Roll Farms - Herdstock is over, and I'm feeling hung over, lol

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
You're right, once the honeymoon is over, the tough guy disappears!

What a difference 45 degrees and sunshine can make!

Old buck shed? What old buck shed? It is GONE. Well, aside from a pile of leftovers from the demolition. We got one load hauled away but we're going to probably have to burn this last pile.

Today he's breaking out the bobcat to remove the big pile of manure build up there, and I think we're having some stone hauled in because it's not supposed to rain for a few days. Once he said "We'll get them a new barn." I quit killing myself trying to remove the poo w/ a shovel through a 24" wide doorway....who knew it'd take him a year to actually get started....:p

In between helping him, I got all the yearlings who are open's hooves trimmed, copper bolused, and the entire herd got 'eyeball checked' (and I'm happy to report there were no 'anemic' goats. Nearly everyone scored a 1 or 2, the Toggs were a borderline 2.5 - 3 and the only ones I dewormed.)

Ellie (Nub doe from Poorboys is def. building an udder. So that's 3 new 'preggos' out of the 'maybe' group. If Ellie goes before Feb. 18th, they're PB Nubian. If she goes after that, then Bullitt must have gotten her after she got home. I would prefer PB, but since she's an FF it won't kill me if they end up being market kids.

I'm worried that the 2 new Obs that I bought bred are lacking something, they are just so tiny compared to my other goats and even the Obs I've owned / seen in the past. They lived wild in w/ a flock of sheep, w/out any real on-hand management, so they're hardy....but I'm betting they were cocci stunted and then copper deprived for a long time. I can easily catch them now and get them in the barn / on the milk stand. Pondering locking them in a stall and pumping the alfalfa to them, BUT, based on the bad time kidding Obs I've had in the past due to big babies, I'm afraid to....these guys are already 50# smaller than Penny. I can't imagine them pushing out 10# kids.

They (IMHO) should have been in better condition when bred....but that I can't help. I'm thinking maybe I'll just let them go and then start pumping the alf. to them post kidding. Probably won't be much for milk this year, but I really don't need it.

Couple of very 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' examples from yesterday....

He started w/out me while I was pasteurizing the milk. I get down there and see blood on his hand, of course I say "What happened?"
"I layed my hand wide open." was his reply. So I try to see it and he exposes his hand for a split second and then goes back to work like a Big Strong Man.
I couldn't see anything in that brief flash but some dried blood and a dark line but I was dreading the clean up of the wound later, hoping it didn't need stitches, etc.

Little while later I am bent over trying to help remove a board. You know how when you're bent over and off balance, it doesn't take much force to send you on over?
Yeah. Well he bent over and his butt bumped me. The frame of the former wall was still up so my foot hit that and instead of just nicely faling over I tried to save myself and tripped and ended up landing a lot harder / further away than if I'd just went 'boom' where I was.

Mr. Oblivious finally notices (maybe he felt the earth shake, :lol:) and looks over at me, sort of annoyed and says, "Well what are you doing down there?"


He then INSISTED he did not, in fact, bump me. Says "I didn't feel anything."

So apparently I go a$$ over teakettle into piles of goat manure, BUCK goat manure at that....just for fun on random occasions.:rolleyes:

If you could see my bruises, ladies. They're SO pretty and SO purple.
ME> :smack <DH

So fast forward to we're done for the day and he's washing his hand. Once again he acts like he's guarding the crown jewels and won't let me see. (I'm thinking it must be bad and he doesn't want me to see how bad.) I finally grab his arm and get his hand in good light and....folks, I've seen 2 wk old kittens give bigger scratches.

But his hand was "layed wide open"

:rolleyes: x eleventy billion.

In other news....the bum legged silkie chick didn't make it and the lonely survivor won't.shut.up. PEEPEEPEEPEEEPEEPEEPEEPEEPEEPEEEP

I'm utterly, totally addicted to Words With Friends. It's a scrabble game online. I don't have much time to play, but when I do, I can't stop. If people would stay up late and play, I'd probably be on my Kindle all night.

The lady coming for milking / shot lessons is now coming next week because something came up yesterday and she couldn't make it.

Have a fantabulous day...

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
WOOHOO, old buck shed is gone.


Sorry about the silkie with the bad leg. You friend for the lone one calling for attention because he's lonely?

Hope all is well with your new OB's.

Hope you are feeling better after falling over. Pretty blue and purple isn't fun.

Hope you and your DH have a better (no booboo) day today.



Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
I love words for friends too, add me on facebook and we can play each other
:lol: I needed a laugh after the day I had yesterday. YAY!! :celebrate for the barn gone. :duc about oblivious DH's I have one too.

sorry about the chicks and I hope you get the obs in shape for kidding. The 4 I bought from the same person I didn't realize how scruffy the first two looked until I brought home the last 2 last weekend. THey all love me now and seek treats and pats and scratches.


Chillin' with the herd
Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Bronson, Tx
My boyfriend is the opposite of your husband.

Just last night he mentions something about bumping his head earlier in the day and it was still aching a little. I tell him to let me look and he just keeps saying "I'm fine!" I finally get to look at it and there's an inch and a half long split on his head with dried blood all over it. Oh but he's fine! Lol :rolleyes:

He txt me a picture earlier today of his hand and one fingernail is dark purple. He says it's not broken or anything but I'll be looking it over when I get off work and make it home.

With him, I think I know how mothers with sons must feel. Lol

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Well there's just nothing like watching your husband driving the bobcat around and nearly tipping it over on it's side to get your blood pumping....

Why won't menfolk listen?
I *told* him the manure pile was too high on one side, that he needed to knock it down some before driving over it.....but would he listen? Nooooo.

After that bit of excitement, we got all the poop leveled / hauled off and one side of the buck fence put in. Gotta do some measuring to see if we need to fence the other side or if the bunny barn will cover the area. *I* am suggesting he line it w/ chain link regardless, since bucks like to chew / tear stuff up....but....see above "menfolk don't listen" comments...:lol:

Here are some pics taken yesterday....

This was before we removed the poo / flattened the area out....but....the old pens are GONE!


This is the pup we took in trade for the goats.....DH is getting attatched. We've been calling him "Pup" but if he's going to stay, he's gotta have a real name. I'm thinking Reggie, since I don't have a goat named Reggie honor of my fav. Colts WR.


I get a kick out of it every time bucks meet does they've never seen before. Bullitt meets the Nubian 'virgins'....


They musta smelled funny....


Chaos chased him away from them....So he pouted


Then Chaos tried to flirt long-distance w/ the girls next door...and the ladies in GP.


My silkies....I <3 Silkies


This is Ruby's goofy kid. She's boer, but her ears don't know it. They're the right length, but they stick out instead of hanging straight down.
I've strained my brain trying to figure out if the Togg buck could have gotten to Ruby or something to explain her ears, but he never made it to her pen, she was *only* with Saturday. Plus, he's black headed....the kid's black headed...she's gotta be his.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Congratulations. Hopefully the building goes as smoothly as the clean out. lol

Men. They know it all. And you know what else. If, heaven forbid, he tipped that Bobcat, it would have been your fault. You made him do that clean out.

*sigh* what are you going to do. Can't change them. lol

Anyway, sounds like things are moving along.

Love the pics of the animals. Pup is really nice looking. Really liking those silkies

Absolutely LOVE Bullitt. Love his "Smelly" Face. He's just perfectly shaped. Though Chaos is Taller, I have to say, and I'm drawn to Bullitt.

Ruby's goofy kid made me smile. What's with you with goats and Ears. lol



Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
Men don't listen!:lol: It starts when they are boys. My cousin A is trying to how many times he can balance in a chair without falling, needless he has proven he can't balance in the chair. :th :gig.

your place looks great, I like Reggie. Love the pics