Rolling Acres - This and That


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
My neighbor has a 100 HP Ford and he only has a little garden around his yard. I did let him garden on a little over 1/2 acre the last few years but he did something that caused me to take away his garden privileges. He has had it forever and he did farm at one time many years ago.
Not good. Must have done something pretty bad.
We're careful when using his friend's tractor. He bought it to use occasionally at his property (he doesn't live there, just vacant 30 acres land).
DH used it last year and it won't get out of 4 wheel drive. We got someone to come and fixed it. Was going to pay for the repair ourselves but his friend said he bought the tractor used and have also let others borrowed it prior to leaving it at our place so he'd pay for the repair. We even offered to pay 1/2 but he said no need to. So we are very grateful for that!

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Not good. Must have done something pretty bad.

He gathers and sells a lot of scrap metal. He had his brother come over with a big tractor and loader and pulled all matter of trash, dirt, scrap lumber and who knows what else out of his yard and piled it in the middle of what had been his garden area. I had already asked him not to plow up the whole garden in big furrows since he only plants a couple of rows but he put the whole area in big furrows. Since it is all hilled up I can't mow it with the mower and even the bush hog will beat you up crossing the hills. That area is behind a tree line and I didn't see the pile until I heard his tractor down there working so I went down to see what he was doing.

I was nice but told him that he no longer had a garden spot and as soon as he gets rid of the trash pile, I was going to fence it in. I took my tractor and smoothed out all of the furrows but that was 3 months ago and most of the junk is still there.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Maybe time to take the trash and dump it over the property line onto his place.

I can't do that. It's one of those cases where those of us that border his place tolerate a lot because he is 87 although he definitely takes advantage of it. One of the neighbors bought the 5 acres that his mobile home sits on but he only has the lot that it is on (about 1/4 acre). It is a funny situation as his brother rents the mobile home to him but his brother sold the property to the neighbor. The agreement was that the old fellow can live there for his life but we are gradually getting rid of all of his stuff.