DonnaBelle, this is probably more info than you wanted, but here you go....
Technically the rabbits are dh's 'project'. He's sorta wierd about having his pic posted but I'll try to get one of him by his barn soon.
Last winter when we discussed getting some, I shot him down, saying, "I don't want a bunch of individual feeders and waterers and rabbit mess to deal with again."
He kept wheedling away at me, showing me water bottles that you don't have to flip to fill, swearing he'd do all the poop clean up, and most of the feeding unless he was at work....which is 12-14 hrs a day in the summer time. I relented and we got some, because after all, I get to have my goats and prarie dog and cavy, etc.
Soooo we had some huge cages built (he wanted Flemish Giants eventually) and some smaller ones for the other breeds.
He got a pair of Californians first, then a broken black NZ doe (Fluffy, the Supermom) and a lop, and someone gave him some huge french lop crosses. Once Fluffy had babies (x Cali) he was hooked and bred EVERYTHING. Suddenly he was covered up in babies and going through 2 bags of feed a week.....but most of the babies didn't sell well b/c it was really hot weather and b/c of the particular crosses they were. I put the brakes on (aka, peed on his parade....) and we sold the mutts, got a young pr of Flemish, and he started only breeding with a purpose.
He's eaten several of Fluffy's kids and loved it. He brags so much about how good it tastes, that now they're selling pretty well.
He's had 2 litters of Flemish, they go for $25.00 w/out pedigree, $50.00 with....can't argue w/ those prices.
He fell hard for Silver Foxes so I found some for him and now we have a SF doe w/ 3 kits, 1 other doe, and a buck, and are trading some Flemish for more.
I got a pair of Holland Lops (b/c *I* love them, had 'em as a kid) trying to share the experience w/ him, but the Holland doe wasn't a good mom, so now they're gone too.
Now we're down to only the Silver Fox, Flemish, and Fluffy.... and she's leaving next week.
Here are some older bunny pics, I'll get new ones once their in the new barn.
SF kits @ 3 wks
Fluffy - she's never had less than 7 kits and never lost one.
He LOVES on his bunnies 2x a day (and more when he has time). The young male SF is "Redd Foxx" and he *swears* that that bun begs him to get him out and hold / pet him daily.
His BFF, "Tater" and he spend time down there about every week, just watching babies and petting them and laughing. I call it "Playing bunnies".
As in, "You boys go play bunnies, I'll sit in here and watch football and scratch and burp...SOMEBODY's gotta be the man around here..."
20 kids, the delivery guy is back in KY today, you'll have to find him yourself. Come and get DH whenever you want, he and the bunnies and the TOGGS.
But I warn you, he has expensive habits you'll have to help support.
I love the bunny barn! That will be so nice for all of them. I love your stories about your husband standing at the door like a kid waiting for the barn to get there. Has he came inside at all since it got there? I picture him out there tinkering with it for a long long time and forgetting to come inside to eat and sleep.
Well, we risked our lives to go to a town 40 min. away today during a snowstorm to get the insulation / plywood / LINOLEUM for the new bunny barn.
I've had him refuse to go 2 mi. up the road to get me a sandwich during flurries before...but for *his* bunny barn, we made a 3 hr trip (with the snow it took longer).
So he wasn't in it working, but he was getting stuff to set it up. The floor will be better than the one in my kitchen.
I'm a lil jealous of his bunnies.
Then we had to go visit some friends of ours....older couple who we've gotten close to in recent years. The wife wanted me to see her Christmas decorations and called last week wanting us to come by. Finally had a day we could so we went.
Tomorrow...I'm going to teach a guy how to vaccinate his goats, trim hooves, etc. He bought 7 goats w/ no idea what all it entails.
Saturday I'm disbudding 6 kids for someone.
In between, I'm pretty sure I'll be holding insulation up while DH attatches it. Wahooooo.