Rolling Acres - This and That


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Time for an update. We had a busy weekend and got a lot done.

Didn't do much around the house on Saturday. DS ran his first 1 miles race so we were at that. We are really proud of him! Then later in the evening we went to a free party at the town and watch some fireworks.

Sunday was a "get-things-done" day. Did a few loads of laundry and some cleaning inside the house. Then it was off to do stuff outside. I cleaned out the chicken coop. DH blew some dried grass clippings in a row, DS and I raked them up so we could use it for the chicken coop floor and boxes. We don't use any fertilizer or pesticide on our lawn so it's safe for the hens. We stored the extra grass clippings in a 55 gallon drum for future use. I also cut some lavender from the garden to put in the chicken boxes. I read that adding herbs like lavender, mint, oregano, parley or sage in the chicken boxes will help repel insects.

A few weeks ago while reading an old thread I saw that @greybeard posted about beef weight tape. Didn't even know there is such thing! So I went to TSC and got myself one so that I can get an idea of a rough weight for the girls. I was only able to measure Bertie, the older heifer. Her heart girth is about 72" so that put her around 1000 lbs. I wasn't able to get a measurement from Scape yet, she kept moving away.
I am going to start taking pictures of the heifers each month so that I can compare the pics and see how they grow.

In my post from a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I bought some minerals for the girls. First time we tried giving them the minerals, we mixed it with their feed. Bertie ate it and but Scape refused. @Wehner Homestead I know the minerals are there as free choice for them. Should I be worry about Scape not eating any?

Here are some pictures of the girls taken on June 1st 2018.
Cows 06012018.jpg
Scape 06012018.jpg
Bertie 06012018.jpg
Scape side 06012018.jpg
Bertie side 06012018.jpg
Cow 05232018.jpg
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Well, Scape is nice and shed out, shiny and bellied -- how old was she when you got her? I just feel suspiciously that she "looks" pregnant. I read hay belly post & don't disagree but is there any chance a bull got to her way young? :idunnojust "looks" that way to my eye.

I love their rich brown color. Nice animals.


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Thank you @Mini Horses !
We don't have any bulls so she couldn't be pregnant. She was about 2 months old when we got her last June, so she's about 14 months old now. In previous posts, there was mentioned on hay belly and deworming them. I had recently bought some pour-on dewormer for them. I had initially scheduled for a vet to come out(almost end of May) and deworm them but I cancelled it because with DH not working, we just couldn't afford a $300+ vet bill right now. So I decided to try to do it myself with the pour-on.

I was reading about how to evaluate cattle body condition here: . I think Scape might be a 4 from the "Body Condition Scores" chart.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
I wouldn’t mix the mineral with her feed. Just put it in something that allows them to self-regulate. She will be curious and find her. Her body will tell her what she needs.

Some cattle don’t like their feed changed. You caught her off guard. That’s why she wouldn’t touch it.

The pour on should be effective for what you need. Have you done it yet? If not, I can get you guesstimates on weights to treat with. I guess all of ours from a practiced eye and seeing them go over scales at different times when we ship one, etc. I’m usually within 50# and that’s a safe range for pour-on.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Well, she would have a calf by now & doesn't :lol: Whew!

Yep, love my vet and want to pay for his services but, most of us do our own routine stuff -- deworm, vaccines, etc. Wehner knows her cattle and I would trust her judgment if they were mine. Most dewormers have a good margin of error -- Quest less margin than most.