Critter Addict ♥

RPC said:ROUGH DAY!!! So the company I work for is really expanding. Instead of just serving oil, coolants, and floor cleaners to area businesses we are now shipping things to Canada, Mexico, China, and Australia. We just got a really big account in Nashville. I begged and pleaded to go with the sales man to see this new company. After lots of begging my step mom said I could go since it was work related and someone in the plant can cover my job. Its only for 2 days anyways so what can happen right????? Nothing has gone wrong at work as far as I know but my house is another story. My step dad decided today to go spray the field that the goats are not in with 2 4D to kill all the milk weeds since they are bad for the goats and I have asked him for a few years to do it. Well I am selling them all so its no big deal now. Well the gate got left open and 8 of them got out. When I got the call my mom said they ate a ton of milk weed and were getting sick. She called the vet out and he gave them all activated Charcoal to get the milk weed out. Then after the vet leaves my step dad says it is possible he left the gate open.....Oh and he just sprayed the field with 2 4D while my mom was at work.......So she called the vet back and he does not seem to hopeful. Cindy and Jager are only laying around. Hope, Faith, and Freckles are moving if my mom gets them up and around. Then Sky, Marsha, and Jan are only acting a little off she says. She thinks they did not make it out to the field till not long before she found them. Everything always happens when you have them sold and are out of town right before the fair. I don't get home till tomorrow evening so I am learning all this over the phone today. Luckily I have not gotten money from anyone. I just dont want to loose my goats by death instead of going to new homes. It is hard enough selling them I don't want them to die also. I will keep you posted as I know more but I told my mom if they are suffering to put them down that is better then them in pain. I already got an e-Mail that our fair is going down the crap shoot and now we might not have goats to show.
X2Roll farms said:![]()
I'm SO sorry!