Herd Master
I've eaten some pretty old home canned things....fig preserves, pickles, spiced peaches, and some vegtables....some up to 15yrs always told me to spoon the tops off and what is below the top should be fine, as long as color and texture are maintained....tomatos are different and won't hold as long, she never let them go longer than 3-5yrs....however, not very many made it that long cause we ate a bunch of tomato based dishes....chili, pastas, and such.....she made her pickles in a churn and would cover the lid with plastic wrap and foil....I've helped her dip them out as needed and when it grew mold on top we spooned it off and ate below it...again, as long as it held its texture, if it went mushy they were discarded, churn cleaned, and ready for another batch.....
....ya have to remember she grew up during the depression, Nothing went to waste...what was dumped went to the hogs or chickens....