RPC~ Picture of our 4-H wether


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Huntertown, IN
Thanks it has been a busy day so far but it is still a good birthday. I took tomorrow off so I had a 3 day weekend. We are going to the zoo in the morning to celebrate. I have a few friends and their kids, my nephew, brother, and step mom coming along so it should be a good time.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
My goats aren't that picky about their hay, they'll take grass hay if that's what I give 'em.

Our kids get alfalfa....and we're down to less than 10 bales of that. I'm slowly drying off the milkers so they can 'settle' for grass hay.

I'm going to call my hay guy and see if he plans to cut any soon. The field 'our' hay usually comes from is looking pretty darn shaggy.....if he says no, I may just beg you to deliver some to me 1 hr SOUTH.

There, is that better? :p

Hope you have a wonderful time at the zoo and enjoy your 'birthday weekend'.


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Huntertown, IN
Kim how much hay would you be wanting?

Well I have had an awesome past 2 days for my birthday. After work last night I had one of my 4-H meetings then went to a friends house and had a few glasses of wine and just talked for a while and relaxed. Then went to another friends house and had a bon fire. Today we went to the zoo in the morning. Uncle Roger had to straighten all 3 boys out a few times but it was a blast with them and my friends and family. Then Me, Jessie, and Parker went to lunch at Red Robin. Parker was so funny the whole time we were there. He turns 2 on Sunday and is just the funniest kid. I came home and did chores then went and got my hair cut. Afterwards we went to a craft beer tasting with 100 different beers on tap but I didn't try them all. Now Mom is making some Steaks for a family dinner and then I am going out with some friends again tonight and probably finishing the night with another bon fire. I would say this has been an awesome relaxing 26th birthday party. Tomorrow is when I have to get back to work. I need to go get feed in the morning. Go get sand and sand box toys for Parker's new sand box another friend is getting him for his birthday. After i get home and do all that we need to unload 2 wagons of hay into the barn then go bale 2 or 3 fields. It should be a busy day but that's how I like them.

Have a good weekend everyone!!!


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Huntertown, IN
Well we got about 500 bales of hay baled up this weekend. My dad took this week off of work because he needed to use some time up. So he will be cutting some more fields and we will keep on going. The girls off at "summer camp" got 2 new friends that I am still not sure about. They are 2 yearling twin bulls that are not ready to go with the others so they are out in the field. They have plenty of space to stay away from each other but I just don't like the fact that they are still bulls and out running with my goats.

Well today was the day I have been dreading for a little while. Caliber and Cookie dough were separated today. The screaming wars have started. Those 2 never leave each others side but Cookie dough and Bonequiqui are on a diet and I didn't want to keep feeding Caliber outside of the pen. Jager also lost his girl friends because he will not leave them alone. Now Caliber and Jager will hopefully become friends. I am not sure who will be the dominate one because Caliber is a push over. If you remember Caliber was born in December and Jager was born in March. They are the same height though. But Caliber has a good 30 pounds on Jager. Jager is all legs and kind of narrow but as a buddy buck for Caliber, and I will let him breed a doe or 2 just to keep him occupied, he should be fine for now. Well this looks to be another busy week so let my tan continue because I am a little pasty.


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Huntertown, IN
Its funny my arms and face are looking pretty good but my legs are pretty pasty. I need to get working on them to match the rest of my body LOL.


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Huntertown, IN
Went over to my dads tonight to talk about what all we need to get done this week. We are baling up approximately 500 bales tomorrow, then another 300 Thursday. He is cutting more on Friday and we will either bale that Saturday or Sunday. This weekend is supposed to be in the 90's so I am not really looking forward to baling in that heat but that's the only time to bale. We ended up grinding 1 ton of feed and filling the feeder for the cattle. That only lasts a week but atleast it is done this week. Then got the hay rake hooked up again and greased it up. Worked on the tractor a bit then at 9 called it a night and had dinner.

I trimmed all 8 big does hooves tonight so I am glad I got that done. Freckles still has some work to go on her hooves. She is so darn hard to catch and hold to get them done but I am bound and determined to get them in shape so hopefully in a few weeks I can work on them again. If I knew how I would try grinding them. They are so stinking hard. I did make her bleed a little tonight but they need cut so bad, still I feel pretty bad for her because the only time I have been able to touch her has been to trim her hooves. She is warming up to us though and seems quite fond of the kids more then any adults. I have a feeling I might really end up liking this bull headed girl once I break her and she realizes I am a good person. We mowed and baled the field they are living in which more or less forces them to go into the wood. I hope they are smart enough to stay back there in the heat of the day. I must find some time this week to get the 8 kids hooves trimmed they need it badly. Well that's all for today.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I remember baling a small amount of hay when I was a teenager. I cannot imagine baling 300-500 a day for several days in a row. I'm exhausted just reading about your plans!

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