnie

Lena and Rita are jealous- they want on the bed too!

They own the place!

Rita snoozing!

Yep gone to the dogs!

Love how Lena has her head resting on Rita!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Looks like it is time to push a few more children out of the house so you have room for the dogs!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Rita is really growing up!
She has lost most of her baby teeth.

She is very bonded to the children. VERY!
Because she goes out when they are out, when they are just hanging outside or doing the farm chores she is always with them. The other day they put her in because they planned on going into the woods... Rita doesn't need to be deep in the woods just yet. She is a puppy.
When inside she sat by the door face pressed sideways up against the glass.. trying to keep a visual on them. As they went around the back and out of her site...
That was it!
She tried to get the door open, she barked, she cried then she came to me and climbed up just so upset and ran to the door!

It really reminded me of my old GSD. The children were NEVER out of her sight! EVER!

We also had our neighbor come over on his tractor to bring us a round bale. As the tractor pulled into the driveway (RIta was inside as we all were) she bolted to the door and barked and growled and barked!

Turning into quite a watchdog.

It is funny though because if she barks then Badger comes running and he barks and growls... then Rita gets scared and runs under my desk!:lol:
He is very large and I think she is still rather intimidated. She can walk under him! So he is kinda scary to her. On the flip side he has been playing with her lately!:ep

Badger NEVER plays! She sure is a love and she does the pyr nose bump when she is trying to get your attention! So cute.
Just love her!

Look at her little baby tooth! :p

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