We normally start baling hay around the first of June, but with this weather we started tonight. The field we did was about 8 acres and we got 193 bales off of it. I think we will be done now until June but we wanted to get it fertilized and wanted to say we baled in April. If the weather would stay nice we have one other field that needs to be baled before it is fertilized but I think we will have to wait. This stuff moisture tested at 11% so we were rather pleased and it took 6 days to dry. All the kids are doing well and I will get the kids weights when I go out to give them their night bottles at 10. All the big does are doing well and getting rather fat. Well I hope everyone is doing well. Oh and here is a photo of one of the wagons of hay from tonight.
My gosh RPC, and we've still got snow on the ground here, nobody's in the fields yet and nothing's growing enough to even make hay! It's amazing how much difference a few thousand miles makes!
Looks like some good quality hay, BTW, good on you for it!
Thanks we have has some crazy weather this year. Normally noone around here would be in the fields or making hay either. Our normal season starts in June.
Wow - Hay in April - I'm jealous Well done
One very weird winter here too and I think my cows and sheep will be out grazing within a week or 2 which will be very early for Niagara